These mountain people went out to the royal manor to loot this time, and they won a great victory, and the group returned to the cottage with 20 carriages full of goods, as well as 20 cows and 100 sheep!

As soon as they returned to the cottage, Xu San took the people and began to count today's harvest.

The mountain people gathered in twos and threes to discuss today's gains.

"This ticket is so damn cool

!" "This royal manor is really magnificent, and the things in the palace are different! It's really enjoyable!"

"Haha...... Look at these things, some of them have never heard of before, it's a long insight

!" "Look at these horses, these cattle and sheep, and these jewels and porcelain, aren't they all treasures, this trip is really worth it!"

"......" ......

And when Lin Chen saw these things from the royal manor, he was really taken aback, he didn't expect that there were so many good things in this royal manor, and he really made a lot of money now.

This time, Li Laosi brought people, not only brought back all the seized fine salt, but also brought a lot of treasures, the most important of which was probably the twenty cows.

Cattle are extremely precious things in Datang, which are extremely rare, and there is a large demand for farming, so even if you take money, you may not be able to buy them.

Therefore, the Tang Dynasty has issued a law that no one shall slaughter and eat cultivated cattle, otherwise it will be punished as a crime.

In the previous cottage, there were only four cows, and they were all obtained with great difficulty, but how could there be only four cows? The crops that are cultivated are also cultivated in a hurry during the seasonal festival night, in order not to miss the season, otherwise the harvest will be affected.

Now that so many cattle have been brought back from this royal manor at once, the efficiency of farming in this cottage has been greatly improved!

Since it is such a happy thing, it must be lively.

Lin Chen waved his hand and gave an order: "Tonight, a bonfire party will be held in the village! Celebrate today's achievements!"

Everyone immediately applauded in unison when they heard this, and they were even more overjoyed and began to prepare for the bonfire party.

Listening to such a lively sound in the village square, Li Lizhi, who came out of the kitchen, also took off her apron and rushed to the direction of the square curiously.

When I came to the square, I was very puzzled when I saw that everyone was carrying various things.

Lin Chen looked at Li Lizhi who came over, then smiled and waved his hand, and said, "Lady, come here!" Li Lizhen

slowly came to Lin Chen's side very obediently, but his eyes were still staring at the various things that the mountain people were carrying around.

I don't know why looking at the things carried by the mountain people is a little familiar, but I can't remember for a while where I have seen these things

? I couldn't help but stare at me suspiciously and asked

, "Husband, where did this thing come from?" Lin Chen smiled heartily: "Of course it's something

from the Royal Manor!" "Royal Manor!?" Li Lizhi was surprised, how could this thing from the Royal Manor be here?

"Husband robbed the Royal Manor?" Suddenly, his eyes widened, and his face was incredible.

No wonder it looks so familiar, it turns out to be a royal manor that I used to go to for the summer.

Lin Chen shook his head and said: "That's not right, what the lady said, can you rob the things of your own father-in-law's family?!"

Li Liqing: "......"



Shimin of the palace was pacing back and forth in the main hall, I don't know what's wrong today, this eyelid has been beating wildly, always feeling that something has happened, and pondering.

The sale of fine salt on the market has been banned, and the sale of coarse salt has begun to return to normal.

It's just that the person behind the fine salt is still nowhere to be seen, and it is still unclear who it is?

Li Shimin sighed, looked up at the sky outside, the sun that had just come out was now hidden inside, and the sky was also gloomy, I was afraid that there would be a rain.

At this moment, a voice came from

outside the hall: "Your Majesty! General Liu

, the deputy commander of the guard army, asks to see you!" Li Shimin's eyes flashed, wasn't this deputy commander of the guard army ordered to guard the royal manor? Why did he come?

He turned around and sat on the dragon chair and said in a deep voice: "Come in!"

As soon as he made the order, he saw a man covered in wounds walking in from outside the hall.

Li Shimin squinted his eyes and looked at the person in front of him, and for a while he really couldn't recognize who it was

......? Liu Zhong sees Your Majesty!" his voice was low, and he seemed to be choked with a hint of choking.

Li Shimin knew who the person in front of him was, and then waved his hand to excuse him, looking at the injured appearance, he frowned slightly, and always felt that something bad had happened.

"How did you make it like this

?!" Liu Zhong, the deputy commander of the guards, said bitterly:

"Your Majesty! The Tianyou Mountain Royal Manor was robbed by bandits, and the guards were seriously injured, and now the manor is empty......

"What?!" Li Shimin stood up suddenly, his eyes full of shock. This is a royal manor house that has everything you need to stay in the summer. It's not much different from the Imperial Palace.

Li Shimin was extremely angry for a while, his chest was even more undulating, and he shouted angrily: "What bandits?

Back to Your Majesty, there are about 200 bandits from the southwest today, and they will rob them without saying a word. I just can't handle it. The guards were even more dead and wounded, and they were ...... I can't hold it! Please convict Your Majesty!" Liu

Zhong said at this time, cold sweat broke out on his head, such a big thing happened, which caused His Majesty to be angry, and I am afraid that the punishment will not be light.

When Li Shimin heard this, he became angry, took the fold on the table and threw it out: "What are you doing to eat? This can't be stopped!" "

How can a royal manor be kidnapped by bandits? These guards are all eating idle food?! They can't even stop a bandit!

Liu Zhong's head was smashed with a red mark, and he didn't dare to move even if he stood in place.

I secretly complained in my heart, I had never encountered such an arrogant bandit when I had been on duty for so long. Knowing that this manor is a royal thing, he also knows that there are tigers in the mountains and prefer to go to Tiger Mountain.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but want to excuse himself: "Your Majesty, the other party is really well-armed, not like an ordinary bandit, and his skills are even more remarkable! His subordinates feel that this matter is quite strange......


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