After the cottage harvested the tomatoes, it began to cultivate.

Now the fields are starting to grow late sweet potatoes.

Li Li watched curiously as Lin Chen cut off a sweet potato branch and leaf, and then inserted it into the ground.

Puzzled, she asked, "Husband, can new sweet potatoes grow in this way?"

She had never seen such a crop grown.

Lin Chen smiled faintly and said, "Of course you can, the branches and leaves of this sweet potato are very special, and each one can grow into a tree alone." Just bury them in the soil and water them properly.

Li Li's eyes flashed, and she was very surprised: "Really

......! Wouldn't it be possible to use these branches and leaves all the time to plant the entire mountain!?"

Lin Chen naturally looked at Li Lizhi with amusement, and replied with a smile: "Naturally, no, first of all, the branches and leaves of this sweet potato can't be pinched too much, otherwise the sweet potatoes under it will be small."

"Also, these sweet potatoes are only useful if they are cut in the right season. Otherwise, it won't bear fruit

!" Li Lizhi nodded suddenly with realization: "That's it!"

After thinking for a while, he was even more happy and said: "There is still so much knowledge in this kind of place!

This kind of praise came out of Li Li's gentle whispers, and it was extremely beautiful.

Looking at Li Lizhen looking at him with admiration, Lin Chen couldn't help but hook his lips and smile. In the past few days, Li Lizhi has followed him step by step, but she has learned a lot of things, from the cold and indifferent at the beginning, to now she is also gentle and lovely, and it is not bad to spend time in this small cottage in the future.

Li Lizhi is even more curious about everything, and her studious personality learns everything quickly, plus Lin Chen teaches her by hand, and she has a quick grasp of farming in the cottage.

In the past two days, Li Lizhi has become obsessed with cooking again, and in view of the fact that Lin Chen is so good to himself that he can't repay him, he wants to do his best to take care of Lin Chen's diet and daily life.

So he went to the kitchen, and invited Lin Chen out, and after some tossing, Li Lizhi finally walked out with a plate.

Lin Chen looked at the black ash on his wife's face, and the hem of his skirt was also stained with a lot of dust.

He was even more cautious with a white porcelain bowl and came towards him step by step.

When he got closer, he put the bowl on the table and said expectantly

, "Husband, try it, this is the fish soup I learned from Aunt Li yesterday." I've been cooking for a long time!" Lin

Chen stretched out his hand to wipe the dust on Li Liqing's face, and said with a smile: "I'm afraid the little flower cat is like this

!" Li Lizhi wiped his face embarrassedly, and hurriedly recommended: "Husband, hurry up and taste it, it's not delicious!"

Lin Chen looked at the bowl of fish soup that didn't have any appearance, and guessed that it would not taste good.

But looking at Li Lizhen's expectant eyes, she could only reluctantly take the spoon, take a spoonful and put it in her mouth.

This tastes too salty

, isn't it! Li Lizhi looked at Lin Chen's expression and immediately asked, "Husband, isn't it delicious?!" In Li Liqing's

expectation, Lin Chen finally shook his head and said lightly: "Lady, let Aunt Li make this rice!"

Looking at the disappointed look on Li Lizhi's face, Lin Chen was about to say something of comfort, but he didn't expect that this Li Lizhi seemed to suddenly think of something.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he said loudly: "Husband, I will definitely make delicious dishes and take care of my husband's daily life!"

After speaking, he quickly got up and rushed out.


Looking at Li Liqing, who rushed out, Lin Chen couldn't help but laugh.

Unexpectedly, this Li Lizhi is really not a whim, and she really has a role to play in cooking.

He even went to the kitchen all day and night to learn cooking skills from Aunt Li.

But this cooking skill is originally some talent in it, no matter how Aunt Li teaches it, the taste of this Li Li's quality is still unsatisfactory.

There was no way, so Aunt Li invited all the cooks who were proficient in cooking in the entire cottage to give Li Lizhen surprise training.

After a few days of making up for it, I finally made the meal barely palatable.


The matter of the refined salt refining plant, which had begun to be prepared before, was delayed for some time because of the arrival of Cheng Yanjin, and now it is also free.

Under Lin Chen's guidance, the mountain people in the village began to take action.

There are a lot of sturdy timber in the back mountain, and Li Laosi suggested that the wood in the back mountain should be cut down, but Lin Chen objected.

"The trees in the back mountain are conducive to soil fixation, and if you cut down too much, once a mudslide occurs, it will be a little dangerous for the cottage!" Several

people glanced at each other, all of them were full of questions, and Li Laosi scratched his head and asked:

"The owner of the village! Although I am a rough person, I know a little about the things on the mountain, but what is this mudslide? I have never heard of it?"

Lin Chen looked at everyone's questioning eyes, and knew that this ancient population was sparse now, and the various natural resources used were relatively rich, so it was naturally impossible to see this.

However, with the development of the cottage, more wood is needed, and it is definitely not possible to cut it down by just staring at one place!

"The so-called mudslide refers to a special torrent of landslides caused by heavy rain, heavy snow or other natural disasters in mountainous areas or other ravines with steep terrain and carrying a large amount of sediment and stones.

"The moment these torrents occur, they can destroy the houses and houses, and the lives of them are not guaranteed. Without the grip of the trees, the soil on this mountain will be loose, and these things will easily occur!"

Hearing Lin Chen's words, everyone suddenly realized.

Li Laosi admired with a face: "The owner of the village is the owner of the village, it turns out that there are still so many problems in this!" "

Of course, this is the owner of the village, you are a coarse man, can you understand if you don't know a few big characters?" Wang Mazi couldn't help laughing.

Li Laosi was a little unhappy when he heard this: "Why don't you understand, the owner of the village said it so clearly, I don't know what's wrong with big characters, what I said will be the same for

you!" Wang Mazi was also not far behind, and hurriedly retorted: "Anyway, it's better than you!" Li

Laosi, the big old man, drank his treasured osmanthus brew two days ago, and now he doesn't like it anywhere.


!" Seeing the two arguing, Lin Chen only smiled faintly: "Okay, let's start working!" Find wood from nearby hills, and cut less on each hill

!" As soon as Lin Chen spoke, the two immediately put away their laughter and hurriedly responded: "Yes!"

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