As soon as Huzi heard this, he felt that he had lost his words, and hurriedly apologized:

"It turned out to be Madame's mother's family! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! The villain really doesn't know!" Li

Shimin's angry eyes darkened, and he couldn't say half a sentence.

Lin Chen didn't stop much, and took Li Shimin directly to the north of the village.

The road was finally smooth, and it also made Li Shimin slow down, how could he hold back when he had the strength to speak at this time.

Then he began to reprimand angrily again: "You thief, you dare to kidnap Yu me, so you want to rebel like this? I see that you kid is afraid that you don't

want to live!" "If you want to save your life, let me go quickly!" Li

Shimin was also very angry, he had never encountered such a humiliating thing. was kidnapped by a bandit, and this is still worth it?

But his reprimand may still be useful for ordinary people, but for this Lin Chen, who has the thoughts of a modern person.


that Lin Chen didn't pay attention to it, Li Shimin was even more furious, and scolded angrily again.

Lin Chen was also annoyed.


came to a courtyard, opened the door and threw Li Shimin in.

"Uncle Yue is still sober and sober inside!" After

speaking, he directly took the door around the room, arranged for the guards to take care of it, and left without looking back.

Li Shimin was left alone, staying in an empty house, the windows were tightly sealed, and even the doors were locked.

I couldn't help but scolded angrily: "Lin Chen, you thief, if you have the guts, let me go!"

There was no answer outside the door.

Gradually, he also got tired, and when he thought about everything that had just happened, he felt that this Lin Chen was extremely hateful

! It's just that now that he has fallen into the hands of this thief, and there is no chance to backhand, I am afraid that he can only outwit it!


Li Lizhi anxiously waited for Xiaocui's news.

Today, my eyelids have been jumping, and I always feel like something is happening.

Looking out of the house, it was almost noon. The shouting and killing sounds at the bottom of the mountain seem to have stopped a long time ago.

Xiao Cui finally brought back the news near noon.

"Madam, the owner of the village personally brought back one person, and now he is imprisoned in the firewood room in the north courtyard.

Li Lizhen was slightly surprised, who would let her husband bring it back personally

?" "Who is that person?"

Xiaocui frowned and said, "It seems that I heard the owner of the village call him my father-in-law!"

Hearing this, how could Li Lizhen not understand.

This Lin Chen only has one wife, and the only one who can call her father-in-law is her father-in-law.

I didn't expect that this time I actually alarmed my father to come in person, and I was afraid that I would really provoke my father and emperor, and I would personally bring myself back!

Sooner or later, I would come, and I still couldn't hide from it.

Li Lizhi sighed slightly.

Since it's a family member, there's no reason not to see it.

Thinking that her father should not have eaten yet, she hurriedly roasted a few corns.

Lin Chen knew that she liked to eat corn, so she deliberately picked out some of them and put them in the ice cellar at the time of harvest. Now there are a few left, just enough to be roasted.

I believe that with roasted corn, let my father enjoy it, and if I say more soft words and admit my mistake, maybe my father will not be angry.

Thinking of this, Li Lizhen happily took her things and came to the courtyard where Li Shimin was detained.

As soon as the two guards at the door saw Li Liqing coming, they immediately saluted and greeted: "Hello Mrs. Zhai

!" Li Lizhi nodded in response, looked at the closed door and said, "I'll go see my father

!" "Yes!"

The two attendants quickly opened the door. He bowed down and made a gesture of please:

"The lady of the village owner, please come in!"

When Li Lizhi entered, the two of them closed the door again.

At this time, Li Shimin had already heard the voice, and he couldn't help but be surprised when he hadn't seen Li Lizhi for many days.

But when he heard the guards at the door call him "Mrs. the owner of the village", his face was a little ugly.

Recalling that Cheng Yanjin sent back to Chang'an City before, I am afraid that my pampered daughter is also willing to do so. Thinking of this, his face became even more gloomy.

Li Lizhi entered the house, glanced over, and it was really Li Shimin himself, and immediately stepped forward to greet him in surprise

: "Father!

Li Shimin snorted coldly:

"I'm afraid that you don't even know your name these days

!" "Do you still know that there is a father?!"

Although Li Lizhen had long known that Li Shimin would be angry, and had already been mentally prepared, he was still aggrieved as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Father, it's Liqin's fault! Lizhen didn't want to marry the eldest grandson Chong as his wife, so he escaped privately. The tired father and queen mother are worried that they are not filial.

"But father, Erchen met the real lover Lin Chen, he is very powerful, you see this is the corn planted by Lin Chen, Erchen personally roasted it, you can taste it!"

As he spoke, he handed over the corn and waited for Li Shimin to taste it with an expectant expression.

It's okay not to mention Lin Chen, as soon as Lin Chen was mentioned, Li Shimin was instantly annoyed, and knocked over the corn handed over by Li Lizhi to the ground.

said sharply: "Your mother and I cherish you the most, and specially set your cousin Changsun Chong among the royal family, with your father and emperor, I will be able to protect you in a smooth life."

"But what about you?!Where do you put our face?!Where do you put the dignity of the Tang royal family?!

" Li Lizhen's reprimanded eyes were slightly red, tears kept rolling in her eyes, and she called in a low voice: "Father, the emperor ......

" It was her fault to run away from marriage, but she never regretted it, if it wasn't for running away from marriage, how could she meet Lin Chen and achieve this marriage?

Li Shimin also became more and more angry the more he said:" Even if you don't marry the eldest grandson Chong, how can you commit yourself to this reckless bandit!?Do you remember the people of the royal family, the princess Changle of the Tang Dynasty?!"

Hearing this reprimand, Li Li's big tears fell down.

Li Shimin saw his daughter crying, so he slowed down his tone and said softly

: "Find a way to go out today and go back with me!"

Li Lizhi heard that Li Shimin was going to take him away

, and hurriedly said: "Father, Lin Chen is really good, and he is also very good to Erchen, you will know it when you know him, Erchen is unwilling to leave here!"

Li Shimin looked at Li Lizhen, who was actually in opposition to him, his eyebrows trembled even more angrily, and he pointed at Li Lizhen's nose and scolded:

"You unfilial daughter! How can I have such a daughter as you!" It's a great shame!" How

could he not know this Lin Chen, but this Lin Chen kidnapped him in front of the Praetorian Guards, and brought him all the way here.

I want him Li Shimin to join the army as a young man, fight in all directions, kill countless enemies, fight a bloody road from the thirty-six anti-kings, step by step to today, and lay down this Tang Dynasty.

Even though he has suffered a lot of injuries, he has never been so aggrieved

! It is simply a great shame!

This Li Lizhi was really called to An, and he was so partial to the thief Lin Chen, and even threatened to stay here, completely ignoring the royal system.

Li Shimin stepped forward to pull Li Lizhen away:

"As a princess of the Tang Dynasty, you should have the dignity of the royal family, even if you die today, you have to leave here!"

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