Cheng Yanjin held the holy decree in his hand at this time, and returned to the mansion in a leisurely manner.

I didn't know what was going on, and I was given such a will.

I couldn't help muttering:

"Isn't this edict always going to civilian officials! How can this let me let a military general go?"

Although he has been supplementing his writing and ink for the past two years and has read a lot of books, he knows him by the words, and he does not know the words in the book.

It is also said that he is blind, his own eloquence, can go to the will

of the will? think about the cottage, but let him be ashamed.

As a general who led his troops into battle, one day he suddenly lost a battle on the battlefield.

It is not terrible to lose a battle, but what is terrible is that the commander who led the troops was solved by someone else!

This is the most humiliating thing.

I was tied to the cottage last time, if Princess Changle hadn't come in time, I'm afraid I would have ended up in the cottage.

If this is the case, if he is planted in the hands of bandits, then the history books of later generations will not write him as a wreck

?! On the other hand, Lin Chen's ability is indeed very strong, which is the strongest among the opponents he has encountered.

Let him go to the cottage to spread the message, this pressure is really enough for him to drink a pot.

Although I don't really want to go, but this is a holy decree, and I can't resist the decree

? The housekeeper on the side, seeing Cheng Yanjin so low his eyebrows and tightening, couldn't help but have some questions:

"Master, is there anything wrong with this decree of someone being an official? Isn't this something that should be happy about?"

Before their lord returned home, many people wanted to give gifts and came in.

After this inquiry, I found out that the old man had taken an errand to deliver a message.

Looking at his master's bitter and hateful look, the housekeeper was very puzzled.

Whoever is an official is happy, especially the person who delivers the decree, and it is a good time to make friends.

Watching the steward of the Changsun Mansion busy every time, he received the officials who visited the DPRK and China. When he saw them, the people in the mansion were even more full of martial arts.

In the final analysis, it's not that there are many people who pass on their decrees, and there are also many officials who have made friends, and there is one thing that can be taken care of. Unlike their master, he was always scolded by His Majesty when something happened.

Hearing the housekeeper's reminder, Cheng Yanjin hurriedly reacted.

"Yes, you should

be happy!" He went to canonize him, not to fight, what could he be ashamed of?

Besides, maybe this Lin Chen knew that he was an official, and when he was happy, maybe he could let him see the new good things!

After all, the glass shop in Chang'an City, as well as this sweet potato, were all created by Lin Chen.

Thinking about it, there must be a lot of good things in that cottage.

Cheng Yanjin, who figured this out, was very happy.

He was no longer entangled, and hurriedly took the two attendants who accompanied him to the cottage non-stop.


After a war, except for those who were wounded and needed to recover, the rest of the mountain people began to work hard.

At this time the people were in the field, watching the plough being pulled by oxen to plough the field.

His eyes were full of excitement.


, the owner of the village is really a god!" "Isn't it, you see, we still need to take more than a month and a half to cultivate before, but now with this zigzag plough made by the owner of the village, the cultivation time has been shortened to half

!" "I can plough a lot of land on this day!"


The two farmers stood on the ridge field and talked eloquently, and they were full of praise for their village owner.

Seeing Lin Chen coming from afar, he hurriedly greeted: "Hello village owner!" Today Lin Chen

came to see the cultivated land, looking at the sky, it was almost time for the rain, and the crops were planted at this time, and the land was muddy after the rain, and the cattle could not enter the ground.

When I first arrived, I was thinking about how to prepare more plows for ploughing, and I was always thinking about where to get some cattle.

It's just that scalpers are really scarce in Datang, and sometimes even if you have money, you may not be able to buy them.

I didn't expect to get so many scalpers in the royal manor later.

These are much more useful than the gold and silver jewels. After all, people take food as their sky, and in the final analysis, it is still the biggest eat.

With these ploughing oxen, and recently I finally made this plow, it is much more efficient to cooperate.

Compared with the previous plough, the curved plow has several major improvements. First of all, the straight wheel, the long wheel is changed to the curved wheel, the short wheel, and the plow disc that can rotate freely is installed at the head of the wheel, so that not only the plow frame becomes smaller and lighter, but also is convenient to turn around and turn, the operation is flexible, and the manpower and livestock are saved.

Not only that, Lin Chen also transformed this quyuan plow again, and changed this plow into a number of curved plow combinations.

Pulled by three or four oxen, the time for cultivation is greatly reduced.

Seeing that the speed of cultivation was very fast, Lin Chen was very satisfied.

"The owner of the village, this method of yours is really wonderful

!" "It's the owner of the village, you see, we are one acre of land back and forth like this, and we can complete the cultivation of the land today!" The

eyes of the two farmers were extremely respectful, and their hearts were also happy.

Since the arrival of their village master, everything about them has changed drastically.

Moreover, this Turkic attack, the owner of the village intercepted the Turkic army to protect the safety of the cottage people.


that the number of people in the cottage has increased, the land has naturally doubled.

Without this plough, and with a little bit of manpower to loosen the soil, these fields would not know what to do.

Lin Chen saw that the plow had turned back, and the acre of land was almost finished, so he also nodded:

"These save time, it just so happens that I see that the mountain behind this has been almost planted." After this rain, go to the bottom of the mountain to reclaim some wasteland for farming!" After this

drought, he knew the importance of grain in ancient times, and saved enough food for emergencies.

The two farmers did not suspect that he hurriedly received the order and said

, "Yes!" At this moment, Xu San hurried over and hurriedly reported

: "The owner of the village! A person at the door who claims to be the Duke of Lu Guogong of the Tang Dynasty asks to see him!"

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows slightly: "Oh

?" "Cheng Biting Jin? What is he doing here?"

I remember that I tied up someone because of a misunderstanding a year ago, and the two didn't have much communication other than that.

At this time, he suddenly came to be afraid that something was wrong.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen waved his hand and said

, "Let's take someone

to the council hall!" By the time Lin Chen made a round around and returned to the council hall, Cheng Yanjin had been waiting for a while.

Although I drank a lot of tea, I didn't have any complaints.

This time, it is already very comfortable to be able to sit here peacefully and drink tea.

As soon as Lin Chen entered the door, he saw Cheng Yanjin greet him with a happy face, and said aloud with a smile:

"Lord Lin Zhai is very happy!"


[Thank you for my sweet climbing invitation gift, thank you for the super perverted and spicy praise gift, thank you for my praise gift, thank you for the snow reminder gift, thank you for the wandering climbing invitation gift.] Thank you all and have a great weekend!].

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