And the secret guard who came with Zhao Ping was anxiously waiting outside the gate of the village, but he never thought that he would see Zhao Ping, the deputy commander of the dark guard, who was dragged into the cottage dying.

This leader Zhao Ping is extremely skilled, and his kung fu is among the best among the secret guards, and he has never met an opponent. But he never thought that he would be caught and tortured like this in this cottage today!

What kind of ability did this cottage person have?

He saw that people were about to be dragged into the cottage, and he just wanted to get up and go to the rescue, but when he thought about it, he would not be able to break into this cottage by himself, wouldn't he have thrown himself into the net? When the time comes, he will not be able to save the deputy leader, and he may have to catch up with him again.

And the person who can't do this leader, can he do it himself?

Thinking of this, the dark guard couldn't help but shake his head again and again, and his body that had just straightened up leaned down again.

Suddenly, I remembered that Zhao Ping had instructed before leaving, if something happened, let him go back and report the news first.

Then he hurriedly turned around and returned along the same route, preparing to go back and report the matter to His Majesty.

The secret guard relied on his memory to go all the way down the mountain to find the place where the horses had been hidden, but he was dumbfounded when he looked at the empty meadow.

"Fuck it, where's my horse?!"


At the same time, the iron pillar on the mountain, who was in charge of today's patrol, hummed a little song with a happy face, and walked into the stockade with two horses with brisk steps.

Huzi, the guard at the gate of the village, looked at Tiezhu leading two tall horses over, and couldn't help but ask suspiciously

: "Tiezhu, where did you bring the horse from

?" Hearing this, Tiezhu said excitedly: "Naturally, it was picked up when he was patrolling the mountains!"

"Picked it up?" Huzi looked incredulous. Look at this horse's fat and strong body! It must have taken a lot of effort to feed it. Tie

Zhu pouted and said, "Don't believe it, this horse was picked up at the bottom of the mountain!" Then he turned his head and patted the sturdy belly of the horse behind him and said: "This is a good horse! I won't talk nonsense with you, I will hurry up and send the horse to the owner of the village!"

Huzi looked at the figure of the two horses in the distance, couldn't help scratching his head, and muttered:

"This mountain patrol is really a good errand, catch Ming'er and the

village owner to mention, let me also go to the mountain patrol!" Maybe you can pick up some treasure!?" When

Lin Chen saw the two horses, he was still wondering, this speed was too fast, he had just ordered someone to go to the foot of the back mountain to snatch the war horse, and he would come back so soon?

Lin Chen looked at these two horses, the horse's long body and smooth lines are also the best among horses. Under normal circumstances, it will not be discarded, and it is left on his turf, Qingcheng Mountain.

He recalled the Zhao Ping he had caught before, and he instantly understood that these eight achievements were left by that Zhao Ping.

There is another horse, I am afraid that it is the person who walked with Zhao Ping. I didn't expect this Zhao Ping to come with a helper!

Lin Chen's face turned cold, and he ordered in a deep voice: "The person who broke into the cottage today has a helper, and he ordered him to go down and immediately look for

it in the mountains, and be sure to catch him!" Those mountain people did not dare to delay, and after receiving Lin Chen's instructions, they immediately investigated in the mountains, and searched according to the expanded scope of the place where Tiezhu said "picking up horses".

It didn't take long for the dark guard to be spotted nearby, and he was still wandering here looking for horses.

The guard thought the reins were loose and the horse had run away, so it must be nearby.

After all, it's a long way to go back, and it's this barren mountain and wilderness. If it had taken some time to walk, the news would have been delayed. So he thought about looking for it in the neighborhood first, and maybe he would find the horse back.

Who knew that when I was looking for it, I met a bandit on this mountain.

As soon as the dark guard saw that he was being targeted, he ran for his life, but unfortunately he didn't remember the direction along the way, so he ran to the side of the cliff in a panic, and fell down accidentally.

The mountaineers chasing behind him saw the man fall from the steep cliff, and they couldn't help but sigh for a while, in such a high place, the person must have lost his life if he fell.

So he turned back and told Lin Chen about the matter.

Hearing that the person who was traveling with Zhao Ping fell off the cliff, he no longer took this matter to heart, but began to look forward to the war horse that was snatched back.

After noon, Li Laosi was finally triumphant and came back with two hundred war horses.

As soon as he saw Lin Chen, Li Laosi was overjoyed, and sang loudly: "The master of the village! The war horses have been snatched back, two hundred, and one is not a lot!"

Everyone is also happy, there are only five horses in this cottage now, and the foot strength is not good, at most they can pull some goods, and they can go back and forth to Chang'an City, and no matter how far they are, it will not work.

And now it's 200 war horses, this number! This foot power! It's still a war horse!

On the way back from snatching the war horses, they couldn't stop stroking these war horses, and they were very happy.

He sighed again and again:

"He's a mother, it's the first time I've seen such a good horse in my life!"

And when Lin Chen saw so many war horses gathered together at the same time, he couldn't help but sigh, no wonder the Tang Dynasty was the strongest cavalry in history.

With such a sturdy horse configuration, it is difficult for those cavalrymen not

to be strong! Lin Chen nodded again and again with great satisfaction: "Great!" With

these horses, it is time to start selecting the right mountain people to form

the iron cavalry! While Lin Chen's side was in full swing to select the right candidates for the iron cavalry, Li Shimin in the palace of Chang'an City was anxious.

Li Shimin looked at the empty door of the hall, and couldn't help but think in his heart, it has been a few days since this secret guard went to check the fine salt, and now there is still no news.

According to the level of the secret guard, I am afraid that there should have been news back a long time ago, but there is no one to see so far, what is going on?

Just when Li Shimin was upset, a voice suddenly came from outside the main hall

: "Your Majesty! Lord Huang asks to see

you!" Li Shimin rubbed his eyebrows and said in a deep voice:

"Come in!"

Lord Huang walked into the hall with a solemn face, and after saluting, he reported directly

: "Your Majesty, the minister has just received the news! The two hundred war horses we paid tribute from the Western Regions were robbed on the road?"

"What?!" Li Shimin's expression was grim, and

he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he thought of this, and asked in a cold voice:

"Was it robbed? Is this done by the Tubo people or the Turks?"


Li Shimin was stunned, the war horses introduced from the Western Regions this time were well-bred and strong, and they were originally intended to be used as stallions, cultivated elite horses, and used to form cavalry to deal with these Turkic Tubo thieves who were eyeing the Tang Dynasty.

Now that it has been robbed, it is not the two of them who did it, so who will it be

? At this time, Lord Huang continued

: "When the caravan passed by Qingcheng Mountain, it was robbed by the bandits there!" When

Li Shimin heard this, his eyes immediately widened and exclaimed

: "What? Qingcheng Mountain!?"


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