As soon as she finished breakfast, Li Lizhen was already a little impatient.

Lin Chen couldn't help but laugh when he looked at Li Liqian's eager appearance.

Even if you go out for a trip, you can't escape, as for being so happy?

Li Lizhi looked at Lin Chen's inexplicable smile, as if she felt that her purpose was too obvious, so she hurriedly coughed twice and sat down in front of her to hide it.

Lin Chen didn't poke it either, waved his hand and said,

"Let's go to the village with Mrs." Xiao

Cui immediately responded and led Li Lizhen out of the door.

Li Lizhen, who had just gone out, began to look around to see if there was a place to go out.

But as Xiaocui moved forward, one by one, she couldn't help but start to look at this cottage carefully.

The mountain people in the cottage, everyone's eyes are extremely satisfied with joy, and they greet each other warmly.

"Hello ma'am!" Li

Lizhi watched as the mountain people were turning over the grain to dry. Some yards are no longer stacked, and a lot of them are dried on the road.

I was a little surprised, this cottage is near Lai'an County, although it is not far from Chang'an City, but it has not reached such a wealthy state!

Although Li Lizhen grew up in the palace since she was a child, her eldest grandson Wujian is not a spoiled mother. The professor's etiquette is no less.

What's more important is that the people also know a thing or two about farming.

As far as she knows, no one in Datang has ever been able to harvest so much grain at home.

Could it be that this Lin Chen led people to plunder the grain of the nearby people?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible, his face suddenly sank, and he asked

, "Xiao Cui, where did you get all this food from?"

Xiao Cui looked at Li Lizhi suspiciously, I don't know why Mrs. suddenly got angry, and she didn't say anything after thinking about it?"

"Mrs. Hui, the grain in the village is all seeds made by our village owner, and the big guy cultivates it."

"Lin Chen, how is it possible?" The

surrounding mountain people were very dissatisfied when they heard Li Lizhen's questioning of Lin Chen:

"Before the owner of the village came, we couldn't eat enough, but now the seeds given to us by the owner of the village let us cultivate, so that we have endless food."

"The owner of the village has worked hard for us, we respect him from the bottom of our hearts, and we don't allow anyone to slander him!"

"We have just harvested corn, and there are still many crops that are about to be harvested in the field, if Madame doesn't believe it, just go to the field to check!"

Li Li was surprised, how could these villagers be so indignant, obviously they still respected her very much just now.

However, she wanted to see if the Lin Chen they were talking about was really like this?

Several mountain people spontaneously led Li Lizhen to the direction of the field, and along the way, they introduced to her in detail the various things that Lin Chen had built.

Along the way, Li Lizhi was dazzled, looking at everything around her with curiosity, and magical things appeared in front of her, which were a little unreal.

"Madame, look! This is a tomato! And this is a potato that has just been planted

!" "And this is a pepper!"

the mountain people proudly introduced the crops grown in the mountains.

Li Lizhen was also surprised when she saw these things, which she had never seen in Datang.

"Can these be eaten?" Xiao

Cui stepped forward and directly picked a red tomato and handed it to Li Lizhen: "This is very delicious, Madame try it!" Li Lizhi

looked at the tomatoes that looked like fruits, but she was a little curious, smelling the sweet and sour taste, she couldn't help it, and she bit her red lips lightly.

Immediately, the sweet and sour soup reverberated between the lips and teeth.

I've never seen this strange fruit before, but it tastes surprisingly good.

I couldn't help but bite down again, and I ate the tomatoes in my hand in three or two bites.

Looking at the fields full of tomatoes and fruits, I can't help but praise.

"This is delicious!" Everyone

saw that Li Lizhen finally recognized it, and it was also the beginning of the introduction.

"Madam, don't you know that these tomatoes can not only be eaten raw as fruits, but also fried and cooked. By the way, our village owner also made a

tomato sauce, and the dipping sauce stewed soup is a must!""That's it! Yesterday, Tian Erniu's stewed meat was tomato sauce, sweet and sour, not to mention how fragrant. The smell is still endless! I'm afraid the whole village can smell it

!" "It's not bad to make dipping sauce, my stinky boy ate it in two days!" "

It's not! This thing is delicious! Not to mention children, even adults can't resist it!"

Li Lizhi looked at the fruit all over the ground, and the yield of such tomatoes was not low.

I couldn't help muttering

, "Is there really such a high yield?" A

mountain man replied first: "Of course! Our corn has reached a yield of 1,000 catties per mu, and you see, ma'am, there is still corn that has not been harvested here."

Li Lizhi looked in the direction pointed by the mountain people, and there was indeed a small piece of crops, which were different from ordinary crops, and they grew like small bushes, and each of them had a big stick on it.

As if offering a treasure, those mountain people broke off a corn after dividing it by two.

When Li Lizhi received it in his hand, he didn't expect it to be so heavy, and he didn't notice it for a while, and almost fell to the ground.

looked at the corn in his hand that was two or three thicker than his arm, and was stunned.

This is her favorite polenta

, just one with so many grains of corn on it, and it's all over the ground, it's hard to imagine what a spectacular sight it will be when the harvest comes.

Stunned, these have exceeded her imagination!

Li Lizhen still has some regrets, if she had come to this cottage a few days earlier, I am afraid she would have seen that huge scene.

"Our village owner is amazing, these corn seeds are divided by the village owner, and now we have only harvested one season and the granary has been filled, and this corn can be planted for two seasons!"

At present, Datang's grain output per mu is generally only 300 catties.

Now the land in this cottage is still mountainous, and the soil quality is not good, but it can be so productive

! This Lin Chen can actually manage the people so well!

It was only a little more than a day before Li Lizhi discovered that the person who had kidnapped her seemed to have something different on him.

If Lin Chen's crops can be promoted to the entire Tang Dynasty, wouldn't it benefit all the people.

Even if this Lin Chen is really a thief, he is definitely a strange person in one fell swoop.

Li Lizhen suddenly didn't want to leave, looked at the never-before-seen crops planted all over the ground, and secretly made up her mind.

Be sure to take a good look at the magic of the cottage here.

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