Li Junxian, the commander of the Praetorian Guard outside the palace, did not come, but there was a rush of footsteps, and an attendant walked quickly to Li Shimin's side, only to hear him say in a sharp voice:

"Your Majesty! Her Royal Highness Princess Changle has sent a letter from her family!"

Hearing that it was Princess Changle's family letter, Li Shimin snorted coldly, and directly twisted his head to the side, without looking at the letter.

The eldest grandson Wujian, who was anxious about his daughter, immediately took over the family letter, which read, "Father, Emperor and Mother Enlighten in person".

The font is beautiful, at first glance, it is written by Li Lizhen, the eldest grandson queen looked at the envelope, raised her head and tried to shout

: "Your Majesty! Changle's letter ......

" Li Shimin was still pale, and said coldly: "That unfilial letter, I don't read it!"

This is really beautiful!

" Father and queen mother, the son's willful departure from the palace worries the father and queen mother, is it the son's minister. When Erchen met Lin Chen, he found out who is the person who can really join hands with Erchen in this world? Lin Chen and I know each other and have already become husband and wife.

"Erchen knows that there have been many misunderstandings between his father and his husband recently, and Erchen doesn't want this matter to develop further, and he also wants to explain this matter to his father, queen and mother. "

This fine salt was developed by the husband with a secret method, and this fine salt is far superior to coarse salt not only in terms of taste, but also in terms of the amount of food. The most important thing is that eating too much coarse salt can also lead to neck hypertrophy, and fatigue will lead to many diseases in the long run.

And this fine salt can improve these, Erchen has seen the people in the mountains improve their symptoms after eating fine salt, if this fine salt can be popularized in the Tang Dynasty, it will definitely benefit the people. "

My father decreed that the sale of fine salt would be banned, and the livelihood of the people in the mountains was affected, and the batch of fine salt that was detained in the royal manor was made by the hard work of the people in the mountains.

And the little son was brought back is purely unintentional, there are all kinds of misunderstandings, the son has no time to say one by one, now the little son is safe and sound here, the father and the queen mother can rest assured, the son will send the little son back one day!

"Father and queen mother are on top, and the sons and daughters are beautiful!" After

reading the letter, the eldest grandson Wujian finally eased a lot in his heart, and saw that the letter was neat and the handwriting was smooth, and he also knew that what Li Lizhen said this time did not seem to be coercion and temptation.

sighed slowly, looked up at Li Shimin and persuaded softly: "Your Majesty, what Changle said in the letter, she and the little son are both fine, and in addition, the matter of fine salt is also mentioned, and some things related to the people's social affairs are also requested to be seen by Your Majesty in person......" Li Shimin

was still quite annoyed, but when he heard that it was about the people's society, he immediately turned his head, frowned and reluctantly took the letter handed over by Empress Changsun, and swept the content of the letter in three or two eyes.

After reading it, Li Shimin pondered slightly, can these fine salts really improve the symptoms caused by the common people's consumption of coarse salt, as Li Lizhen said?

The eldest grandson Wujian remembered what Li Li said in the letter, so he said with relief: "Your Majesty, if this fine salt can really make the people improve some diseases as Changle said, it can not be said that it is not a blessing for the people......"

Although Li Shimin's face was not good, he could still listen to what the eldest grandson Wujian said.

Hearing his queen mention this fine salt, he was also a little moved, this fine salt he had eaten before, and it really tasted good, as for this help to treat neck hypertrophy, he had not yet known.

Now that Datang has a fat neck and a weak body, there are not a few people who are weak, if this fine salt can really be changed, it will also benefit the country and the people.

It's just that the person who made this fine salt was actually Lin Chen's kid. Thinking of that kid's arrogant posture, Li Shimin's face was full of annoyance.

The eldest grandson Wujian observed his words and looks, and looked at Li Shimin's face, sometimes pensive and sometimes angry, and knew that Li Shimin had listened.

Then he continued to persuade:

"Your Majesty, now this Changle and the little son are in the Qingcheng Mountain Cottage, if Your Majesty sends troops, not to mention that the princess's departure will definitely not be able to hide from the court and outside, this royal dignity is afraid that it will be a little difficult to maintain......"

"Moreover, if Your Majesty really sends troops to suppress it, once the war starts, the two princesses are on Qingcheng Mountain, and there are no eyes on this battlefield, I am afraid it will be difficult to ensure the of the two of them."

Speaking of this, Empress Eldest Sun paused, and saw that although Li Shimin's face was struggling at this moment, it was finally much calmer, and then she continued:

"Your Majesty, according to what Changle said in his heart, Lin Chen of Qingcheng Mountain can use secret methods to develop fine salt, and I am afraid that he is not an idle person, and it is not ......known whether it is a big help from His Majesty."

Speaking of which, Li Shimin, as the emperor, naturally knows the stakes, and he can still find an excuse to hide the purpose of the two previous troops to Qingcheng Mountain, but if he sends troops again, he will not be able to hide it. Besides, the two troops returned with a feather, and it is not so simple to take Qingcheng Mountain!

Moreover, this Lin Chen is the person who makes the fine salt, if this fine salt is really beneficial to Sheji, this cannot be easily disposed of.

Although Li Shimin is extremely angry, as an emperor, he can tolerate the affairs of the country.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin also waved his hand helplessly: "That's it, since it is for the people of Limin, I will endure it, but if this fine salt matter is false, I will not spare it!"

"I'll send someone to talk to that Lin Chen, and I'm sure I'll ask him to hand over the method of making fine salt!" When

the eldest grandson Wujian heard this, he couldn't help frowning slightly, and took the initiative to ask:

"Your Majesty, if you believe in the concubine, let the concubine go and talk to that Lin Chen, so as to share your majesty's worries."

Li Shimin hurriedly shook his head: "No, you are the mother of a country, how can you go to the land of bandits? The

eldest grandson said softly: "Your Majesty! This matter is related to the majesty of the royal family and to the people of Limin. As the mother of the country, the concubine should do her best, and besides, the concubine should go to talk to Changle this time and find out about the fine salt.

Li Shimin lowered his head and pondered, and he also thought about it in his heart, the eldest grandson's words were indeed reasonable, but he still didn't worry about the eldest grandson Wujian going.

The eldest grandson Wujian smiled and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, you can send a few people to escort the concubines to Qingcheng Mountain, and the concubines will also dress up all the way, and it will definitely be fine." "

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