Lin Chen didn't expect that he would be able to start a family at the age of eighteen.

Looking at the busy mountain people in the courtyard, they happily arranged the venue for getting married at night.

Something is not quite true.

Evening soon came, and flaming red lanterns hung all over the cottage.

Li Lizhi was dressed in a bright red wedding robe, and was led all the way to Lin Chen by the bride.

Lin Chen stretched out his hand to take the pair of soft pancreas, looked at the bride with a red hijab in front of him, and said with a smile:

"Let's go!"

After speaking, he pulled Li Lizhi and walked towards the salute.

Li Lizhen wanted to resist, but her hand was held tightly by Lin Chen, although it didn't hurt to hold, but it also made her unable to resist at all.

originally thought that he could sneak away before the salute, but who knew that Xiaocui and Xi Niang would follow him inch by inch.

I tried several times, but I didn't find a chance to escape, so I was pulled over again to salute.

At the beginning of the salute, Lin Chen and Li Lizhi both stood still.

Lin Chen didn't have parents, so he naturally saved a lot of etiquette, and directly worshiped the husband and wife, and said a lot of congratulatory words such as congratulations, even if the ceremony was completed.

After the ceremony, Lin Chen was naturally dragged to drink.

And Li Lizhi was led all the way to a room.

Wait until everything is quiet.

Li Lizhi looked at the room through the red hijab, and the eight achievements were happy.

wanted to try to escape, but Xiaocui and the happy lady had been standing by their side.

And so time passed little by little. A short time later, there was movement at the door.

"Village master!" Listening

to the voices of Xiaocui and Xi Niang, this person is Lin Chen.

What should I do?

Li Lizhen couldn't help but start to get nervous.

Lin Chen waved his hand and motioned for the two of them to step back.

came to Li Lizhen, reached out and ripped off the hijab on her head.

In an instant, I saw Li Li's beautiful eyes, and her face was even more delicate.

His daughter-in-law is really good-looking.

Li Li looked at Lin Chen, who was staring at her motionlessly, and her heart was even more panicked.

This Lin Chen wouldn't really want to do anything, would he


Looking at Li Li's nervous appearance, Lin Chen laughed.

"What are you laughing at!" Li Lizhi looked displeased, is she funny?

Seeing Li Lizhen's appearance of pretending to be calm, Lin Chen slightly raised his robe and sat beside Li Lizhen.

"Don't worry, you don't want to, I won't use force on you, tonight you sleep inside and I sleep outside, our well water does not interfere with river water.

Li Li looked at Lin Chen suspiciously, as if to confirm the authenticity of his words.

He has already kidnapped himself to the mountains and become a relative again, so if he doesn't want to......, won't he use force on himself?"

was interrupted by Lin Chen.

"Don't think about it if you want to go down the mountain, now that you are my Lin Chen's wife, naturally you will be wherever I am

!" "You don't have to think about how to sneak out, even if Xiaocui and the others don't look at you, you can't escape from this village!"

After speaking, he lay on the bed by himself, closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Li Lizhi looked at Lin Chen in surprise, she didn't expect that her thoughts would be discovered by him.


at Lin Chen, who seemed to be asleep, Li Li glanced at the door, and the lantern outside the door faintly showed a figure.

It's ......

Let's wait until tomorrow!

Although it was a man sleeping next to him, for some reason, he felt very relieved for some reason, and he fell asleep after a while.

Lin Chen raised his eyes to look at the sleeping Li Lizhi beside him, and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

This little lady is quite cute!

I'm afraid it will be much more interesting in the future.


"Back to Your Majesty, the ministers have searched the entire Chang'an City, and someone saw the princess hiring a carriage near Guanghua Gate and going in the direction of Lai'an County.

When Li Shimin heard Li Junxian's report, he secretly screamed in his heart.

This Li Lizhen is easy to do in Chang'an City, and there will be no danger at the feet of the Son of Heaven, but it is not necessarily necessary to leave Chang'an City.

There are mountains and mountains near Lai'an County, and it will be even more troublesome if you encounter a robber or something again.

Li Lizhen must be found as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin hurriedly dispatched the secret guard and ordered him to make every effort to find Li Lizhen's whereabouts.

Wei Qian, the leader of the dark guard, took his five men and immediately set out to find it.

The carriage driver who was hired by Li Li knew that he had been in trouble when he heard that someone in Chang'an City was looking for the whereabouts of a young woman at noon.

Afraid of being held accountable, he hurriedly fled in a carriage.

But it was the secret guard who came to track it down.

The secret guards are the masters around the emperor, not only are they equipped with martial arts, but they are also first-class in finding out the news.

Not to mention the escaped coachman, even the enemy's military intelligence can find out a thing or two.

As soon as the coachman escaped from the jurisdiction of Chang'an City, he was caught.

The coachman trembled and pleaded:

"Spare your life!"

The villain really didn't know that this girl was so noble, and the girl said that it was Lai'an County, and the villain pulled the person to the boundary of Lai'an County, and put the person down. The villain really doesn't know where this girl has gone!"

Wei Qian raised his hand and punched the coachman, who lost two teeth.

"My young lady has already paid for the car, you should pull people to the place, and leave them at will, I'm afraid that you will have a long life

!" "The villain knows the mistake! The villain knows the mistake!" The

coachman knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

Wei Qian looked at the kneeling coachman coldly, and kicked it again.

The subordinates behind him stepped forward and asked, "My lord, now that the clue is broken, how can I find

the princess?" Wei Qian said in a deep voice

, "Since the princess is a woman, her body is weak, she will definitely not go far, let's split up and start looking for the princess where she got off the car last

!" "Yes!"



Lizhi woke up in the early morning and didn't see Lin Chen's figure, and looked down to see that there was nothing wrong with his body, and his heart was finally relieved.

It seems that this Lin Chen really kept his promise and really didn't move himself.

Xiao Cui heard the movement in the house, and quickly opened the door and walked in.

"Ma'am, you're awake.

Li Lizhi replied lightly. Then he asked

, "What about the others?"

Xiao Cui immediately understood who Li Lizhen was talking about, and replied while tidying up the room:

"The owner of the village will go to the garden every day to practice martial arts, and it is time to come back."

Li Lizhi nodded her head, no wonder this Lin Chen could have such divine power.

Just after freshening up, still thinking about how to plan today's escape, he heard Lin Chen's voice at the door.

"Let's eat!" As

soon as Lin Chen entered the door, someone brought in a lot of food.

As soon as Li Lizhi smelled the fragrance, she knew that breakfast was corn porridge.

Thinking back to yesterday's eating, there is still some unfinished business.

Lin Chen looked at Li Liqian's eyes and looked at the corn porridge on the table, knowing that this girl was afraid that she liked to drink this.

Then he smiled and said:

"Hungry, hurry up and eat! After eating, let Xiaocui lead you to the village to familiarize yourself!"

As soon as she heard that she could go out, Li Lizhi was very excited, and quickly picked up the bowl and drank it.

Sleepy sending pillows, just worried that he couldn't find a chance to slip away.

This is watched in the house, naturally there is no chance, if it is outside, it is difficult to say.

Li Li couldn't help but smile secretly in her heart, now she finally has a chance to escape!

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