But what Li Shimin didn't know was that the more he said this, the more jealous Li Chengqian's heart felt.

As a crown prince, he was taught etiquette rules and various poetry and book etiquette since he was a child.

has long developed such a calm character.

But now, like his fourth brother, his light personality is still loved by his father and queen mother. This suddenly made him feel unbalanced.

But although he conceived so in his heart, he didn't do it on his face, but instead nodded his head with a neat face.

Li Shimin, who watched it, shook his head again and again.

I couldn't help but secretly say in my heart:

"My son is good anywhere."

"It's just that this temperament is too old-fashioned. In the future, he will inherit the unification, the way of the emperor is not immutable, he doesn't know how to be flexible, how can he take care of the foundation of the Tang Dynasty?"

Otherwise, with his current character, even if he sits on the throne of the emperor. I'm afraid it's also a lot of twists and turns.

Although Li Shimin has already planned in his heart at this time, how to teach his heir.

But he hadn't forgotten that today was just a family feast, and it was not appropriate to say such unpleasant words at such a happy time. So I suppressed this matter.

Such a family feast was spent in a superficially noisy situation.

After the family banquet ended, one person exchanged pleasantries for a while, and then Li Tai walked out of the palace with Li Chengqian.

The originally turbulent attack scene suddenly became cold, and the two looked at each other separately, and it took more than ten seconds.

Li Tai was the first to speak:

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has not been idle since he came back, this Jinyang Marquis Mansion is closer than the palace!"

Hearing this, Li Chengqian has already understood, although this Li Tai has just come back, but he knows a lot of news, and it seems that there are many eyes and ears in this Chang'an City.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sneer and retorted:

"Although the fourth brother is in Yongzhou City, thousands of miles away from Chang'an City, this news is very well-informed

!" "Compared to the fourth brother, this time he came back to Qingcheng Mountain!"

Li Tai and Li Chengqian's eyes met, and the two of them saw each other. The dark tide is raging, and they can see each other.

Li Tai couldn't help but sneer:

"Didn't the imperial brother also come back early? Presumably he was also eyeing that Lin Chen, since you and my brother both value it so much."

"Then it's up to each of them to do their own thing

!" Li Chengqian hooked his lips and smiled coldly:

"Then let's see!"

The conversation between the two of them showed their purpose even more, since they were both going towards that Lin Chen, then. This contest has officially begun.

On the way back to Chang'an City, they had already inquired about Lin Chen's news, and it was clear that now Lin Chen had not only driven out this Turkic barbarian.

What's more, in this Chang'an City, he has opened a lot of businesses, and they are all good deals to make money.

They all know the origin of Li Tang Jiangshan, didn't they rely on this land of merchants to get up?

Now this Lin Chen has this talent again.

It can be said that they only need to control Lin Chen. Then what's next. Power is, of course, something at your fingertips.

The importance of this Lin Chen to them can be imagined, and now, both of them have taken a fancy to this Lin Chen, and they want to take it down.




Stretched out his hand and rubbed his itchy nose, and couldn't help but muttered in confusion:

"Who said me again?"

At this time, Lin Chen was holding the dress that the female workers had just sent over.

At this point he looked at the fineness of the dresses and the various corners where they were stitched. It's all amazing and ingenious.

In modern times, most of these are dresses made by sewing machines instead of sewing needles.

Although it looks flat, it also seems that the dress is too regular, anyway, the fabric is extremely regular, not comfortable, giving people a feeling that it is too regular.

And now in this ancient world, there was no such thing as a sewing machine, and these female workers found by Xu San were all skilled, and their flying needles and threading techniques. He was even more shocked, he didn't expect that the craftsmanship of these female workers in ancient times was even more powerful than the current sewing machines.

After the dresses were stitched by the female workers, the technique was not only smooth, but also full of lines, and the whole line was extremely feminine.

Even Lin Chen, a layman, couldn't help but secretly praise them, and they were extremely smart, and he just gave them a drawing.

These women workers made it according to those drawings.

Now it is the first batch of dresses in his hands.

At this time, Li Lizhi just pushed the door and walked in, watching. His husband is holding a brightly colored dress, and he is fascinated by it.

I couldn't help but be surprised: "Husband, is this a new ready-to-wear?"

Lin Chen looked up and saw Li Lizhi coming, and couldn't help but smile and said: "The lady came at the right time, hurry up and try this dress, this is specially designed for you!" Hearing this

, Li Lizhi couldn't


but be overjoyed, and hurriedly came to the front and looked at the exquisite fabric.

There was a burst of surprise and said

, "Husband, is this made for the concubine?"

Seeing Lin Chen nodding, Li Lizhi immediately picked up the dress and looked at it carefully, and the smile on her face became deeper and deeper.

Originally, women were about clothes. It's just that there's no resistance, not to mention that it's still a new dress that has just been made.

It is still designed by his own husband himself, and his husband's vision will definitely not be bad.

Thinking of this, she hurriedly picked up her clothes and turned around and walked behind the screen, and then began to untie her clothes.

But when she had stripped off all her clothes.

An exclamation came from behind the screen:


Li Lizhen didn't expect Lin Chen to come over at this time, and even exclaimed again:


I saw that Li Lizhen didn't know whether to cover the top or bottom with her hands at this time, and her face was so shy that she turned red.

I couldn't help but say in disgust:

"Husband, why did you come in?!"

Lin Chen was startled by Li Li's exclamation, and turned to look at her with a shy face.

Seeing that she didn't have a wisp on her body, she stood restlessly, and her hands were even more covered up and down.

I couldn't help but half-lean on the screen with amusement, and said quite appreciatively:

"I haven't seen you anywhere, do you still need to block it?"


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