Daming Palace Changsheng Hall

"Your Majesty, the concubine has been in a bad mood recently, and she wants to take Changle and her little son out of the palace to relax. The

eldest grandson was in a state of immaculate Li Li, and he couldn't help but be a little worried, and his face couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Li Shimin nodded when he heard this: "It's okay! The marriage between Changle and the eldest grandson's family is approaching, and when Changle gets married, I'm afraid there will be no chance, and I will leave the palace with you in a few days!"

"Oh no, no!"

a hurried shout disrupted the heartwarming scene.

Li Shimin scolded with some displeasure:

"What kind of system is it to be so impatient!"

The chamberlain was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly pleaded guilty.

"Please Your Majesty, the queen mother forgives her sins, the slave maid has something important to report, and she has lost her dignity for a while, please forgive your majesty!"

Although Li Er is an emperor, he is not a faint king, so he is naturally prioritized.

So he waved his hand

and said, "Say, what's the matter?"

The chamberlain didn't dare to pause, and immediately said

, "Back to Your Majesty, Princess Changle is gone

!" "What!"

The two people on the main seat looked at each other, and both of them looked incredulous.

"What's going on?" Li

Shimin asked eagerly, and the eldest grandson Wujian also looked at the chamberlain urgently.

Caixia, who was waiting for the princess, had just come to tell the princess to ask her to go to the Huanyi Bureau to pick up the clothes, and when she came back, she found that the princess was gone. There was only one letter left in the house!"

After that, he handed over the letter, and Li Shimin hurriedly took it.

On the envelope is written by the father and the queen mother.

The content of the letter is roughly that he does not want to marry Changsun Chong as his wife, and he directly regards Changsun Chong as his brother. Seeing that the marriage was getting closer and closer, there was no turnaround, so he sneaked out of the palace.

Seeing this, Li Shimin was extremely angry, how could Changle be so bent on going his own way! Changle was his

most beloved daughter, but her health had not been very good, and she originally wanted to give her a person worthy of trust, so she chose Changsun Chong.

With his father here, Changsun Chong will definitely take good care of her.

But I didn't expect that this Li Lizhi actually left the palace.

The eldest grandson queen on the side took the envelope, and after reading it, her eyes were black and she almost fainted, Li Shimin quickly helped her and sat down.

Turning his head and shouting angrily:

"Pass the order, order the commander of the Praetorian Guard, Li Junxian is secretly looking for the whereabouts of Princess Changle in Chang'an City, remember not to leak the news



In the cottage

, Li Lizhi was really depressed to stay in the room alone, the waiting time was too long, and there was still a long time before it got dark.

"Gollum!" "Gollum


Li Lizhi glanced at the room embarrassedly, fortunately she was the only one there, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

Stretching out his hand and rubbing his stomach, he ran out of the palace by himself, only carrying a burden, and lost it on the way. In this way, except for the two bites in the morning, this is almost a day without eating.

I'm really hungry.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Ma'am, I'm here to bring you food.

Li Lizhi's eyes lit up, she happened to be hungry, and hurriedly said: "Come in!"

I saw a woman with a delicate face and a blue skirt walking in with a tray.

Putting the food on the table, he introduced himself:

"Hello Madam, I am Xiaocui, the owner of the village said that Madame has not eaten much for a day, and now she must be hungry, so she specially ordered Xiaocui to bring you something to eat."

When Li Lizhi heard this, her eyes flashed slightly, and she couldn't help but think in her heart:

This Lin Chen is quite careful.

Looking at the abundant food on the table, it is something that has never been seen before.


is this?" said with a smile,

"This is corn porridge, and this is pancake fruit."

"It's delicious, Madame try it!" Xiao

Cui looked at this lady with a stunning appearance, and she was generous, and there was a trace of extravagance between her gestures.

I'm afraid that only such women can be worthy of their village master.

Li Lizhi smelled the aroma of rice on the table, and her stomach was empty, and she couldn't help it for a long time.

He picked up the bowl and took a sip.

A sweet taste hits the taste buds, and I never knew that there could be porridge so delicious.

Even if she is in the palace and has been dressed and eaten since she was a child, she has seen all kinds of delicious food, but she has never seen this kind of porridge.

Then I picked up the pancake fruit and took a bite, it was crispy and soft, and I couldn't describe the feeling.


so delicious! Li Lizhi couldn't help but exclaim:

"Xiaocui, is this what you made? It's so delicious!"

Xiao Cui said proudly

: "How can we make these foods, this is all made by our village bishop!"

Li Lizhi was slightly stunned:

"Lin Chen? How is it possible? He would still do this?"

Thinking of Lin Chen's powerful body, he even collapsed the house, no matter how you look at it, he is not a person who entered the kitchen.

Xiao Cui saw that Li Li didn't believe it, and hurriedly said:

"Of course the owner of the village knows this! Not only that, but there will be more owners of the village." "

Madame doesn't know, this cottage was originally a group of undisciplined bandits, and their lives were even tighter, and they were hungry every day. But since the owner of the village came, everything has changed.

"Now we don't have to worry about food anymore, even our lives are happy, the owner of the village is the god of our big guy!" Li

Lizhi looked at Xiao Cui with a look of adoration, and couldn't help muttering a little in her heart.

Is this Lin Chen really as godlike as she said?

Impossible, how can such a rude person do this?

This Xiaocui is in the same group as them, and I am afraid that he will be sent over as a lobbyist!

I still have to find a way to escape as soon as possible.

Li Lizhi hurriedly ate a few bites, and only then could she barely eat enough.

At this moment, a woman walked in with a smile, holding a bright red brocade robe in her hand.

"Madam! the old man came to change his wife's clothes!" Looking

at the brocade clothes on the tray, Li Li's eyes flashed.

This is the wedding dress for the big wedding in the evening, it seems that this Lin Chen is really going to marry her tonight.

Seeing that Li Lizhi was silent, the woman smiled and said

, "Madame doesn't have to be shy, the old body is also a person from the past, and it is also a blessing to be able to marry the owner of the village, and there will be endless blessings in the future!"

Li Lizhi snorted coldly in her heart when she heard this, and she didn't object.

Anyway, her ultimate goal is to escape from here, let them relax their vigilance first!

With Li Lizhi's cooperation, the process of grooming was very smooth.

After the woman dressed Li Lizhen in a bright red wedding dress, she couldn't help but marvel at such a stunning posture.

"Madame is so beautiful!".

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