As soon as Zhao Ping heard about Her Royal Highness Princess Changle, his identity was exposed. There was a panic in my heart, but I remembered that I was dressed in plain clothes, and I was still relatively embarrassed.

And he has been engaged in the position of a secret guard for many years, and he has never seen any strong winds and waves.

So he settled down and wanted to prevaricate.

So he said without changing his face

: "I'm afraid this lady has recognized the wrong person, the villain is the hunter on Xiaolang Mountain next to here, called Da Niu!" Lin

Chen looked at Zhao Ping, who was lying on the ground with an unusually calm complexion, and then looked at Li Lizhen beside him, and asked softly: "Lady, is this really the person next to Uncle Yue?" Li Lizhi

nodded without thinking, and said clearly: "That's right." I wouldn't be mistaken! He had a stab wound on his hand, I remember it clearly.

"He is Zhao Ping, the deputy leader of the Secret Guard!" Zhao Ping

felt a chill in his heart, this must not be hidden.

Lin Chen saw the scar on Zhao Ping's hand at a glance, and at this time, he looked at Zhao Ping, who was full of lies and still had no change on the ground, the anger in his heart rushed up, and he raised his foot and kicked at Zhao Ping on the ground.

He shouted angrily:

"You are still a fucking Oscar acting school! You actually deceived Lao Tzu's pure heart!"

Zhao Ping was about to explain again, but he didn't think that Lin Chen kicked him over, he had already lost too much blood, plus Lin Chen's kick, before he could speak, his eyes suddenly darkened, and he fainted directly.

That Xu San looked at Zhao Ping, who had fainted, and hurriedly stepped forward to search his body, but he didn't expect that he really found something, which seemed to be a sketch, and hurriedly handed it to Lin Chen.

"The owner of the village, please look at it, it was found on this person!"

Lin Chen took the paper and looked at the pattern drawn on it, which was more like a simple map.

At first glance, it is not very clear, it should be with some special transfer drawing method.

But if you look closely, the place drawn on this map is clearly Qingcheng Mountain.

Lin Chen's eyebrows flickered, and he suddenly became angry: "Okay, you Li Shimin, you still want to send someone to sneak into the cottage to investigate!" Li

Lizhi was on the side, and he still hesitated a little when he saw

this: "Husband, is there any misunderstanding in this?" Lin Chen shook the drawing and sneered: "The map of this cottage has been drawn, and it is a close confidant of the father-in-law, so do you still need to think about it?"

Li Lizhi looked at the map and pursed her lips, this fact was in front of her, she had to believe it, she originally thought that even if her father did not approve of her marriage with Lin Chen in his heart, he also promised herself to let her stay, which was equivalent to acquiescence.

Now it's a return to find out the news of the cottage. Even as Li Shimin's daughter, she felt that her father had gone too far this time. Thinking of this, he didn't say a word, and his expression was quite annoyed.

Lin Chen immediately waved his hand and ordered:

"Xu San, tie the person up for me! Escort them back to

the cottage!" Lin Chen gave an order, and Zhang San immediately tied the person back to the cottage.


In the stockade,

Zhao Ping was tightly tied with a rope and thrown to the ground. A basin of cold water was poured down, and Zhao Ping, who was lying unconscious on the ground at this time, was instantly awakened by the cold water.

When he looked around, he found that he was in a room, but when he looked around, he found that a person in the room was looking at him coldly.

Who is this person who is not Lin Chen? Thinking back to everything before he fell into a coma, he knew that he had been arrested, so he could only lie on the ground without making a sound.

Lin Chen looked at Zhao Ping, the deputy leader of the dark guard, who had already woken up, and asked in a cold voice, "Say, what is the purpose of your coming this time?"

Then Zhao Ping knew that his identity had been revealed, and he didn't want to say a word at all.

As a secret guard, the first thing is to learn to keep secrets.

Although he was already under the control of others at this time, as the emperor's secret guard, he could withstand any torture to extract confessions, and even if he was tortured, he would definitely not reveal half a word of His Majesty's instructions!

Lin Chen saw that this guy refused to speak, and he knew that this kind of secret guard was afraid that he had already put life and death aside, and he could still be the deputy leader of the secret guard when he was on duty beside Li Shimin. Tasks must be more important than lives, and such moments will never be spoken.

He smiled coldly and said, "Don't think that if you don't say it, I won't know!" "

Li Shimin sent you to investigate the cottage, right!?"

Zhao Ping sneered, simply turned his head, and his mouth was still silent.

When Lin Chen saw this Zhao Ping's state, he already decided that this matter must be inseparable from that Li Shimin. Otherwise, they would not have sent the secret guards around them.

He was even more annoyed and said: "How can this be reasonable, a false shot, this Li Shimin is really a good plan!" At

this time, he didn't have a good impression of this cheap father-in-law, and he originally looked at Li Li's face, and didn't bother with him, so he let him go back.

Before leaving, I confessed, so that when I came back with the holy decree of marriage, now that the holy decree has not been brought, it is okay, and I still want to explore the cottage?! It seems that the last time I came to the cottage and was defeated, I felt that I had lost face, so I came to spy again this time, and I wanted to make up for it? At this

moment, a voice of retribution came from outside the door

: "The owner of the village, my subordinates have something important to report!" Lin

Chen was on the fire, and said in a cold voice: "Come

in!" Li Laosi came in and saw that the owner of the village seemed to have a bad face, and he didn't dare to ask more, so he directly opened his mouth to report

: "Qi Qi the owner of the village, there is a caravan driving horses passing by here, wanting to borrow from our Beishan, and I want to ask the owner of the village if he will let him go

?!" Lin Chen was slightly stunned, and asked rhetorically: "Caravan? What caravan?"

Li Laosi hurriedly replied: "We have interrogated, they say that it is a caravan in Chang'an City, and they often do business with the royal family!"

Lin Chen was stunned in his heart, and said, "How many horses are there?"

Li Laosi scratched his head and thought for a moment, and replied: "I didn't count it in detail, I guess there are one or two hundred, it seems that there are still war horses from some country in the Western Regions."

As soon as he heard this, Lin Chen was even more excited, this is not as good as a coincidence, he is worried about how to take revenge on this Li Shimin, isn't this sent to the door!

Lin Chen had been thinking about selecting a hundred or so people from the mountain people to form an iron cavalry, and he was still thinking about where to buy some war horses.

Seeing that Lin Chen was silent, Li Laosi tried to ask, "Owner of the village, can we still let it go

?" Lin Chen waved his hand and said loudly: "What are you going to do?"

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