Chang'an City Eternal Life Palace

: "Your Majesty, you asked the minister to secretly investigate the properties in Chang'an City, and now the minister has investigated it clearly, behind these industries, the officials of the DPRK and China have indeed intervened a lot. "

Wei Chi Jingde respectfully, in the main hall to report the information recently found.

Li Shimin pondered for a moment before saying

, "Recently, the industries in various parts of Chang'an City have really flourished a lot. Register all these participating officials clearly, sort them out, and hand them over!" The

Tang Dynasty clearly stipulated that the hundred officials of the DPRK and China were not allowed to privately operate these private properties, but with the prosperity of the various industries in the past two years, the officials of the DPRK and the Central Committee also secretly intervened in it.

Li Shimin already knew about this, but he just turned a blind eye. However, this does not mean that it is ignored.

As an emperor, it is natural to have everything under control, and when necessary, it is an excellent weapon for himself, maybe this is also the art of the emperor!

And if you want to find out who is involved behind this industry, you must find someone who is not very close to the officials of the DPRK and China.

Thinking about it, it is the most suitable Wei Chi Jingde, who does not leave anyone under his mouth.

Because this mouth offended the Manchu Dynasty, and no one gave face, he was the best candidate.

Now that this matter has been clarified, let's sort out the list for later use.

Wei Chi Jingde heard Li Shimin's will, and hurriedly claimed that it was, and when he was about to say something more, he was suddenly interrupted by the sound of an order outside the hall.

"Your Majesty! General Cheng Biting Jin asks to see you!" Before

Li Shimin could branch out of the lieutenant Chi Jingde, he saw Cheng Biting Jin striding in.

When he saw Li Er, he saluted directly:

"Minister, see Your Majesty!"

At this time, Li Shimin and Wei Chi Jingde in the main hall looked at Cheng Yanjin in disheveled clothes and embarrassed.

Li Shimin looked hesitantly outside the hall, and then asked,

"Zhijie...... Can this trip go smoothly?"

Hearing this, Cheng Yanjin was even more aggrieved:

"Your Majesty! The ministers are incompetent, there are elite soldiers in the cottage to defend, and the bandit leader Lin Chen is even more powerful, and the ministers can't fight the enemy, and now there are only two thousand of the three thousand elite guards left......!

Li Er's face was cloudy, what kind of person is this Cheng Biting Jin! But the general who has been fighting with him in the Quartet all the year round, will he not know his ability? Just a thief can defeat him?

Cheng Biting Jin did not dare to hide it, so he told everything that happened in the cottage.

In the middle, he naturally hid the fact that he was captured by Lin Chen, after all, this matter is not a glorious thing.

Li Shimin was even more annoyed and slammed the table:

"How can this be reasonable, this arrogant bandit actually dares to rob my princess of the Tang Dynasty!"

If what Cheng Cheng said was true, I am afraid that this Lin Chen would also be difficult to deal with.

This Li Li's quality fell into his hands, and he was also at the mercy of others, and what he said was naturally not his intention.

At this time, Wei Chi Jingde still didn't understand what was going on.

Looking at the extremely embarrassed Cheng Biting Jin, he even opened his mouth and sneered:

"Cheng Laohei, where are you going to suppress bandits, I'm afraid you will be suppressed by bandits

!" "There are only 1,000 people in people, but you have dispatched 3,000 elite guards, and you can't take it down, I'm afraid that after a long time on the battlefield, you don't know how to fight!"

Cheng Biting Jin, who was already holding back his anger, was even more annoyed when he heard Yu

Chi Jingde laugh at him so much, and directly call him by his nickname!"You are a coarse man who has never fought against Lin Chen, so naturally you don't understand the stakes involved, what's the use of just bragging here?!"

Yu Chi Jingde even smiled and said:

"Cheng Laohei, don't be unconvinced, the old man is naturally tough and invincible, what is the fear of this Lin Chen is just a bandit?!".

Cheng Biting Jin was annoyed instantly, he hated being called a sunspot the most in his life, this name was a vulgar person when he heard it, he Cheng Biting Jin had fought countless battles in his life and made countless achievements.

However, I can't get through the literature and ink, and I have invited several teaching gentlemen. But this Wenmo still has to be talented, but he is the one who has no talent.

For this reason, he was ridiculed several times, and later spent a lot of money to find someone to give himself an elegant name "Zhijie" to strengthen the façade.

As the saying goes, hitting someone doesn't slap you in the face, and exposing people doesn't expose your shortcomings.

Now even His Majesty knows to call him Cheng Zhijie, but this Wei Chi Jingde actually called himself a sunspot several times.

is even more sarcastic that he is old and useless, where can he bear this.

Cheng Biting Jin angrily pointed at Yu Chi Jingde's nose and scolded:

"You are a big old man, full of big words! You are so good! Don't blame me for not reminding you, don't come back crying when the time comes, I can look down on you

!" "Hey! You sunspot!"

"Okay! Don't make any noise!".

Seeing that the two of them were about to tear apart, Li Shimin shouted angrily, instantly suppressing the quarrel between the two.

This Li Lizhen's escape from marriage was originally a bit disgraceful.

Before, the eldest grandson Wuji came to determine the marriage date, racked his brains and found an excuse to prevaricate.

But this one has just been dealt with, but what I didn't expect was news like Li Lizhen.

Regardless of whether Li Lizhen really wants to commit herself to this bandit, she must personally go and bring Li Lizhen back!

The princess of the Tang Dynasty cannot fall into the hands of the bandits no matter what.

If this spreads, will the face of the Tang royal family be distributed!?

Li Shimin's face was shocked, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

With a wave of his big hand, he directly ordered:

"Spread my will, and order Zuo Wuhou General Wei Chi Jingde to order 5,000 Praetorian Guards, and follow me to level Qingcheng Mountain one day later!"

The suppression of bandits on a hill should not be done by His Majesty himself.

However, Li Shimin insisted on going. All the ministers of the DPRK and China felt that this matter was quite strange, why were these bandits able to alarm the emperor and his own conquest?

They all began to inquire about the news, but Li Er made a decree, and everyone was tight-lipped, and no news leaked out.

Everyone turned their attention to Cheng Yanjin, who had gone to Qingcheng Mountain to suppress bandits.

However, this Cheng Biting Jin was condemned by His Majesty because of his ineffective suppression of bandits, and now he is reflecting in the house, and no one is seen.

Everyone couldn't see it, and they speculated a few times. But none of them have accurate sources.

This time back and forth, everyone is even more curious. They all paid attention to Qingcheng Mountain.

Everyone was very curious, what is so special about this bandit on Qingcheng Mountain?

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