There has never been so many people crowded out of the cottage at the same time, and it was lively for a while.

"Let go of me!you Diao people!

" "Dare to play yin, if you have the guts, you will fight with me for three hundred rounds!"


After waking up, Cheng Yanjin has been scolding, fighting with Lin Chen, he hasn't figured out what is going on, why did he faint.

After thinking about it, he still thought that he must have been plotted by this Lin Chen.

Who is he Cheng Biting Jin? He has fought with the Tang Dynasty Emperor Li Shimin in the southern and northern wars, and has made countless feats! Although he has been wounded sometimes, he has never lost a battle!

A pair of plate axes has made the enemy tremble and frightened, and as long as he reports his name as Cheng Biting Jin, the enemy will definitely be frightened.

Now that he was inexplicably defeated in the hands of this yellow-haired child, he was even more abducted by others, and he was even more annoyed when he looked at the rope tied to his body.

I've never been so aggrieved

! Thinking of this, his voice was even louder, and he said loudly:

"Do you know who I am!? Dare to make such a mistake!? I am the general of Zuo Wuwei! Quickly release me!" Lin

Chen listened to the mountain people who guarded Cheng Biting Jin, and Cheng Biting Jin had been scolding and scolding since he woke up, so he came to take a look.

I didn't expect to hear Cheng Yanjin say this as soon as I entered the door.

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows, stood in front

of Cheng Yanjin, and glanced up and down: "Are you Cheng Yanjin?" Cheng Yanjin saw that the leader was coming, and immediately cheered up

, raised his head and said: "

If it's fake, let me and the princess go! Otherwise, according to your current situation, you have violated the law of the country, and Your Majesty will definitely send troops to flatten your cottage! Let me go, and there is still room for maneuver!"

Lin Chen looked at the people shouting in front of him, five big and three thick, with a full beard, a black face, and a double axe.

Lin Chen snorted coldly:

"Even if you are Cheng Biting Jin, you shouldn't enter my mountains and forests, slander my cottage, and try to level here! I, Lin Chen, will never spare it!" "This Cheng Biting Jin

is remarkable

? It's quite rushing! Sample! How can Lao Tzu's territory be entered as soon as you say it? Even if the Emperor Lao Tzu comes, in my territory, then you must abide by the rules of my territory!"

As soon as Cheng Biting Jin heard this, he became angry in an instant, he was aggrieved enough, but he didn't expect that the self-reported family would still disdain

it! "You still dare to beat a rake?! Quickly return the princess!" Lin

Chen saw Cheng biting Jin's clamor of a princess, and he had a headache.

"Shut his mouth!" Lin

Chen gave an order, and his subordinates immediately stepped forward to block Cheng Jin's mouth tightly.

This time, Cheng Jin couldn't speak, he could only widen his eyes and whine with anger on his face.

"You broke into my cottage for no reason, intending to destroy it, and I, Lin Chen, am not a good person! "

Come on, bring people to the square, behead them at noon!" "

Yes!" The

group dragged Cheng Yanjin to the direction of the square, and Cheng Yanjin kept struggling along the way, but the rope on this body was too tight, and after struggling, there was no reaction.

In the end, he could only be dragged to the square in resignation.


Li Liqing, who was anxiously waiting for the news, kept pacing back and forth in the courtyard, she had already sent Xiaocui out to find out the news, and she hadn't seen anyone back yet, so she couldn't help but be a little anxious.

"Madam!Madam!" Li

Lizhi turned around and saw Xiaocui running quickly from a distance, panting sharply when she got closer:

"Madam...... Pry...... It's here.

Li Lizhi looked at Xiao Cui's panting appearance, although she was eager, but also said:

"Don't be in a hurry, talk slowly!" "

The owner of the village has returned, and those officers and soldiers have come back from our prisoners!" Xiao

Cui said very proudly, hearing Li Lizhi frown slightly, and always felt that something was going to happen.

Seeing that Li Lizhi was silent, the little cui eyebrows danced and said:

"We only have a thousand men, and even so, we will beat the more than 3,000 officers and soldiers and beg for mercy!" "

I heard that the owner of the village knocked the leader out with just one punch! Our owner of the village is majestic!"

Li Lizhi was slightly stunned, although she knew Lin Chen's strength, she didn't expect that this was just one punch to solve the battle.

It's just that when did this Qingcheng Mountain attract so many

officers and soldiers?" "Xiao Cui, do you know what the origin of those officers and soldiers is?"

Hearing Li Li's question, Xiao Cui didn't dare to hide it, and immediately told everything she knew.

"I don't know where it came from, when I came, I slandered our cottage, and said that we kidnapped the princess and wanted to level our cottage, which is really hateful!"

Pulling Xiao Cui and asking eagerly

, "You said these people are here for the princess?!"

Seeing that Li Lizhi was very excited, Xiao Cui thought that she had said something wrong, so she explained in a low voice:

"Yes! I heard that it was a deliberate reason to encircle and suppress the cottage, and the leader said that what kind of general ...... It seems to be surnamed Cheng!"

Li Li's eyes lit up, and now it has been confirmed, this is really the father sent someone to look for him.

The person who came should be Uncle Cheng, and Cheng is undoubtedly biting gold.

"Where are they?" Xiao

Cui's face was inexplicable, why was Li Lizhen so excited, and raised her hand and pointed in the direction of

the square: "The owner of the village has an order to kill and punish those who try to harm the cottage, and now he is preparing to be executed in the square."

As soon as Li Lizhi heard this, she secretly screamed that it was not good, and immediately lifted her skirt and ran in the direction of the square.

Leaving Xiao Cui alone, he stood in place, looked at the figure in the distance, and hurriedly followed:

"Madam, you wait for Xiao Cui!"

In the square, Cheng Yanjin was tied up in the field, waiting for the execution.

The surrounding mountain people even more bitterly condemned these officials, who had a good life, although they were bandits, but they had never done anything that hurt the heavens and reason.

Under the leadership of Lin Chen, the mountain people are farming in the mountains at sunrise. These officials still didn't let them go, they even ran to arbitrarily plant charges and wanted to exterminate the cottage, not to mention their village owners, even they didn't agree!


Execution!" "Execution!" "Execution

!" "Execution!"

One after another neat shouts resounded throughout the square, Cheng Yanjin looked at such a scene, his eyes were round, and he wanted to say something, but his mouth was still blocked, and he couldn't say a word.

I watched the noon gradually come.

Lin Chen waved his arm, and the field suddenly fell silent.

looked at Cheng Yanjin, who was tied up on the field, and signaled slightly, and his subordinates immediately loosened Cheng Yanjin's gaged mouth.

Lin Chen looked at

Cheng Biting Jin and said coldly: "Cheng Biting Jin, what else do you have to say?"

As soon as Cheng Biting Jin let go of his mouth, he immediately shouted:

"You group of thieves, you kidnapped the princess, and you still dare to do this to me!

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