When Xu San heard Lin Chen say this, he no longer concealed it, and said directly in front of Li Lizhen:

"Back to the village master, the brothers on patrol have found a lot of officers and soldiers at the foot of the mountain, and they are coming in the direction of our cottage!"


Chen's eyes flashed, the few people last time were really from the government, he Lin Chen had never found trouble with the government, but he didn't expect that these officials would hit him on the head!

"How many people are there?"

Xu San had never seen so many

officers and soldiers come to the cottage, so he hurriedly replied: "There are about 3,000 men and horses, all of them are well-armed, I'm afraid that the comers are not good

!" Lin Chen snorted coldly: "I must call him

to come and go!" "Bring the brothers! Let's meet these officers and soldiers

!" "Yes!"

The two were about to go out, but Li Lizhi said:


" Lin Chen turned his head, looked at Li Liqing, who seemed to have something to say, thinking that he was worried about himself, so he said with a smile:

"Don't worry, no one can hurt your husband, I'll go back!"

At this time, Li Lizhi in the room was like an ant on a hot pot, pacing back and forth anxiously.

When she heard that there were officers and soldiers coming, she faintly felt that Li Shimin had sent her to look for her.

Just now he was about to reveal his identity, but Lin Chen was in a hurry to go out.

This...... I don't know what's going on outside, I've seen Lin Chen's domineering power before, she doesn't worry about his safety, but because she doesn't have an identity, there is an unnecessary misunderstanding, and if she annoys her father at that time, I'm afraid that this cottage will not be peaceful.

Thinking of this, it is better to explain this matter to Lin Chen as soon as possible.

Li Lizhen made up her mind, and when Lin Chen came back, she would make her identity clear to him.

There were only a thousand people in the cottage, and although they were facing 3,000 officers and soldiers, their morale was still very high.

From the first day Lin Chen came here, he began to train the mountain people in this cottage, and unlike ordinary soldier training, Lin Chen mostly taught hand-to-hand combat techniques.

This is the reward that Lin Chen received from the system, and this kind of hand-to-hand combat technique is even more important, which can quickly subdue the enemy in a short period of time.

Especially for a mountain like Mount Qingcheng, the advantages of the terrain are even more obvious here.

As soon as Lin Chen and the others came halfway up the mountain, they saw a man with five big and three thick, wearing armor, standing on a tall horse.

The man watched Lin Chen walk in front of a group of bandits and knew that this was the leader.

shouted angrily:

"Yellow-haired child, dare to kidnap my princess of the Tang Dynasty, let the princess go quickly, otherwise my three thousand elite guards will definitely step on your cottage!".

This person is none other than Cheng Yanjin, who was ordered to rescue Princess Changle.

Wei Qian has already figured out that there are only about 1,000 people in this cottage, and his 3,000 elite guards are enough to level this cottage three times.

looked at Lin Chen and the group in front of him with contempt, as if he had seen the scene of kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy for a while.

Although the border of Datang is not stable, there has been no war for two years.

Naturally, there is no chance to go to the battlefield, and his hands are already itchy.

Now that he saw Lin Chen and the others, he naturally had the opportunity to practice his hands, how could he not be happy? Lin Chen

looked at the officers and soldiers who came here very arrogantly, and in order to invite merit, he was able to find such a shameless reason, and what princess did he say?

What princess? This hat is buttoned, it is simply ridiculous!

I couldn't help but sneer:


You shameless people, if you want to fight, you can come up and fight, and it's not too troublesome to find so many reasons!" Cheng

Yanjin saw that this leader was very happy, and it was exactly what he wanted, if he said this casually, these people would be arrested, and there would be no fighting.

At least I can have a good time now.

"Since you insist on going your own way, then don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless!"

said that it was too late and that time was fast, Cheng bit Jin and clamped the horse's belly, urged the horse forward, and attacked Lin Chen with a double-plate axe.

At this time, Lin Chen also gave an order, and everyone behind him also joined the battle together.

The two sides fought together in an instant. All of a sudden, the shouts of killing resounded throughout the mountains and forests.

And here, Cheng Biting Jin attacked with a plate axe, and shouted loudly:

"Eat me with an

axe!" The axe came straight towards Lin Chen's door with a gust of wind.

Lin Chen turned sideways and dodged the gold-biting plate axe.

Cheng Biting Jin was overjoyed, he didn't expect that this person's skills were not bad, and he was able to dodge at such a fast speed, which was also very skillful.

With a flick of his arm, the plate axe in his hand drew a silver light in the air, and turned around and came towards Lin Chen again.

Then how could Lin Chen give Cheng Yanjin another chance

at this time! At this time, I saw Lin Chen swing out a heavy punch. Straight towards the black

horse under Cheng Biting Jin's crotch!"Bang!" The

tall horse under Cheng Biting Jin's crotch fell to the ground in response, and after a wail, he couldn't stand anymore.

And this trip to bite the gold was naturally too late, and was taken to the ground by the dark horse in an instant.

looked at the high-headed horse who had followed him in the southern and northern wars, but now he fell to the ground and lost his breath, and he was even more angry:

"Boy, I'm going to kill you!"

I saw Cheng Biting Jin turn over and get up from the ground, and rushed over again with a plate axe.


the second sound sounded again, and the two warring sides paused. They all looked sideways at the scene that was happening here.

I saw that Cheng Biting Jin's plate axe was actually knocked away by Lin Chen's punch!

And the huge momentum even knocked Cheng Biting Jin to the ground.

As soon as it was dark, he fainted directly.

"What kind

of power is this?" "How could anyone have such terrifying strength?"

"Who is this person? This kind of power is simply against the sky!"

Seeing the movement of Lin Chen's punch, everyone was stunned.

Lin Chen looked at the scene in front of him and said very calmly:

"Your leaders have already been captured, if you resist again, you will be killed!"

Not to mention that their general has been captured, they can't defeat these

bandits! Obviously, they are the ones with excellent weapons, but they are still so powerless in the face of such bandits.

These bandits were extremely fast and accurate with every move, and they were even more caught off guard.

In a short time, it was obvious that there was some time to deal with it.

What's more, the most important thing is the terrifying strength of this leading Lin Chen.

It's simply not human power.

So under Lin Chen's deterrence, the Jingwei army was very obedient and threw down the weapons in their hands and surrendered.

Lin Chen looked at the officers and soldiers who were so cooperative, nodded with satisfaction, and said in a deep voice:

"Take these people to the cottage and wait for disposal!"

Those mountain people hurriedly received the order, and the group took the captured Jingwei army and went in the direction of the cottage.

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