Lin Chen was surprised: "Why do you say that you are happy

?" Cheng Yanjin shouted with a smile: "Lord Lin Zhai, this is a great joyous thing, how can there be no wine and meat?"

Drunken Immortal Ju is so popular in Chang'an City, he has also tasted the dishes there.

It's a must!

However, the price is so high, how can I have that idea?

That's why I've only been there once.

But the taste of that taste still haunts him to this day.

And this time there is official business, this Lin Chen is the shopkeeper of the Drunken Immortal Residence, this is the main master, and his food will definitely taste good.

Thinking that he could still rely on this errand to beg for a meal today, Cheng Yanjin couldn't stop being happy!

Lin Chen turned his head to look at the sky outside the house, and it was almost noon at this time.

The visitors in this village, besides, are elders, so they naturally want to entertain them well.

Then he waved his hand and said

, "Come on, serve wine, serve food!" Near

noon, the kitchen had already begun to prepare meals, and now that the guests came, they naturally added two dishes.

After a short time, the prepared dishes were served, and soon a table full of dishes was served.

Cheng Yanjin was naturally very calm, he didn't come up with this dish, and he didn't mention what he came to do today.

However, Lin Chen's face was full of joy when he looked at Cheng Biting Gold, which must not be a bad thing.

Anyway, it's okay today, it's good to have someone come to drink, drink, eat meat.

Cheng Yanjin saw that the dishes had already been served, so he was not polite, and without waiting for Lin Chen to let the dishes, he started eating and drinking first.

However, Lin Chen didn't care about this, but

smiled and said, "General Cheng, please feel free!"

That Cheng bit Jin's mouth and kept eating, the food in his mouth had not yet been swallowed, and he muttered in agreement:

"That...... The old man ...... You're welcome!"

As he spoke, he kept sandwiching two large pieces of meat in his hand and putting them in his mouth.

Lin Chen shook his head secretly, the corners of his mouth hooked into a smile, and he said in his heart:

"It seems that Cheng Biting Jin in this history book is really recorded truthfully!"

I couldn't stop admiring:

"This meat is so

delicious!" "And this scrambled egg, it's delicious

!" "Well, this

one is delicious!" "This one is also good!"

"Hmm...... Good

wine, good wine!" "......

poured himself and drank it with two sips of wine

, and it was so comfortable! Cheng Biting Jin ate for a while, and when he looked up, he found that Lin Chen didn't seem to have the intention of eating two bites, so he opened his mouth and shouted:

"You eat!"

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows, this Cheng Biting Jin was mainly anti-guest!

Immediately, he also smiled faintly, picked up the chopsticks and took a bite and began to eat.

Cheng Yanjin seemed to feel that he was not very good just eating, so while eating, he opened his mouth and chatted:

"Master Lin Zhai! When I came last time, this cottage was not

like this!" "It's only been a long time, and it has already developed like this!"

Thinking of what he saw and heard all the way here, if it weren't for Qingcheng Mountain being here, he really suspected that he had gone to the wrong place.

I only heard that Cheng Biting Jin and continued:

"Especially your mountain gate, I was stunned to find the entrance after two turns. "

This is too big

!" "And the technique of this mechanism is exquisite, I have never seen such a delicate mechanism after so many years of marching and fighting

!" "No wonder this Turkic barbarian can't attack it!"

He came in and found that this cottage has a total of three layers of protection, and these three layers have mechanisms.

When I came to this cottage, I finally saw why this Turkic Great Khan, Ashina Jieli personally led 50,000 Turkic men and horses, why he couldn't attack it.

It would be strange if they could get in on the fortifications of this cottage!

Thinking of this, they couldn't stop praising it.

Lin Chen smiled, now he is famous.

In the past two days, the people of Jingyang City have been rushing over one after another, some of them are thanking for gifts, some are coming to take refuge, and the most strange thing is that I don't know who found the painter and painted his own appearance.

That painting is now even more expensive.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen couldn't help but regret a little, why didn't he think of this business first?

Seeing that Cheng Yanjin had almost eaten, he opened his mouth and asked

, "What is the great joy that General Cheng said?"

Hearing this, the chopsticks that Cheng Yanjin had just picked up were put down again, and he slapped his head and woke up:

" Oh, you see, I have forgotten the matter of the holy decree, and it is the first time for me to pass the decree, this process is not very familiar, forgive me!"

Then Cheng Yanjin took the holy decree from the attendant on the side, and said loudly with a straight face:

"This time, Your Majesty knows that the lord of Lin Zhai killed Jieli and fled the Turkic barbarians, and then saved the righteousness of tens of thousands of people.

"In addition, the sweet potatoes developed by the owner of the village before, it is even more benevolent and righteous to His Majesty to help the victims. "

The lord of the forest village is so righteous and has contributed to the actions of the imperial court, His Majesty specially issued a decree to make the lord of the forest village the marquis of the forest, enjoy the position of marquis, and enter the court to participate in politics!"

Speaking of this, Cheng Yanjin couldn't help but have a look of appreciation in his eyes.

This time the Turkic barbarian army attacked, and this Lin Chen relied on himself and this cottage protection to defeat the Turkic army.

Such a young and heroic person is a rare general

! He naturally respects such a good talent very much!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help

but congratulate him: "But I want to congratulate the master of the forest village!"

As he spoke, he picked up the chicken leg on the plate and ate it.

Lin Chen was stunned for a moment, this is to be an official for himself?!Cheng Yanjin looked at Lin Chen stunned in place, and his heart was happy, really, who is unhappy to be an official

!?" "The lord of Lin Zhai is overjoyed

, this is the first one!" Upon hearing this, Lin Chen waved his hand disapprovingly and said

, "What should I do? That is, this marquis is just what is rare?! It's not as good as a bandit!"

Cheng Biting King Kong picked up the cup and didn't drink it, but he was shocked when he heard this.

looked at Lin Chen in a daze, and said incredulously:

"I'm afraid you kid doesn't know that this is the position of a marquis! How many people want to be a marquis

!" only to hear Lin Chen say disdainfully: "But a little marquis is a fart, and he has to go to the court every day to listen to the government, whoever wants to be who is in charge!"

Cheng bit Jin and didn't take a sip of wine before he could swallow it, and the attendant on the side happened to be beside him, and he was sprayed all over his face, and he was helpless.

"Lin Chen, this is a marquis! But it's three hundred stones! But a big official!" "It's the first time he's heard that there are still people who have an improper official?

Not to mention such a big official position! Isn't this Lin Chen crazy?

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