In the palace, Li Shimin, who was gray in front of him at this time, sat on the dragon chair in a daze.

He still said with words in his mouth:

"Little son...... The little son ...... "The

eldest grandson Wujian on the side couldn't help but be shocked when he saw Li Shimin lose his temper, and he faintly felt that something had happened.

The eldest grandson Wujian frowned slightly, stretched out his hand to put his hand on Li Shimin's arm, looked at Li Shimin, who was a little stunned, and asked softly: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty ......

" "But what's wrong?"

Li Shimin heard the eldest grandson Wujian shouting, and then he reacted, his eyes were red at this time, full of anger, looking at Liu Zhong, who was kneeling on the ground in the hall and trembling, he picked up the inkstone on the table and smashed it without thinking about it, and scolded angrily:

" Princess Jinyang is in the royal manor, why don't you say it!?"

Liu Zhong's forehead was smashed by the inkstone thrown by Li Shimin, and he didn't dare to be silent in anger, and endured the pain and knocked again and again:

"Your Majesty forgives your sins, Your Majesty forgives your sins, this manor was suddenly robbed, and the gang of thieves even emptied everything, the scene was too chaotic, and the subordinates didn't notice it for a while, so they ...... I didn't care about Her Royal Highness the princess, I'm afraid that I was kidnapped, I was afraid that I was kidnapped by the thief...... I beg Your Majesty to forgive your sins!

Liu Zhong recalled what had happened before, and he was even more frightened, all this happened too fast, and he didn't have time to react.

Li Shimin was about to smash something again, but found that there was nothing to take on the table, and he was even more angry and raised his hand to point at Liu Zhong on the ground, and shouted angrily: "Waste! Waste!"

After hearing the words of the person crawling on the ground, Changsun Wujian looked at this person again, where could he not be familiar with? Isn't this Liu Zhong, the deputy commander of the guard army who guarded the royal manor?

Recalling what he had said before, Changsun Wujian's heart suddenly tightened, and his eyes were about to fall down as soon as it was dark.

Fortunately, Li Shimin, who was on the side, had quick eyes, and immediately reached out to help the eldest grandson Wuji, who was about to faint, and sat on the dragon chair.

At this time, Empress Eldest Sun's eyes were red, and she pulled Li Shimin's sleeve and asked in disbelief: "Your Majesty, the little son is ......" Li Shimin's eyes

were full of pain, and he nodded, and then said in a low voice: "I also just learned about this." Then

he roughly told the eldest grandson Wujian about this matter, and the tears in the eyes of the eldest grandson Wuji, who knew the whole thing, could no longer be stopped, like a pearl with a broken thread, and kept falling.

The eldest grandson cried bitterly: Her Changle was kidnapped by the bandits, but she didn't expect that now the little son was kidnapped again, if this little son has something three long and two short, what should she do?

At this time, as a mother, I can't care about any etiquette.

Hurriedly pulled Li Shimin and cried: "Your Majesty, you must save the little son-in-law...... She was still so small and weak...... The concubine was worried about ......"

and finally couldn't bear it and choked up.

At this time, Li Shimin looked at the sad eldest grandson Wujian, and remembered that the arrogant Lin Chen, it was not enough to kidnap one princess, and he actually dared to hit the little son again, and kidnapped the second one.

Thinking of this, he was even more furious, and suddenly slammed the case, and ordered angrily: "Someone is coming! Li Junxian, the commander of the Praetorian Guard!" Li Shimin stared at the direction of Qingcheng Mountain outside the hall with angry eyes, and secretly decided that he would definitely send troops this time to raze the cottage to the ground! In order to relieve the hatred in his heart!

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside the main hall:

"Your Majesty, the secret guard is asking to see your lord!"

Li Shimin hadn't reacted from the repeated bombardments just now, and he didn't hear clearly who it was, so he directly said angrily: "Let him in!" As

soon as the words fell, Li Shimin saw a man dressed in tatters and even holding a cane limping in.

At this time, the eldest grandson Wujian raised his sleeve to wipe the tears on his face, and also looked at the door in surprise.

Liu Zhong, who was crawling on the ground, also turned his head sideways, and when he saw the person coming, he couldn't help but look at it, and the two looked at each other and were stunned.

The two of them secretly said in their hearts: "This guy ...... Worse than me......

" The man walked to the front of the hall, holding on to crutches, his eyes were red, and he saluted excitedly

: "Subordinate Yu Sheng, see Your Majesty!"

Li Shimin heard this, his heart was shocked, and he looked at it in disbelief and said: "You are the secret guard

Yu Sheng?!" That Yu Sheng nodded hurriedly and replied: "It's a subordinate!"

Li Shimin frowned and said: "How did you do this?!".

As soon as he mentioned this, Yu Sheng couldn't stop shedding tears, and while wiping his tears, he said:

"Your Majesty doesn't know, his subordinates and deputy leaders traced all the way to the place where the fine salt was made, and they never wanted to be discovered, the deputy commander was arrested, and he still doesn't know whether he is alive or dead, and the villain wants to rush back the letter, but he didn't think about it, but he was chased and killed by the gang, and accidentally fell into the cliff."

"Fortunately, there are trees under the cliff to support, and there are passing farmers to rescue, and the subordinates have saved their lives, but this leg is also useless......

" Speaking of this, Yu Sheng took a breath violently, wiped his tears and said:

"The subordinates are in the farmer's house, and after recuperating for a few days, they set off to rush back, and they are inconvenient to move along the way, but fortunately they have a waist card, otherwise it will be difficult for the subordinates to return to the palace......

." Speaking of this, Yu Sheng recalled all the things in recent days, and he was even more in tears, this ordeal forced the trained secret guards to be like this!

Li Shimin's eyelids jumped suddenly, he was still wondering, the two secret guards sent out to investigate the fine salt had no news for so long, and he never thought that he had encountered such a thing.


Shimin looked at Yu Sheng's hanging leg and said directly: "Let the imperial doctor diagnose and treat it later."

When Yu Sheng heard this, his heart was suddenly moved, and he hurriedly thanked him.

Li Shimin nodded lightly, and then asked, "Where is the place where fine salt is made?"

Yu Sheng wiped his tears, and then hurriedly said: "Back to Your Majesty, the ministers followed the delivery carriage all the way to a cottage in Qingcheng Mountain

!" "The subordinates saw the carriage enter the cottage with their own eyes...... "


Li Shimin heard a roaring sound in his ears, and he fell heavily on the chair again.

His face was pale, and he gritted his teeth and said hatefully: "Qingcheng Mountain...... Qingcheng Mountain!" "

It turns out that this fine salt was made by Lin Chen, no wonder it can't be found in Chang'an City."

Fine salt was forbidden, and this batch of seized fine salt was stored in the royal manor by the salt superintendent, and then the royal manor was robbed.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin's face became more and more gloomy, his eyes were red, and he raised his arm to sweep the table to the ground, and roared loudly: "Again and again, you Lin Chen is simply arrogant!"

Then he shouted outside the hall: "Is Li Junxian here!?"

I see that many readers are saying that school is going to start, and readers will try to add more and more, everyone remembers to continue to support the little author after the start of school!

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