Hearing Liu Zhong say this, Li Shimin also felt quite strange, when did this bandit dare to snatch the things of the royal manor? It is really unusual to be able to succeed in snatching it under so many defenses.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin couldn't help but take a deep breath, rubbed his eyelids that were still beating wildly, and slowly sat down on the dragon chair again

, and then asked: "What are the characteristics of these people?" Liu Zhong lowered his head and thought about it, and then said:

"Back to Your Majesty, these people

are very strong horses, and they are not much different from the war horses of the elite cavalry, and they are very fast, and they are all very skilled!"

As soon as Li Shimin heard the word "war horse", he stood up again, glared at his eyes and asked eagerly:

"How many war horses?!" A picture had already appeared in his mind, and Lin Chen stood in the center and laughed wildly at himself.

Li Shimin denied it again and again in his heart, and he didn't ...... No way...... It can't be him...... It must be someone else!

Liu Zhong didn't know why Li Shimin was suddenly so excited, he was slightly stunned, and hurriedly replied:

"Back to Your Majesty, there are about two hundred horses!"

Li Shimin's heart chuckled, and he suddenly couldn't breathe, and his body fell heavily on the dragon chair.

muttered in a low voice, "It's him...... It was he who ......, "

This Lin Chen only robbed the two hundred war horses he introduced from the Western Regions before, and this took the war horses that belonged to him and robbed his own Zhuangzi?!"

Thinking of this, his face turned blue in an instant, and he suddenly slapped the case.

He said angrily: "It's really him! It's really him!" In

an instant, Long Wei's aura was revealed, and the frightened Liu Zhong fell to his knees with a "poof".

Li Shimin walked up to Liu Chong angrily, raised his foot and kicked it.

scolded again and again: "Waste! Waste!"

At this moment, Long Yan was furious, and his majesty was raging, and the palace maids and eunuchs inside and outside the hall knelt on the ground one after another, their expressions were shocked, and they only felt that the dragon was so powerful that they couldn't breathe.

"It's just too much of a deception!" the hall reverberated with anger.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of announcement outside the hall.

"Your Majesty, the queen is here!" Li

Shimin still had a trace of anger on his face, and heard that the eldest grandson queen calmed down slightly.

A moment later, Empress Eldest Sun walked in with a bowl of soup.

Liu Zhong on the side hurriedly asked for peace, and the eldest grandson Wujian nodded lightly, looking at this person's scarred face, but his face was a little familiar.

However, the harem was not allowed to interfere in politics, so she suppressed the doubts in her heart and walked straight to Li Shimin.

Li Shimin said softly: "Guanyin, why are you here?!" Although the anger has been deliberately suppressed in his tone, as a husband and wife for many years, how can this eldest grandson Wujian not see the hidden anger? What's more, this Li Shimin is rarely angry, and I am afraid that something big will happen today.

Then he asked softly:

"Your Majesty, what is the matter that provokes Your Majesty to be so angry...... "

This is the soup made by the concubine herself, and Your Majesty drank it to dissipate his anger." As he spoke, he handed the soup to Li Shimin's hand.

Li Shimin was upset, and just as the eldest grandson Wujian handed over the soup, he took a low sip.

Thinking that this matter was not a glorious thing, besides, he didn't want to be angry in front of the eldest grandson. So he changed the topic and asked: "Guanyin maid is here for something?" The

eldest grandson Wujian remembered the purpose of his visit, and said with a helpless smile:

"Your Majesty, the little son has been making a lot of trouble these days, and the concubine really has no choice, so let the female officials around her take her to the royal courtyard outside the city to play, and tomorrow the concubine wants to go to the courtyard to pick her up in person, and by the way, see what is missing in the courtyard, so as to add some purchases." "

After all, we're going to be there for a few months to escape the heat.


The jade soup bowl knocked directly to the ground, and the fragments were scattered all over the ground, and the soup inside poured out.

Li Shimin stared at the eldest grandson Wujian incredulously and asked, "What royal palace!?" The eldest grandson Wujian

was a little helpless to break the jade bowl, and was about to take something for Li Shimin to wipe the soup stuck to his clothes.

Seeing Li Shimin nervously holding the hand of the eldest grandson Wujian, he asked eagerly: "You say it first!" The eldest grandson Wujian

looked at Li Shimin's nervous eyes a little strangely, and smiled: "Which one else can it be, it is the one from Tianyou Mountain!"

It is the ...... of Tianyou Mountain, and it is the of Tianyou Mountain

The name kept echoing in his mind.


The bonfire in the cottage has been built, and a lot of wine has been snatched from the royal manor this time.

The crowd danced around the bonfire and celebrated.

Lin Chen looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh that the years were quiet.

I'm afraid that Li Shimin has already received the news at this time, and now he is probably thumping his chest and sulking

! Haha

! It's relieving to think about it!

Let him come three times and twice, and cut off the livelihood of the cottage.

Now that the things on this royal manor have been robbed, I am afraid that some of them will be painful.


At this time, the two people around the campfire were arguing.

"Wang Mazi, how should I tell the owner of the village about this matter!?" Li Laosi looked embarrassed.

Wang Mazi said disapprerovingly: "Say whatever you want!" Wang Mazi

looked at Li Lizhi who was sitting next to Lin Chen, and explained in a low voice:

"When you go to say it later, don't say it in front of the owner of the village!

The owner of the village and the wife of the owner of the village have just married, and you will bring a small child daughter-in-law to the second lady, you say that you will be happy if you change you?"

Li Laosi nodded again and again in agreement: "Yes, yes! This can't be known to the wife of the owner

of the village!" After seeing Li Lizhen leave the seat, he hurriedly said: "Then I'll go and say!"

But Li Laosi, who had just walked out two steps, turned back again, scratched his head a little embarrassed and said:

" Wang Mazi, I'm stupid, why don't you say it for me

!" "You brought people back, you say!" Wang Mazi pushed Li Laosi out.

And shouted loudly at Lin Chen: "Village master! Li Laosi has something to report to you!"

Li Laosi, who was pushed out, turned around and glared at Wang Mazi fiercely. Only then did he reluctantly turn around and stammer: "Zhai...... The owner of the village ....."

Lin Chen looked at Li Laosi with a smile on his face, and his facial features, which were not very neat, were almost crowded together at this time.

"Say, what's the matter?"

"This...... This one...... The owner of the village ......, "Li Laosi stuttered for a long time, and finally popped out a few words.

Lin Chen said impatiently: "Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, how can you be like a girl, say something quickly

!" Li Laosi scratched his head and said with a smile: "The owner of the village, Wang Mazi and I got you a child

daughter-in-law back!" Hearing this, Lin Chen was stunned: "What?!, child daughter-in-law?!".

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