After hearing this, the eldest grandson Wujian was even more worried, and burst into tears.

"Your Majesty, this ...... Now that Lizhi has fallen into the hands of bandits, I'm afraid that I have suffered a lot of grievances, how should this be?"

Li Shimin hurriedly pulled over the eldest grandson queen and comforted softly:

"You can rest assured, Lizhi is also my daughter, I will naturally not let it go, and I will definitely try to save it!"

Li Shimin looked at the eldest grandson Wujian and was still worried, so he diverted the topic

and said: "Guanyin, just now you said that there is another thing here?"

As soon as Li Shimin mentioned this, Empress Changsun reacted, she came today for two things, one is Li Liqing, since Li Shimin has made a decision now, it is inconvenient for her to ask more, just wait for the news.

And the latter thing is also very important.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly brought over the two small bowls on the tray.

"Your Majesty, you can try this

soup!" Li Shimin took it with a puzzled hand, tasted it carefully, and couldn't help but praise:

"This soup is very delicious! Guanyin's recent

cooking skills are good!" The eldest grandson shook his head with a smile and said

, "This soup is the same as in the past, and it is not the concubine's cooking skills.

Li Shimin asked suspiciously:

"Then this soup is indeed different from usual, it seems to be missing a bitter taste."

The eldest grandson smiled mysteriously, and then brought another small bowl and introduced:

"Your Majesty, please see, there is just one thing in this soup, and it is this!"

Li Shimin looked at the white fine particles in the bowl and tasted a little lightly with a spoon.


Immediately widened his eyes

and said, "This is salt?!"

The eldest grandson nodded before he said, "Exactly, this is what was purchased in the palace yesterday and found in Chang'an City." Different from the coarse salt we eat on weekdays, this is called fine salt, 300 wen per bucket, but the amount is half of the coarse salt, and it is now quite popular in Chang'an City.

After Li Shimin heard this, he immediately frowned, and said in his heart:

This salt is made by the people in the Tang Dynasty, purchased by the government, and then distributed to merchants at a higher price.

Although the Tang Dynasty also allows the private sector to sell salt, the coarse salt sold by the private sector is a defective product brought down by the government.

Both the color and the taste are very different from those received by the government. And now there is such a fine and excellent taste, and there is no bitter taste of fine salt.

As the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, he couldn't help but be vigilant, he naturally knew the importance of salt to the people. Salt must be controlled by the government, although the fine salt currently sold is not a climate for the time being, but if it is allowed to continue like this, it will become a big disaster!

I couldn't help but muttered in contemplation:

"This fine salt is strange!" Seeing

Li Shimin's contemplative appearance, the eldest grandson Wujian knew that this matter had already been mentioned.

She resigned and retired, and the harem was not allowed to interfere in politics, and it was up to Li Shimin to decide how to deal with refined salt in the future, so she didn't need to worry about it.

After the eldest grandson Wujian left, Li Shimin called the secret guard in.

After a while, Zhao Ping, the deputy leader of the dark guard, walked in.

Recently, several officials in Jiangnan Province were anonymously reported for corruption and perversion of the law, and Li Shimin sent the leader of the secret guard, Wei Qian, to investigate the matter, and now the secret guard is temporarily led by Zhao Ping.

I only heard Li Shimin say in a deep voice:

"Recently, there have been many salt merchants in Chang'an City who have begun to sell fine salt, you go and check the source of this

fine salt!" As he spoke, he handed over the fine salt sent by Empress Changsun to Zhao Ping.


Zhao Ping hurriedly took it and took the order.

Looking at Zhao Ping's back, Li Shimin fell into thought:

This refined salt matter can be big or small, if it is used by someone with a heart, I am afraid that it will shake the country's foundation, and this matter needs to be handled carefully.


In other words, this secret guard investigation method is really good, but in half a day, all the locations of refined salt sales in Chang'an City have been clarified.

It was discovered that the refined salt sold was related to a salt merchant named "Xingyi Commercial Bank".

So I dressed up and came to this place called Xingyi Trading House, and just when I got started, I saw that many people were rushing to buy salt, but in a few moments, the fine salt in this trading house had been snapped up.

The shopkeeper looked at the two people who came in, and said with an apologetic face: "I'm sorry for the two, the fine salt has been sold out today, come back tomorrow!"

Zhao Ping and the two waved their hands, looked left and right, and then went straight to the topic and said: "We are here to talk to your boss about business! Where is your shopkeeper?"

The guy in the store glanced up and down, although these two people were dressed plainly, but the clothes and fabrics on their bodies were not bad, and it seemed that their family background was good.

He smiled and said, "Wait a minute, I'll call my shopkeeper!" After a while, I

saw a man with a small head and a rather generous man walking out of the room. Seeing the two people at the door, they hurriedly stepped forward and said

, "Two of you, I am Shen Xingyi, the shopkeeper of this store, please sit here!"

Shen Xingyi looked at the two of them dressed up, but it was not good, and asked: "I heard that the two of you are here to talk about business?"

Zhao Ping looked at the shopkeeper in front of him, and his appearance was also generous, and he couldn't see the calculation of a businessman, so he said directly:

"Don't hide it, the two of us are businessmen in Shu." I heard that this refined salt has been selling well recently, so we wanted to buy some goods and bring them back to Shuzhong for sale. I want to ask what is the output of this refined salt?Let's see how much we can take away?"

Hearing this, Shen Xingyi understood, many people have come to talk about the fine salt business recently, but most of them are merchants in Chang'an City, and he is familiar with them.

When I saw these two face-to-face students today, they turned out to be businessmen from other places.

Shen Xingyi said with a smile

: "The two of you don't hide it, there is only so much of these fine salts I entered, only enough to be sold in Chang'an City, and I am afraid that there is no stock in other places!"

Zhao Ping and the two pretended to be very sorry and said:

"That's a pity, but this refined salt is very finely made, and the person who made it must be quite talented!

As he spoke, he took out his usual money and put it in front of Shen Xingyi, and the meaning was already obvious.

Looking at this situation, Shen Xingyi still didn't understand, the two of them were doing business today was fake, and they wanted to find out the origin of the fine salt.


immediately turned cold and said, "Since the two of you are not in business, let's go shopping elsewhere!" Immediately

coax the two out of the way.

At this time, Zhao Ping, who was standing on the street, looked at the closed business house with a helpless face.

The subordinates on the side were unconvinced and said: "My lord, why don't we directly reveal our identities and let him tell who is behind the scenes

!" Zhao Ping slapped him and scolded him with hatred

: "This sale of fine salt does not violate the laws of the Tang Dynasty, how can you and I suppress people?!"

The subordinate rubbed his head and hurriedly admitted his mistake:

"Yes, yes, yes! The subordinates know their mistakes!" Zhao

Ping looked at the "Xingyi Commercial Bank" in front of him A few big words, muttered:

"It seems that we have to think of other ways! We must find out the person behind the scenes and give Your Majesty an explanation!"

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