On the streets of Chang'an City, pedestrians come and go in twos and threes picking things, which is very lively.

In a tea shop on the street, it was unusually quiet.

Zhao Ping, the deputy leader of the dark guard, and his subordinates were drinking tea in the tea shop, but their attention was obviously not in the tea shop, but they were paying attention to a door not far away.

This is the back door of the "Xingyi Commercial Bank".

Zhao Ping observed that the goods in and out of the firm were from the back door. The two of them stayed here for two days, bent on finding out the news of this fine salt.

Shen Xingyi didn't want to say the person who made the fine salt, and now he can only wait for the rabbit with this method.

Xingyi Commercial Bank does a lot of business on weekdays, not to mention that this fine salt is now sold so prosperously, and it is even more lively, and one after another carriages pull a lot of goods out of Xingyi Commercial Bank.

But they were all carriages that came to the merchant house to buy goods, and none of them were what they were looking for.

The two of them have been staring here for the past two days, not daring to blink an eye, for fear of missing any possible carriage.

"My lord, it's been so long, won't the supply come?

Zhao Ping heard the words of his subordinates, his face did not fluctuate, he still stared closely at the direction of the back door, and said in a deep voice: "Don't talk nonsense, wait!"

When Zhao Ping was blasted out two days ago, Zhao Ping had already seen it, and the sales of fine salt in this commercial house were excellent, and they were in short supply every day.

There won't be much stock in the warehouse, and it won't be long before we have to buy some more to supply.

Just then, a carriage full of goods came into their field of vision.

The carriage eventually stopped at the back door of the Xingyi Trading House, and the two of them kept a close eye on the goods in the carriage.

"Mazi, if you don't come again, I'll have to let someone urge you!" Shen Xingyi stood at the door and laughed loudly.

Wang Mazi jumped off the carriage with a smile and replied: "It's not raining a little in the morning, I'm afraid that it will be damp, so I'll delay it a little!"

Shen Xingyi looked at the clear sky and said: "This Chang'an City, the weather is sunny, no wind and no rain."

Wang Mazi pursed his lips and said, "Isn't this a different day for ten miles

!" Shen Xingyi laughed and nodded again and again: "Yes! Then unload

the goods!" After a while, the guys of the trading house unloaded the goods.

And after Wang Mazi received some things from Shen Xingyi, he left directly in the carriage.

Zhao Ping, who was not far away, followed the carriage closely, and now it could be confirmed that this carriage was the one that came to deliver fine salt to the Xingyi Commercial Bank.

As long as you follow this delivery carriage, you will definitely be able to find the person behind the scenes who makes fine salt!

Zhao Ping immediately followed with his men as soon as he saw the carriage moving.

The two rode horses, and in order to avoid startling the grass and snakes, they had to follow from a distance, passing through the mountains and forests several times and almost lost them.

In the end, the carriage marched to Qingcheng Mountain, and the two people standing on the horse at this time couldn't help but feel happy when they looked at the carriage that had gone up the mountain in the distance.

In order to avoid revealing their identities, the two deliberately changed into the clothes dressed as peasant households. As a secret guard, these necessary preparations are still necessary.

The ride was too loud, and they didn't know what was going on on the mountain, so they could only find a hidden place first, hide the horses, and the two walked up the mountain.

Wang Mazi drove the carriage all the way to the cottage.

In the past few days, the sales of refined salt have been excellent, and he has made a lot of money on delivery, and he can save enough money to marry his daughter-in-law immediately.

The smile on his face didn't stop, and he hummed a little song all the way to the village.

However, outside the cottage, Zhao Ping and the others, who had been hiding all the way, watched Wang Mazi enter the cottage at this time.

The delivery wagon entered this cottage, I'm afraid there is something wrong here.

You'll have to go in and see what's going on.

Zhao Ping looked around. The entrance to this stockade is guarded, and everyone who enters and leaves the stockade knows it very well.

I'm afraid that if you want to pretend to be a person in the village, I'm afraid you won't be able to fool the past.

If it doesn't work, try something else.

Although the walls of this cottage are high, it is not a problem for their secret guards......



sales of fine salt in the cottage have increased in the past two days, and Lin Chen is also very concerned about the production capacity of this refining plant.

Today, I went to the factory with Li Lizhen to see the situation.

Xu San was ordered to look at the salt production in the refined salt factory, and when he saw Lin Chen and them coming, he hurriedly stepped forward to greet

him: "Hello to the owner of the village! Hello

to the lady!" Lin Chen nodded, looked at the fine salt coming out of the stove, and asked

, "How much can the output reach today?" Xu San heard Lin Chen's inquiry, and replied with a happy face:

"Back to the village master, today can

produce about five stones."

Lin Chen nodded, five stones is about five hundred catties, which is several times more than before.

When the factory first started, the mountain people were not familiar with the various steps in the factory, and they could produce at most one stone per day. Now it's all up to scratch, and it's a lot quicker to do.

"Great!" Li

Lizhi's eyes flashed, she had been eating coarse salt before, and her skin was not good, and some of the mountain people in the mountains had hypertrophied necks after eating them all year round. Now that I have eaten this fine salt, my symptoms have improved a lot.

She couldn't help but turn her head and looked at Lin Chen with a look of adoration, recalling her husband's previous magical methods, and the stars twinkling in her eyes were getting brighter and brighter. I couldn't help but praise:

"The husband is simply amazing! The slave family is so admirable!" When

Lin Chen heard this, he rubbed Li Li's little face with a smile, looking at the bright and moving little wife, her expression at the moment was really eye-catching!

At this time, Wang Mazi took a notebook and walked over with a happy face.

When he got closer, he hurriedly greeted

: "The owner of the village!" Lin Chen nodded: "The goods have been delivered?" "

Yes, my cousin also asked me to bring back some gifts, saying that he was grateful to the owner of the village for letting him sell fine salt."

Lin Chen waved his hand and said, "Since it is your cousin, I am also reliable, so I can rest assured that I will deliver." Wang

Mazi is very grateful, the owner of the village can entrust him with such an important matter, he will definitely not be able to live up to the trust of the owner of the village!"

As he spoke, he handed over the account book in his hand, and said:

"The owner of the village, this is the account book and income of the past few days that my cousin asked me to take, please take a look at the owner of the village!"

Lin Chen took it and looked at it casually a few times, and found that Shen Xingyi remembered the accounts clearly, and he remembered every retail and wholesale on it clearly.

At the end of the account book, looking at the income from the sale of fine salt in the past few days, Lin Chen was a little surprised, and couldn't help but sigh: I

didn't expect the salt industry to be so profitable!

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