When Li Shimin heard the words "Qingcheng Mountain", his heart suddenly tightened.

How could he not know about Qingcheng Mountain? Looking back now, all the things that happened on Qingcheng Mountain are still vivid.

Thinking of leading 5,000 Praetorian Guards, he was defeated by Lin Chen before he could fight, and then he was captured in front of the battle, and he vomited all the way, and he was even more hungry and barely bowed his head. It is still a shadow in his heart!

Lord Huang gritted his teeth with hatred on the side, such thieves are so arrogant. It was so hateful!

I couldn't help but hate it:

"Your Majesty, it is so bold that such an arrogant and arrogant person dares to rob the royal family in broad daylight.

The more Lord Huang spoke, the more angry he became, a pair of eyebrows had already been erected, and he said even more righteously:

"The minister implores Your Majesty to send troops to exterminate the arrogant bandits on Qingcheng Mountain!"

At this time, when Li Shimin heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched, and his face was extremely unnatural.

This sentence is like a knife, piercing Li Shimin's heart.

Isn't this arrogant! The royal princess was kidnapped and turned into a lady of the village, and the emperor of the Tang Dynasty was abducted for a while. This is such an arrogant person, why didn't he want to send troops to eradicate

it?! But who said that no troops were sent?! First, the three thousand elite guards went to exterminate it, but they were beaten by Lin Chen and brought back with half of the losses.

Later, another 5,000 Praetorian Guards went forward, and they were beaten and damaged a lot by Lin Chen's people and came back.

It is clear that there are only 1,000 people in that cottage, but how can we get it if we can't beat it? If

we send troops to exterminate it again, not to mention the disturbance caused by the court, if it is beaten back again, and when the time comes, the heavy troops sent by the imperial court will not be able to take down a small cottage, so will the royal face be gone?

Thinking of this, Li Shimin waved his hand weakly and said:

"Go down! I want to be alone and quiet!"

That Lord Huang wanted to say more, but seeing Li Shimin's tired face, he didn't seem to want to listen anymore, so he also stopped bowing and retreated.

At this time, Li Shimin was the only one left in the main hall, and the more he thought about it, the more depressed he became, how could this Lin Chen not be able to get along with him?

This Li Lizhen also stayed on the Qingcheng Mountain and was unwilling to come back, which made him quite a headache.

When he thought of Li Liqing, he finally remembered that when he left the cottage before, Lin Chen said that he would let him get the marriage decree.

Now, after all this time, it has not been fulfilled. Could it be that Lin Chen waited too long and was dissatisfied in his heart, so he sought revenge and snatched the war horse?

Li Shimin's eyes were cold, his big hands clenched into fists, slammed on the table in front of him, gritted his teeth and said:

"Such a thief actually holds a grudge like this!"

Just when Li Shimin was extremely angry, there was a sudden sound of a report from the inner servant.

"Your Majesty! Xing Guogong asked to see him outside the palace!" Li

Shimin was slightly surprised, Fang Xuanling took leave today, and he didn't go to the early dynasty, why did he suddenly come here at this time.

"Come in!" As

soon as Li Shimin's words fell, the door of the main hall was pushed open, and Fang Xuanling walked in quickly and bowed directly.

"Weichen, see

Your Majesty!" Although the residual anger on Li Shimin's face did not subside, he still waved his hand politely to his humerus minister and said

: "Excuse me, Xuanling has taken leave today, why did you come to the palace?" Fang Xuanling

replied with a somewhat solemn face:

"Your Majesty, the matter of fine salt that appeared in Chang'an City a few days ago must have been known to Your Majesty.

Li Shimin nodded lightly, his face condensed slightly.

"I have long known about this fine salt, and I have sent someone to investigate the source of this fine salt in private, and there is no news yet.

When Fang Xuanling heard this, he said eagerly:

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty has just received a report from the Salt Supervision Division, and now Chang'an City has become a market for fine salt. The common people are scrambling to buy fine salt, but they don't care about

the coarse salt sold by the government, and now they have no input income!" Fang Xuanling's expression was very solemn, and he said again:

"Your Majesty, now that the sale of coarse salt has been hindered, I am afraid that if we continue like this, we may shake the country's foundation! I also implore Your Majesty to make a decision as soon as possible!"

Li Shimin's expression couldn't help but change when he heard this, he didn't expect that this fine salt would occupy the market so quickly, and it was only a few days.

has already made the official salt no market in Chang'an City, and the situation is already a bit serious.

Such a fundamental matter related to the imperial court must not be left unattended. Thinking of the bad things of the past two days, I didn't stop for a while, and I was really bored in my heart, and I hated the people behind this fine

salt even more, thinking about it, I said angrily: "How can this be reasonable, you dare to rob the business

of the imperial court!" Now it's too late to wait for the investigation of the secret guards, although it is said that the government does not interfere in the salt affairs much, but now the situation has become a bit of a burning eyebrow, if the imperial court does not act again, it will be no longer possible, and it must come forward to strictly rectify it.

Li Shimin's eyes flashed slightly, as if he had made up his mind, and said in a deep voice:

"Spread my will, completely ban fine salt, confiscate the remaining

fine salt goods, and prohibit the sale of all stores!" As soon as Li Shimin's will came out, it set off a wave in Chang'an City, and now all grain and oil trading houses are selling fine salt, and the government's ban on sales has directly led to a lot of losses for each family.

After the government's ban was implemented, the people had no choice of fine salt, so they could only buy coarse salt, and within two days, the sales of coarse salt rose again.

At this time, Li Shimin was a little calmer.


In the cottage of Qingcheng Mountain

, Lin Chenzheng was very pleased with the iron cavalry that had just been formed with the war horse he had snatched.

Looking at the neat iron cavalry, lined up, they are stepping up their training. Lin Chen's heart was very comfortable, the selection of cavalry was selected by him from the mountain people

, with such a strong war horse to match, and with diligent training in the future, he would soon be able to form an elite cavalry iron cavalry.

This cottage will definitely develop in the future. With these trained elite teams, they will naturally be much more stable.

At this moment, Xu San came over with a bad face, and said directly in front of Lin Chen:

"Owner of the village, it's not good, there is news in Chang'an City, and now the imperial court has issued an order to ban the sale of our fine salt!

But I don't want

the imperial court to directly order a ban on sales, what is going on? Thinking of this, Lin Chen frowned and ordered:

"You go and send someone to Chang'an City to find out, what is going on with this imperial court ban?"

"Yes!" Xu San immediately received the order.


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