Li Lizhi on the side looked at Lin Chen and did not explain, but began to appreciate these beauties, and suddenly her beautiful eyes glanced at him fiercely.

Just turned his head and didn't pay attention to Lin Chen anymore.

And here, under the guidance of Xu San, those beauties began to introduce themselves one by one.

A delicate figure, to the point that it doesn't seem to be an ordinary person's house.

At the end of the introduction, Xu San opened his mouth to report:

"The owner of the village, the embroidery tailor you want is here."

"There are a few follow-up people, farther away, and they will probably arrive at the cottage tomorrow!" Hearing

this, Lin Chen nodded, indicating that he was clear.

And Li Lizhi on the side was stunned.

After reacting for a long time, he immediately turned his head to look at it, and asked in disbelief

: "Husband, these are actually the embroiderers and tailors that the husband found

?" Lin Chen looked at Li Liqing's surprised appearance, and couldn't help but ask funny:

"Otherwise, what do you think?"

Then Li Lizhi blurted out without thinking about it:

"The slave family thinks it's ......

". Halfway through the words, I remembered something in an instant.

The little face suddenly turned red, and he couldn't help but secretly say in his heart

: "I thought that the second lady you found was ......

" Knowing that he had misunderstood Lin Chen just now, he also smiled embarrassedly, and then thought of what Lin Chen said just now, his eyes instantly lit up, and he said loudly:

"What the husband said is not to make these cloths into clothes, right?"

Lin Chen stretched out his fingers, scratched Li Li's goose-fat nose, and praised with a smile:

"The lady is really smart

!" "That's exactly what the husband intended!"

Li Lizhi smiled softly, and saw that several embroiderers in the room were envious.

Before they came, they knew that they were working for the lord of the forest.

They knew the name of Lin Chen, and the village of some of them was slaughtered by the Turkic barbarians before, and it was this Lin Zhai Lord who led his iron cavalry to protect the village, and even cut those Turkic barbarians under the sword.

Such a heroic young man, these daughters' families have already secretly agreed.

This time, they were able to come to the side of the master of Lin Zhai to work, and they were all happy for a long time.

Now I see that the master of the forest village is still so young and handsome, and the deer in my heart is running around.

Although they were so excited in their hearts, they still knew the etiquette rules that should be there, and at this time they secretly looked at it, and saw the two of them, the owner of the forest village and his wife, Qin Se and Ming.

is so affectionate, but I really envy others.

Lin Chen didn't care about the inadvertent handful of dog food, but began to explain to Li Liqing:

"Now, in the Tang Dynasty, there are mostly businesses such as cloth. If you want to wear clothes, you have to go to the cloth shop to buy cloth, and then find a tailor to tailor-made, the style of these clothes is naturally the same, without any characteristics

!" "And what we have to do is that what we sell is ready-to-wear!"

"What we want to sell is ready-to-wear! The style of this ready-to-wear can naturally be transformed and innovated, and it is no longer confined to one style.

Hearing this, Li Lizhen's eyes lit up for such a novel idea.

This practice of selling ready-to-wear is indeed a precedent

, but how can this ready-to-wear garment be made to ensure that it can be worn? Thinking of this, she couldn't help but be a little puzzled:

"Husband, although this ready-to-wear is good, but this person is tall, short, fat and thin, and his body is different, how can this ensure that everyone can wear it when they buy it?"

Lin Chen smiled confidently and said,

"This husband has naturally been considered for a long time!"

Although this person is tall, short, fat and thin, he is roughly divided into several categories. We make several sets of clothes according to categories, so that we can make sure that they can be passed on!"

"Of course, these are only for ordinary people's homes. As for the wealthy businessmen and magnates, there is a special display area for clothes.

"If you like it, you can customize it directly." When the time comes, it will be customized according to the size!" Hearing

this, Li Lizhi couldn't help but have a brighter light in her eyes.

In Datang, if you want to buy a piece of clothing, you can only buy cloth first, and then hand it over to a tailor to customize, which is even more cumbersome.

And it's extremely time-consuming.

It takes almost half a month to make a piece of clothing, even if it is urgent.

It's been a long time since I finally put it on my body.

Therefore, most of these rich families will start to make clothes for everyone in the family a few months in advance, in case they can't make them in a hurry.

And now with Lin Chen's idea, everyone can buy clothes in the future, and they can buy and wear them as they go.

No more waiting times like this.

Thinking of this, Li Lizhen couldn't help but have a look of admiration in her eyes, looked at Lin Chen on the side, and said loudly:

"Why is the husband so powerful, how can he do anything!"

Lin Chen couldn't help but laugh when he looked at Li Lizhen and praised himself with a look of adoration.

At this time, he turned his head to look at these embroiderers and said:

"I don't know much about the cutting and embroidery of these clothes, but there are a lot of clothes styles here, you can take a look first and try to see if you can make them." As

he spoke, he went to the table and took out the drawings that had already been drawn.

After the embroiderers took the drawings, they looked at the clothes on the drawings with a surprised expression.

What kind of clothes are these?

They had never seen such beautiful clothes.

As tailors, they also didn't know that these clothes could be made so delicately and beautifully.

These drawings are the dresses that Lin Chen has drawn in the past two days that are sought after by everyone in modern times.

There are two types of dresses: evening dresses and morning dresses. There are formal and semi-formal divisions. It is characterized by gorgeous, elegant and aesthetic.

Traditional evening dresses are worn at banquets, balls, plays, concerts and other occasions

, focusing on the design of the chest, waist and shoulders.

The volume is exaggerated, the dress fabric is exquisite and high-end

, the workmanship is complex and exquisite, and the colors are gorgeous and bright. The design of modern dresses has a variety of personalities

, and there are many breakthroughs in the pursuit of novelty in materials and styles, which are creative dresses. Gradually simplified and casualized.

Lin Chen has already planned for a long time, since this ready-to-wear business is to be done, there must be a big publicity.

And the queen's birthday banquet after half a moon is naturally a very suitable opportunity.

His first service was the evening dress.

This night's dress is naturally driven by celebrities, and the most suitable model candidates are naturally their own lady and mother-in-law!

When the time comes, the eldest grandson Wujian and Li Lizhen will appear in the evening dress customized by Lin Chen, and they will definitely be able to make a splash.

With the endorsement of the most noble woman in the world, this ready-to-wear business is naturally stable!


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