At this time, Lin Chen was still shocked, how could this have brought this to the little son? This thing is so troublesome

! Dare to love this and rob a princess again!?

But after thinking about it in a flash, since this has been robbed and everyone has come, he Lin Chen is sitting upright, what is the matter.

Isn't it just a princess? One is not too little, two is not too much, and if it comes, it will be safe.

Lin Chen turned his head and looked at the little son who was holding his sleeves tightly in Li Li's arms and didn't want to let go, still with a frightened expression, and a pair of big eyes that seemed to be as smart as gems, which was really cute.

Lin Chen took a few candies placed on the table and handed them to her. "This is candy, it's delicious! You can taste it!" At

this time, the little son, who was in a daze, heard that someone wanted to give him something, but he heard the voice, and before he could see what it was, he immediately fell back into Li Lizhi's arms.

Li Lizhi smiled, patted the little son gently, and said softly: "This is your brother-in-law, not a bad person, he has something delicious in his hand, you can taste it!"

At this time, the little son poked his head out of Li Lizhi's arms, flashed his big eyes, blinked at Li Lizhi with a smile on his face, and turned to look at Lin Chen.

Seeing that he had kindness on his face, he really didn't seem to be a bad person.

He hesitated slightly, but looking at the candy in Lin Chen's hand, it was colorful, it looked very novel, and he stretched out his hand to take it, but as if he thought of something, he quickly shrank it back.

Seeing that she was scared, Li Lizhi patted her on the back, smiled and said softly: "It's okay! You can taste one and see it......"

Under Li Liqing's encouragement, the little son finally raised his courage, stretched out his little hand and quickly picked up the candy in Lin Chen's hand, and immediately threw himself into Li Lizhen's arms.

Maybe after being frightened, I can't let go of my guard against this stranger.

Lin Chen saw that the horror on the little son's face still did not dissipate, and he hid in Li Lizhi's arms and refused to come out again, probably frightened, so he shook his head and laughed softly.

After the little son got the candy, he immediately hid in Li Lizhi's arms and wanted to taste the candy. I took the candy and put it in my mouth, and the moment I felt sweet, it immediately took over the entire lip and teeth. A pair of eyes also instantly radiated after tasting the candy. The expression of horror turned into excitement.

I couldn't help but say loudly:

"It's delicious!"

The candy melted quickly in his mouth, and the little boy ate the candy in a few clicks.

At this time, he poked his head out of Li Lizhi's arms, stared at the candy on the table without blinking, and saw that Lin Chen was sitting in front of the candy. I wanted to eat it again and was a little scared, and my eyes were rolling, as if I was thinking about how to take it.

Lin Chen had already noticed that this little boy was secretly looking over here, looking at the pair of eyes that were sparkling, very cute, and couldn't help but want to tease.

"Do you still want to eat?" The

little boy seemed to hesitate a little when he heard Lin Chen's question, but when he saw the candy in Lin Chen's hand, he couldn't help but nod expectantly.

Lin Chen smiled slightly, beckoned lightly, and said, "Come here......"

Seeing Lin Chen calling for him, the little son couldn't help but bow his head and think about it carefully, the expression on his face was a little afraid of Lin Chen, and he wanted to eat that delicious candy, and he struggled in his heart. Turning his head to look at Li Lizhi beside him, he nodded to himself, and then he mustered up his courage.

Under Lin Chen's smile full of kindness, he finally made up his mind, lifted his skirt, walked to Lin Chen's side with his calves, stretched out his little hand and thought about taking a few more candies, but he didn't expect that Lin Chen put the candy in his hand back on the plate.

"If you call me brother-in-law, I'll give you candy!" The

little man's little face twisted, and he looked at the plate in the corner of the wide table, which he couldn't reach, and his eyes turned a few times. turned his head to look at Li Liqing, and found that she had been looking at this side with a faint smile.

Turning his head again, Lin Chen really didn't look like a bad person, so he whispered: "Brother-in-law, I want to eat another candy ......"

A soft and glutinous voice came, and Lin Chen couldn't help but rub the little son's hairy hair.

With a smile, he handed the candy to the little son.

"After eating this, you can't eat it again today, you will lose your teeth if you eat too much!" The

little son just got it in his hand, looking at the delicious candy, his heart was happy, and after hearing what Lin Chen said, he was stunned for a moment.

Immediately, Lao Gao, who pouted his mouth, said angrily:

"You are talking nonsense, how can such a delicious candy lose its teeth?!"

Lin Chen laughed, noncommittal.

Li Lizhi said angrily: "You are a child, children can't eat too much candy!"

The little son didn't understand, but she understood.

Lin Chen said before that eating too much of this stuff would be bad. What's more, this little son is still young and doesn't know how to control himself, so he must be controlled as a sister.

Hearing my sister say the same, she was also a little unconvinced: "I'm not a child anymore...... I'm already six years old!"Hmph! I'm about to grow into an adult, and everyone still treats her as a child all day long!

The little boy pouted, looking like a big sister, and she was very unconvinced, but it made Lin Chen and the others laugh.

After eating the sugar, this little boy was obviously not as nervous and scared as he was when he first came.

In addition, with his own imperial sister here, he is also a lot more relaxed. I also forgot some of my previous fears, but began to be curious about the various foods on this table. After

studying the contents of the table, he began to watch the scene of so many people gathering in the village to celebrate and dance. It was also very exciting to see everyone get together excitedly.

She had never seen such a gathering scene in a campfire since she was a child.

The little son who was fluttering in Li Li's arms was very curious about all kinds of things at this banquet.

Especially for this brother-in-law Lin Chen, looking at his dignified appearance and demeanor, it should not be bad to eat such delicious sugar for himself.

As a result, the little son who was tempted by the candy gradually accepted Lin Chen's existence.

"Brother-in-law, I want to eat this!" the familiar little son was not polite at all, and after a while, a brother-in-law called crisply.

Afraid that Lin Chen wouldn't know which one it was, he deliberately ran to Lin Chen's side and stretched out his little finger.

Many of the various foods in this cottage are made by Lin Chen's research and teaching, and they can't be eaten outside at all. The little son is a child, and he must not be able to resist the temptation of these delicacies.

Lin Chen smiled and sandwiched the dish into the bowl of the little son, looked at the little child's meaty little face, and couldn't help but reach out and rub it again, his face was full of spoiling.

I couldn't help but think to myself: "It's not bad to have such a little Lori by your side!"



The author has something to say:

add more and more, and the follow-up will come soon~

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