Li Lizhen, who was being dragged by force, couldn't help crying bitterly, and shook her head again and again to refuse:

"Father, Erchen has married Lin Chen, he is Lin Chen's person in this life, and Erchen will not leave!"

Seeing Li Lizhi's tough attitude, Li Shimin was even more annoyed.

"Don't say it again, you have to go back with me today no matter what!"

couldn't help but increase his strength, and pulled Li Lizhi to go out.

At this moment, I heard the sound of "bang!" on the door, and someone kicked it open.

The two people in the room were startled by the loud noise and immediately froze in place.

Lin Chen had already come to the courtyard, and the father and daughter who were listening were talking, so they didn't go in, but when they heard this Li Shimin scolding his wife so badly, he was also annoyed, and finally couldn't help kicking the door open.

He said coldly:

"I think who dares to touch my Lin Chen's people?!"

Li Shimin waited to see the person who came clearly, and secretly screamed that it was not good!

It was actually this Lin Chen who came, I was afraid that he would not be able to leave.

Although it was abducted by this Lin Chen, the majesty of the royal family naturally cannot be lost.

"I am the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, this is the princess of the Tang royal family, my daughter! You are a reckless person in the mountains, you dare to occupy the princess?!"

In the face of Li Shimin's royal coercion, Lin Chen was not afraid at all. He looked back angrily

: "Heh, joke! The recklessness of the mountains and the grass in the mountains, I think that you are not as good as the king of the country

as me!" Li Shimin looked Lin Chen up and down, and said disdainfully:

"I joined the army as a young man, fought with the chaotic times at the end of the Sui Dynasty, and with the long sword in my hand, I defeated the Tang Dynasty." Become the Ninety-Five Supreme. How can you, a reckless person in the mountains who have never even descended from

the mountain, know that?" It's ridiculous, a reckless person, you actually dare to compare yourself with the dignified emperor

! Don't look at what your identity is!

Regarding Li Er's disdain, Lin Chen smiled coldly

: "In terms of martial arts, you and I have already fought under the mountain, have you ever won?"

Li Shimin's face was embarrassed: "This is ......

." The two of them did fight against each other, but they were captured by this Lin Chen before they could make a move.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he was indeed defeated.

But that doesn't prove anything.

As an emperor, how can he not have a person with strong martial arts to serve him?

Most of the Meiji kings of the past dynasties did not know how to use martial arts, but this did not hinder the rule of the world.

As long as the world can be properly governed, this is the way of the Ming Jun!

After Li Shimin made up for it in his heart, he suddenly felt much more comfortable.

Lin Chen did not intend to stop, and continued:

"The people of the side I can protect have no worries about food and clothing, and will not be disturbed by outsiders!"

"And what about the Tang Dynasty that you are guarding? Internally, there are still starvation and death in many places, and the people are displaced, and the misery is unspeakable! Externally, there is a lot of turmoil in the frontier, and the barbarians from all directions are snooping, how can we talk about living in peace?"


Lin Chen's accusations hit Li Shimin's sore spot one after another. In such a comparison, the martial arts of Wenzhi fell even behind.

Li Shimin's face was dark, his chest rose and fell for a while, and he couldn't say a word.

What Lin Chen said is good, now Datang looks strong on the surface, but in fact, it is also full of internal and external troubles. Compared to himself, he is also a cut lower.

Lin Chen looked at Li Shimin without saying a word, and said coldly: "Think about it yourself!"

After speaking, he pulled Li Liqing, whose eyes were swollen from crying, and left.

When leaving, he ordered the guards at the door to be optimistic about Li Shimin and not to let him leave.

When the room was quiet, Li Shimin was very bored.

The more I thought about it, the more aggrieved I felt.

What we have suffered today is a shame.

Looking back on it just now, how could he have been shocked by a yellow-mouthed child?

This is simply ridiculous

! Such a thief kidnaps the emperor and detains the princess, and his heart can be punished!

The more he thinks about it, the more angry he becomes, and he directly overturns the table and chair in front of him.

The two people guarding outside the door could hear the sound of overturning tables and chairs in the room, and they were even more smashed.

The two looked at each other and pretended that nothing had happened.

Although it is the emperor who is locked up in this house, they have also heard the quarrel in the house just now, and they dare to scold their wife like this.

What's more important is that they dared to belittle the owner of the village so much, and the two of them did not rush up and beat up Li Shimin, it was already for the sake of him being the owner of the village.


the owner of the village was leaving, he ordered that the people in the house should not be allowed to leave, as long as the people were in the house, he could toss as he wanted, and there was nothing of value in the house anyway.

Li Shimin looked at the many things in the house, everything that could be smashed had already been smashed, and there was really nothing that could be smashed.

I finally calmed down.


As time passed, the light through the cracks in the windows became lower and lower.

Gradually, the room became dark.

"Gollum...... Gurgling ......"

Li Shimin rubbed his stomach and looked at the dim sky.

I haven't eaten much since the morning, and then I was even coerced by Lin Chen, bumping all the way up the mountain, and even vomiting clean.

The day is about to pass, and now my stomach is empty.

How can this be good? You can't open your mouth to ask the guards at the gate if you want

it, right? No, as the emperor, how can he, as the emperor, ask this mountain grass to beg for food?

If you don't eat a meal, you won't starve to death!

" "Grunt!"

Li Shimin rubbed his stomach again, frowning slightly.

It's getting hungrier.

"This Lin Chen doesn't say that people should bring something to eat! it's extremely rude!"

he muttered, but he was even more hungry.

I looked up and down, and there was nothing to eat in the house, and the more I thought about it, the hungrier I became.

Suddenly, his gaze was drawn to the golden corn on the ground.

It was brought by Li Lizhi before, as if it was called corn.

I haven't heard of it, so I don't know if it's good or not, but it looks like it looks good.

I should be able to eat it, right?!When

I saw the dust on the corn, I shook my head again and again.

No, it's already on the ground, and I've just stepped on two ......

As the king of a country, there are countless delicacies

in the palace, what kind of exquisite food has not been eaten? What kind of exquisite food has not been seen? The imperial kitchen in the palace is made with the most exquisite dishes and carefully developed, not to mention sticking to the dust, even the green vegetables and meat are the most central ingredients selected.

There is no finer food in the world than the palace.

It was so completely cool, and there was a lot of dust stuck to it, and it was already dirty.

"How can this kind of food be eaten?!"

Li Shimin glanced at the corn on the ground with great disgust, turned his head, and didn't want to look at it again



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