In Chang'an

City, Li Tai finally hurried and rushed to Chang'an City five days before the birthday banquet of the eldest grandson.

Before he arrived in Chang'an City, he had already received the news and knew that his brother, the crown prince Li Chengqian, had actually arrived in Chang'an City one step ahead of him.

This made him extremely anxious, and several horses were tired along the way, so he hurried back.

At this time, at the gate of the city, looking at Chang'an City, which I hadn't seen for a long time, I felt a lot of emotion in my heart.

The first thing he did when he returned to Chang'an City was to go to the palace to report to Li Shimin.

So naturally, he couldn't delay for a moment and rode a fast horse to the palace gate.

I saw Li Tai, holding the token given by Li Shimin himself, and entered the palace all the way unimpeded.

At that time, Li Shimin was correcting the folds, and suddenly heard the chamberlain come to report:

"Your Majesty, the fourth prince is back!"

Hearing this, Li Shimin's face immediately rejoiced.

Hurriedly opened his mouth and ordered: "Hurry up and let people in!"

Li Shimin really hadn't seen himself for a while. The fourth son.

Since I went to Yongzhou City. Li Tai was stationed in Yongzhou City. The mountains here are high and the road is far away, and it is really difficult to see each other.

Even if there are letters, they can't see anyone after all.

I had already thought about calling people back.

But as an emperor, this son is favored and favored, but the ability and ability to learn are not missing at all.

So since he took the initiative to come and want to go, when he was stationed at the border gate, he did not stop him.

However, as a father, he naturally loves his son and arranges Li Tai in Yongzhou City, which is much more stable than Youzhou City at the border.

This time it was recalled because of this large-scale Turkic invasion. Not to mention the loss of soldiers, he also folded his own Great Khan here.

For the Turks who have been harassing the border passes, this time, it has dealt them a heavy blow.

These Turks did not have their own Great Khan, and there were not a few power struggles for a short time.

The border can be stable for at least another five years, and it will not be a problem.

At this time, if you recall this son of yours, there will naturally be no problem.

While Li Shimin was thinking, the fourth prince Li Tai had already entered the main hall.

saluted respectfully to Li Shimin.

"Sons, see father!" Li

Shimin on the side. With a happy look on his face, he hurriedly got up and stepped forward, holding Li Tai's arms with both hands.

After looking at it, he couldn't stop praising it: "Yes, yes, I have grown a lot taller and stronger in the past two years."

Li Tai heard his father's praise like this, and the smile on his face did not stop.

Then the two handed over various matters in Yongzhou City.

This pair of father and son, who have not seen each other for a long time, after a period of greetings.

Li Shimin also thought about it, and said to Li Tai with a smile:

"Your imperial brother also came back yesterday, and your queen mother will definitely be very happy when she hears it." "

I'll let the imperial dining room prepare early, and I'll have dinner in the palace tonight."

Li Tai was naturally surprised by Li Chengqian's news, because he had already learned the news of Li Chengqian's return halfway, so he hurried back, but he didn't expect to be one section behind.

But he only thought that Li Chengqian did not go to Qingcheng Mountain, so he put his mind at ease.

Today's dinner for His Majesty the Father, His Majesty, can be regarded as a dust wash for them, so naturally there is no disobedience.

So he hurriedly arched his hand and said, "Yes!"

The palace where the eldest grandson Wujian is located is very close to the Xuanzheng Palace, and after Li Shimin finished handling official business, he came directly to the queen's palace.

Also coming were the crown prince Li Chengqian and the king of Yue, Li Tai.

The eldest grandson is also innocent, and he has not seen his two sons for a long time.

His face was also excited, but the queen's demeanor made him slightly restrained.

Li Chengqian and Li Tai hurriedly saluted their mother.

Seeing his two sons getting more and more promising, as a mother, how could he not be happy.

Hurriedly beckoned them to sit down.

Li Shimin looked at his two sons who were still quite restrained, and couldn't help laughing:

"Tonight is a family banquet, there are no monarchs and ministers here, only father and son." You don't have to hold it, just feel free"

Li Tai and Li Chengqian hurriedly surrendered their orders.

However, although the prince Li Chengqian said that he received the order, he still had a posture on his face.

On the contrary, it was Li Tai, the king of Yue on the side, who looked at it with a smile. There are only 4 chairs around the table.

couldn't help but be puzzled, Dao Chong asked the eldest grandson Wujian

, "Queen Mother, what about the younger sisters and younger brothers?"

Since today I said that this is a family banquet, then the family should be neat and tidy.

But today it was only the two brothers, sharing a dinner with their father and queen mother.

But he couldn't help but be a little puzzled.

Seeing Li Tai inquiring about the eldest grandson, Wujian shook his head with a smile:

"Lizhi and Xiao Zizi, they are not in the palace now, Zhi'er has gone to your uncle's house, and the other two naughty sisters are probably tired of tossing today, don't let them rest early." "

If you want to see you tomorrow, see you again!" Although

Li Tai wondered in his heart, why are these Li Lizhi and the little son not in the palace now?

I took a bite of the dish casually. In the bowl in front of him, he said

, "The queen mother has heard that you are coming back, and she has specially learned to make these dishes. "

I was interrupted by the eldest grandson Wujian like this. suppressed the doubt in his heart, and asked in surprise. "These are all made by

the queen mother?" The eldest grandson Wujian nodded with a smile, and Li Shimin on the side also hurriedly echoed: "Taste it, your queen mother has been busy for a long time, so I am waiting for you to come back to eat."

Li Chengqian, who was on the side, looked at the dish that the eldest grandson Wujian gave Li Tai, and his expression was a little unnatural.

Although I know in my heart that I am a brother and an elder, I don't have to worry about these little things. But this is just this financial management, and since I was a child, I have been favored by my father and queen mother.

This is why he is so blind that he dares to confront him in private.

As soon as I thought of this, my heart was full of jealousy for Li Tai.

But it is not visible on the face.

At this time, Li Tai tasted a bite of the eldest grandson's signature dish.

praised again and again:

"The queen mother's cooking skills are getting better and better, and this kind of delicacy is simply hard to find in the world!"

I couldn't help but quip:

"You have honey on your mouth and face, so eat more if it's delicious." The

eldest grandson Wujian looked at his second son, and he was really obedient and ate a few more bites.

The smile on his face deepened.

And turned his head to look at his eldest son without saying a word, and did not take a bite.

He hurriedly spoke: "Is Chengqian uncomfortable somewhere? Why don't you eat?"

Hearing this, Li Chengqian reacted from his thoughts.

Looking at his younger brother, he is used to being obedient, and he is even more disdainful in his heart, but he looks at his mother with an expectant look on his face.

He hurriedly shook his head and said, "My son is fine." As

he spoke, he put a few pieces into his bowl and began to taste them.

At this time, Li Shimin looked at Li Chengqian's old appearance, and couldn't help but preach:

"Although you are the crown prince, you can't be too dignified sometimes, this is a family banquet, you don't have to be so restrained!"


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