Lin Chen was stunned, this ......

As a modern person, how could he not know what this child bride was? How could he accept this bad habit?

No, no, this is absolutely not good!

Thinking of this, he waved his hand again and again: "Send it back, send it back!"

Li Laosi was stunned for a moment, and hesitated: "Send it ..... Send it back?now

?Where to send it?" Lin Chen couldn't help but have a headache: "Where did you get it and send it to others?"

"The owner of the village, don't be in a hurry to let me send it away, at least see someone first! The female doll, looks like a porcelain jade doll, born is really good-looking, I have never seen such a good-looking doll, so small can be so good-looking, grow up must be amazing, if you see me, I guarantee that you will definitely like it!" Wang

Mazi on the side also stood up, and hurriedly echoed: "Yes! Zhai master, just take a look, that little girl is really beautiful, if you don't look at it, it's not too late for us to send it back......"

Lin Chen shook his head, waved his hand and was about to excuse himself again, but saw Aunt Sun pulling a crying child in the field and running in front of Li Laosi, her face full of anxiety.

"Li Laosi, I can't take this girl with me, I've been crying all the time, and I don't eat or drink, what do you think this can do!?"

Li Laosi scratched his head, not knowing what to do.

Wang Mazi on the side saw that the female doll was coming, and immediately turned his head and looked at Lin Chen with a smile and said

, "The owner of the village, you see that this person is here, do you want to take a look?!"

Lin Chen, who was still waving his hand and refusing again and again, couldn't help but look at it when he saw such a delicate and beautiful female doll in front of him at this time.

No wonder Li Laosi called it a porcelain doll, this fleshy little face, a pair of big eyes, and a fan of fans, as if he could speak. Delicate nose, small mouth. How comfortable it looks.

Looking at it, he couldn't help but want to reach out and knead it twice, Lin Chen thought so, so he stretched out his hand and did so.

But when her fingers were about to touch the little son's little face, she took a step back in horror, her little face was pale, her thick eyelashes were full of tears, her eyes were full of fear and guard, and her eyes were wide and pitiful.

Lin Chen smiled, put down his hand embarrassedly, and looked at this female doll, about five or six years old, and the clothes on her body were also quite exquisite, I am afraid that it is not an ordinary girl, it is very likely that she came from the family of dignitaries. Such a pampered girl, I'm afraid I haven't seen such a big battle.

Lin Chen looked at the little boy who was so guarded and frightened now, and couldn't help but think in his heart, he must have been frightened all the way, and he hadn't recovered yet.

couldn't help but feel a little distressed, his face turned dark, and he commanded in a deep voice: "Li Laosi, quickly send this girl back!" Li Laosi scratched

his head and looked at the little child, his face was indeed full of tears, but such a delicate girl is rare, and he couldn't help but persuade again: "The owner of the village, why don't you stay, child, just cry and make trouble for a while, you take a closer look at how beautiful this girl is

!" Lin Chen waved his hand again and again: "You are not messing around!" Send it back to someone!

" Li Laosi looked at Lin Chen with some hesitation, then turned his head to look at the little son, and said with some embarrassment: "This ......

?" Lin Chen was a little angry, and said in a deep voice: "How do you send people back?" Seeing Lin Chen's

anger, Li Laosi hurriedly lowered his head and admitted his mistake: "The subordinates know the mistake, the subordinates know the mistake, so send it back!"

Li Laosi couldn't help but have a headache, this originally wanted to bring a female doll to the owner of the village, so that he could be the second lady, but he never thought that he had done something bad with good intentions, for fear that he would frighten this female doll.

Now the owner of the village is unhappy, and he is too reckless!

Li Laosi was about to turn around and leave with the little son, but suddenly heard an exclamation from the distance:

"Little son!"

Li Laosi was stunned and turned to look back.

I saw that at this time, Li Lizhi suddenly turned back, and when she saw the little girl next to Aunt Sun and felt familiar, she called out loudly.

When the little son heard the voice, he was slightly stunned, turned around and looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a familiar figure at a glance, and immediately had a sour nose, with a heavy cry, and shouted aggrievedly:

"Sister ......"

Li Li waited to see it clearly, and finally determined that the little girl was really her sister, and immediately rushed to the field, and when she got closer, she hugged the little son and hurriedly comforted her.

Everyone froze in place when they saw this scene.

What's going on, what's going on...... The owner of the village...... The lady of the

village owner is Her Royal Highness Princess Changle, and this little girl is now called Sister ......

That...... Isn't it ......

? Li Laosi and Wang Mazi glanced at each other, what is going on

? This is obviously trying to get a child daughter-in-law for the owner of the village, and when she is the second lady, why is this child daughter-in-law actually the sister of the wife of the owner of the village after a long time

? The flood washed the Longwang Temple! The family doesn't know the family? Lin

Chen was also blindfolded, and he couldn't stop being surprised when he saw the female doll on the field falling into Li Lizhen's arms and crying bitterly.

This female doll just called him "Sister?", and his lady called her little son.

It's ......


of the guess in his heart, Lin Chen looked at the small figure in surprise, and gradually overlapped with the historical data in his mind.

When Lin Chen saw this, he finally figured it out, this is really a princess! couldn't help but jump his eyebrows, stretched out his hand to support his forehead, and sighed: "This is too coincidental, right?!"

And after the little son threw himself into Li Lizhi's arms, he immediately hugged Li Lizhi tightly and did not let go, and cried aggrievedly: "Sister...... I'm afraid of ......

" Li Lizhi hurriedly reached out and gently patted the back of the little son, and said softly:

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's okay, it's okay...... Sister is here......"

At this time, Li Laosi was the first to react, looked at Lin Chen, and then looked at the two sisters hugging each other in front of him.

Scratching his head, he asked aloud, "This...... Will you send it back?!"


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