Li Lizhen watched back and forth in the cottage, and forgot her lunch for a while.

Just after noon, Lin Chen came looking for his wife.

Looking at Li Lizhen from a distance, she seemed to be attracted by something, and she stayed in place and didn't move.

"What does the lady do?" Li

Lizhen came back to her senses when she heard the voice, she was originally quite dissatisfied with Lin Chen calling herself like this, but after this day's understanding, she found that there seemed to be something unusual about this Lin Chen, even if she was kidnapped here, but it was not more than half a point.

can also manage the thousands of people in this cottage in an orderly manner, and the most important thing is that she found that this Lin Chen has a world-class talent.

Now she wants to stay and get to know this man well.

The woman was a strange creature, originally covered in thorns, but once she did something that made her feel soft, she became a delicate and lovely flower.

Maybe Lin Chen brought her food when she was hungry, or maybe he didn't go beyond the box when he respected her wishes on the wedding night.

Or began to appreciate Lin Chen's talent.

Now she doesn't seem to hate Lin Chen, and even Lin Chen's name for her sounds much more pleasant.

Li Lizhi smiled faintly: "I'm looking at this waterwheel!"

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he felt that Li Lizhen's words were not so cold and hard.

He turned his head to look at the spinning waterwheel in the distance, transporting the water. smiled faintly

: "I actually forgot to eat!" Li

Lizhi was very admired: "Lin Chen, you are so powerful! In this way, the irrigation of the land saves manpower and can also transport water from the bottom of the mountain.

Lin Chen was a little surprised

: "I didn't expect your lady to understand this!?" Li Li's

eyes flashed: "Naturally, it was taught by the elders in the family!"

Lin Chen nodded and pointed in the direction of the waterwheel.

"There's a small piece of sweet potatoes planted there, and it will be harvested in two months, and I'll make you baked sweet potatoes when the time comes!"

Li Li's eyes were shining, and her face was excited:

"Really?" The

various foods she has eaten in the cottage in the past two days are extremely delicious, although she has never eaten anything in the fine clothes, but in this small cottage, she has a new understanding.

Lin Chen looked at Li Liqian's impatient appearance, which was quite funny.

couldn't help but stretch out his fingers and scratch Li Liqin's goose-fat delicate nose.

"That's natural!" Li

Li's cheeks flushed at this moment, although it was said that men and women could not kiss, but she couldn't give birth to hateful thoughts.

couldn't help but shake his head, secretly saying that he was simply too much Meng Lang!

Lin Chen couldn't help but laugh when he looked at Li Lizhen's pretty face that was flushed and cute.


Near Qingcheng Mountain

, "My lord, the five or so people have already searched around, and there are still no clues!" said

a secret guard a little helplessly.

Wei Qian looked at the surrounding mountains, which were densely packed with trees.

I can't see anything clearly.

"Keep looking, mountain by hill, the princess last appeared here, she must have entered these mountains

!" "Yes!"

They had been looking for two whole days, and still found nothing.

Ever since the coachman came to identify the place where Li Lizhen finally got out of the car, they secretly guarded several people who began to search for it in this vicinity.

But where is it so easy to find around?

At that moment, a noise came from a distance.

Wei Qian gave an order:


All the secret guards under his command immediately disappeared into the grass.

The voice could be heard from afar, barely audible as it was said.

"Fourth, you said that our half cart of fruit can be exchanged for so much silver. Isn't it going to be sent

!" "What is this! We don't have to worry about eating and drinking now, what else can't be sent?"

"Yes! With our village owner here, we have already lived a good life!" These

two people are Li Laosi and Wang Mazi in the cottage, and the fruit trees in the back mountain are harvesting season.

Lin Chen taught everyone to make a lot of fruit wine, and there was still a lot left, so he asked the two of them to take the remaining fruit to the city to sell.

The fruits in this mountain are fresh, and with Lin Chen's special cultivation method, the fruits are big and round, and they are sold out in a short time when they are pulled to the city.

"Haha! but not

!" "What do you see I bought?" Li

Laosi took out a delicate object as he spoke, and he was very proud!

"What is this? It's pretty

good!" Li Laosi said quite mysteriously: "This one I met in Chang'an City, the owner of the village just got married, and I look pretty good, so I bought it back as a congratulatory gift to the owner of the village!"

Hey, why didn't you say it earlier, I knew that I would have been in Chang'an City for a while!" The

man was a little annoyed, looking at the object in Li Laosi's hand and liking it very much, he couldn't help but want to touch it.

When Li Laosi saw this, he hurriedly put away the things, waved his hand

and said: "Your Wang Mazi's vision, I still don't match, don't worry, I also bought one for you, and I will send it to the owner of the village when the time comes

!" Wang Mazi was immediately happy when he heard this, and praised with a smile:

"I know that your fourth child remembers me the most, don't worry! When I have good things, I will keep them for

you!" "This is what you said!"

Wang Mazi patted his chest and promised

: "Don't worry! Wang Mazi never tells lies

!" Li Laosi smiled when he heard

this: "Okay! Then take out the osmanthus brew in your wine cellar and let me take two sips!"

Wang Mazi hesitated a little: "This ......

" "You can't cheat, I spent a lot of money to help you pick a gift, and you don't let you drink this wine?"

That Wang Mazi was ruthless, patted his leg and said, "Okay, I'll take it out when I go back!"

Li Laosi had a smile on his face:

"Haha." I know that you Wang Mazi is a good talker!"


The secret guard in the palace hidden in the shadows, after listening to such a conversation, Wei Qian muttered in his heart.

There are really bandits around here, but I've roughly searched the area in the past two days, but I haven't found any cottages or anything like that.

So where are these bandits hiding?

The intuition from the dark guard made him set his sights on this cottage in an instant.

This Princess Changle finally disappeared here, and there were no other dealers nearby, and there was no news after looking for two days, most likely she was taken away by bandits.

Even if there was only the slightest possibility, he would go and find out!

He gestured slightly, and his men followed him with the two in front.

Li Laosi and the others were trained by Lin Chen in the cottage, and now they are also able to fight ten with good skills.

This is also why Lin Chen is relieved to let the two of them come to escort the fruit to the city to sell.

But even with such skills, it is not enough to compare with the secret guards in the palace.

What's more, these secret guards also deliberately hid their traces, and in order not to be discovered, they followed them from afar.

In this way, Li Laosi and the two returned to the cottage with their tails without knowing it.

Huzi was guarding the gate of the cottage, and he saw Li Laosi and their carriage from afar. He greeted enthusiastically

: "How is today's harvest!?" Li

Laosi and the two were quite proud, waved their fingers at

the empty carriage, and said with a smile: "Look, my old Li is out of the horse, can there be anything that can't be done?

!" The tiger saw the empty carriage and smiled

: "I know that the two are powerful!" The two

of them were even more proud when they heard such praise, and nodded again and again:

" That's natural! I was brought out by the owner of the village himself!" Seeing

Li Laosi's proud appearance, several people couldn't help laughing.

Wei Qian and others, who were hidden in the shadows, watched several people enter the cottage at the entrance of the cottage.

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