The bamboo steel whip in Wei Chi Jingde's hand was to follow him in the four directions, killing countless enemies! At this time, in his hand, he kept waving it, and silver light flashed in the air.

It exudes a chill that makes people tremble uncontrollably. Directly towards Lin Chen's front door

! Lin Chen held a long tasseled spear, and in a single turn, he dodged this killer blow

! Wei Chi Jingde raised his eyebrows slightly: I didn't expect this kid to have such skills!

Turning around, a whirlwind came and whipped again, and the bamboo steel whip made a crisp sound in the air.

In an instant, with an infinite coldness, it hit.

A cold light flashed in Lin Chen's eyes, and he picked up the long tasseled gun in his hand. Drew a silver arc in the air, and slapped a long whip straight at the captain Chi Jingde.

The bamboo steel whip came quickly, but he didn't expect to encounter a more powerful long-tasseled red spear.

"Rub it!" sparks

flew around, and the bamboo steel whip was even more unable to retract, and was directly carried by the power of the tassel spear, and it was directly entangled.

Lin Chen pulled his wrist, and the long tasseled spear with the wrapped bamboo steel whip took the opportunity to take Wei Chi Jingde on the other end of the bamboo whip off the horse.

What kind of character is Wei Chi Jingde, how could he be controlled by Lin Chen like this, he turned around and slapped the horse's belly, and he was about to get up with his strength.

But he never thought that Lin Chen's spear would come extremely fast, and he instantly followed Yu Chi Jingde's side and took advantage of the situation.

A muffled snort came, and this Wei Chi Jingde had been picked by Lin Chen and fell to the ground.

It's even more impartial, just right, hitting a stone.

At this moment, he couldn't move.

Li Shimin was also surprised when he saw this situation, this Wei Chi Jingde was a powerful general under his command, but he didn't expect that he would be directly knocked off the horse in Lin Chen's hands without two moves.

This person actually has this divine power, it is really amazing

! However, even so, this person despises the royal majesty so much, and he can't be left behind

! Immediately ordered:

"Come on! Take down Lin Chen!" The

Praetorian Guard immediately received the order and held a long knife to kill Lin Chen.

Lin Chen had no intention of fighting, and the remaining Praetorian Guards were not his opponents.

It's just that it's annoying to keep spending on them like this, and when I looked at the sun overhead, it was almost noon, and I was about to eat.

It's better to finish it early and go back to dinner

! Immediately he shook the long tasseled gun in his hand and swept it away! Directly swept the Praetorian Guards who rushed forward to the ground!

He even slaughtered all the way in the direction of Li Shimin.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the guards beside Li Shimin immediately raised their voices and said

, "Protect Your Majesty!"

Immediately, a Praetorian Guard stepped forward and surrounded Li Shimin behind him.

But at this time, Lin Chen had already come to the front, where were these guards Lin Chen's opponents, a sweep, and a wail, and they were directly knocked to the ground by Lin Chen.

Li Shimin looked at the situation in front of him, and secretly screamed in his heart, and then pulled out his sword with a "rub", and then faced Lin Chen's spear!

Although Li Shimin is said to be an emperor, with fine clothes and fine food, he also conquered the Quartet and single-handedly conquered the world.

The kung fu on his body is naturally good.

Although he became the emperor, he practiced martial arts every day.

Compared with the generals of the DPRK and China, it is also comparable.

It's just a pity that he met Lin Chen, who has divine power.

There was a buzzing roar on the blade, which shook Li Shimin's mouth and made his mouth tingle!

It was only when he stabilized his body that he would not be forced to retreat by Lin Chen.

Lin Chen was also a little surprised by Li Shimin's skills, no wonder he was a person who had been on the battlefield.

This kind of skill is not bad.

With a spin in his hand, the long tasseled spear was flipped directly in his hand, and the long knife in Li Shimin's hand was picked off and dropped to the ground.

The corners of his mouth hooked, and he said with a smile: "Lord Yue, the lady is waiting at home, since they are all here, let's go up and drink two cups!"

turned sideways, and directly took Li Shimin to the armpit.

Everyone exclaimed:


Your Majesty!" "Your Majesty!" "Your Majesty!"

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in shock, His Majesty was kidnapped by Lin Chen.

"Bold thief, let your majesty go!" said

the crowd as they stepped forward.

Lin Chen looked at the approaching crowd, and snorted coldly:

"I ask my father-in-law to go to the village to have a few drinks in the village, catch up with the old days, and wait here, if there is any movement, don't blame the spear in my hand for having no eyes!"

Where is Li Shimin willing to comply, he struggled very much along the way, but there was no effect, this Lin Chen imprisoned himself to death, without a trace of relaxation.

even wrapped himself under his armpits, which made him feel even more ashamed.

"You thief, put me down quickly!"

But Lin Chen only cared about the road, where did he care what Li Shimin said.

Seeing that Lin Chen ignored himself, Li Shimin was even more annoyed, when had he suffered such humiliation.

was kidnapped by a mountain thief, and was held under his arm all the way, and he couldn't help but scold.

Lin Chen was noisy and had a headache, this Li Shimin is still his father-in-law after all, and he can't knock him out directly, if his wife knows, I'm afraid she will be sad.

So he carried it all the way, quickened the pace of his feet, and headed towards the stockade on the mountain.

The mountain road was rugged, and along the way, Lin Chen was flying forward, and Li Shimin, who was upside down, was facing Venus in front of his eyes, and he couldn't stop feeling nauseous and nauseous.

Where do you still have the strength to scold Lin Chen again.

Seeing that Li Shimin finally quieted down, the corners of Lin Chen's mouth hooked, and he accelerated his pace. After a while, they came to the gate of the wall.

Huzi saw Lin Chen returning with one person from a distance. Immediately smiled and said

: "The owner of the village, you are

back!" Lin Chen nodded lightly, looked around and asked, "Xu Sanke is back?"

Huzi hurriedly replied:

"Back to the village master, Steward Xu has just returned, saying that there are still some officers and soldiers on the south side of the mountain who have not dealt with it, and they have turned back!"

Lin Chen nodded to indicate that he understood.

Li Shimin, who was caught in his armpit, finally stopped at this time, and couldn't hold back the nausea anymore, so he vomited directly.

Fortunately, I didn't eat anything in the morning, and now I only have bitter water.

But this also made the tiger guarding the door disgusted.

"Hey! It's disgusting, the owner of the village! Where did you bring this person back! Looking at the old arms and legs, you can't do anything!"

Li Shimin was extremely angry for a while, his face was blue and red for a while, he was the king of a country, he was so humiliated here, and he dared to belittle himself so much, he was simply a group of Diao people

! These words made Lin Chen laugh

even more: "This is Madame's mother's family! Please come over as a guest!" Li

Shimin was even more annoyed.

This is still what people say? This is how people have been kidnapped and robbed like this? Who is

in such a posture of inviting guests?

It's just that now the feeling of disgust has not subsided, and naturally there is no strength to speak, so he can only be angry.

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