The tomatoes planted by Lin Chen two months ago have all turned red in the past two days.

This is the time for large-scale harvesting.

As soon as she had lunch, Li Lizhen asked to go to the field to help.

Lin Chen looked at Li Lizhen's excited expression, and nodded in agreement.

As soon as she led her to the field, Li Lizhi flew to the ground like a flying butterfly.

Pick a red tomato and start eating.

Li Lizhi smiled and raised her cheeks, and said to Lin Chen with an appreciative expression

: "This is delicious

!" Lin Chen smiled dotingly: "If you like to eat, you can taste

the tomato sauce made!" Hearing this, Li Lizhi nodded again and again, and had already heard from the mountain people here that Lin Chen made this tomato into sauce, and when he heard that it was delicious, he couldn't help but taste it.

After tasting one, Li Lizhi soon joined the tomato picking team.

After Wei Qian and the others stared at the village for a while, they followed the opportunity to the wall of the cottage, and looked inside through the gap in the wall, and a woman's figure appeared in front of them.

Who is this Princess Li Lizhen of

Changle? Wei Qian was overjoyed in his heart, and he really found Princess Changle here.

However, when I looked closely, I found that this Princess

Changle was actually working in the fields! This Princess Changle was His Majesty's most beloved daughter, and she was so delicate and precious that she was actually taken captive by this thief to work in the fields

! No! We must find a way to rescue the people first!

Wei Qian made a few gestures and signaled his followers to prepare to rescue the princess.

They plan to start from a few places where the defense of the village is the most lax, so that they can also rescue Princess Changle in a short time.

After making such a decision, they planned to check the situation of the fence of the stockade first, and when it was dark, several people began to move.



!" "Congratulations to the host for the tomato harvest

!" "Reward god-level mechanism technique!" "

Contains a cottage defense formation, which can resist the attack of tens of thousands of soldiers, whether to use it directly!"

Lin Chen didn't expect that the reward of the system would actually arrive directly at this time.

Since it is a defensive use of the cottage, it is naturally better to use it as soon as possible.


!" "The formation is being arranged...... "The formation is arranged


Lin Chen looked at the virtual panel with satisfaction, showing the deployment of the cottage.

In the past, there were mountain people in the cottage who took turns to guard it, and this place was also barren mountains and mountains, and there were few people, but there was nothing to do.

However, with the recent harvest of their grain, he also sent a lot of people out to sell grain, which will inevitably make people worry, so when there is not enough manpower, the protection of the cottage is also extremely important.


Knock!" "Knock!"


Three loud noises came, and Lin Chen looked at the direction of the gate of the stockade in surprise, it seemed to be the sound of something heavy falling to the ground.

Nearby mountain people hurriedly ran over to check.

Li Lizhen also stopped what she was doing and looked in the direction of the sound.

Frowning and puzzled:

"What's wrong?"

Lin Chen could feel that the mechanism he had arranged had been touched, and he was afraid that the intruder would be directly ejected.

I didn't expect that this mechanism formation would come in handy as soon as it was arranged.

It seems that some people are really starting to covet this cottage, but I don't know if these are from other surrounding mountains or from the government.

But now with the protection of this formation, no matter who comes, there is no need to worry.

"It's okay, a few uninteresting ones have been gotten out

!" "Please eat roasted corn at night!" As

soon as she heard what she was eating, Li Lizhi's eyes lit up.

She is obviously a princess, as if she has never eaten anything good, but here in Lin Chen, there are always unusual things, the key is that they are still so delicious!

She feels that she has gained weight in the past few days.

Lin Chen looked at Li Lizhi who wanted to eat, and was quite distressed by his figure, so he smiled and said

, "I promised my mother, I will raise my mother for nothing!"

Li Lizhen's cheeks flushed again when she heard this.

I couldn't help muttering in my heart:

What's going on with myself, it's getting easier and easier to blush these days.

After getting along for the past few days, Li Lizhen finally got to know Lin Chen, although he is the owner of a cottage, but he has no talent and character, if she Li Lizhen is destined to marry in this life, it can only be Lin Chen!

Thinking of this, he smiled indifferently and continued to do what he was doing.

The tomatoes are now all ripe, and they look beautiful when they hang red among the branches and leaves.

Li Liqian, who had never done these jobs, was not very familiar with it at first.

After picking it for a while, I found the trick, and I found it extremely interesting, and the more I picked it, the more energetic I became.

After a while, the mountaineers who went to check outside the walls of the cottage rushed back.

Came to Lin Chen's front and reported: "Back to the village master, there are only three smashed pits outside, and nothing else has been found

!" Lin Chen nodded, sneered

and said, "These people are running fast

!" But listening to that movement, I'm afraid it won't be able to raise it for a while! Lin Chen's eyes flashed slightly, and he said quietly:

"Tell me to go down, and let the brothers be more careful when we start patrolling the mountain from tomorrow!"

Those mountain people hurriedly took their orders, they are not stupid, this cottage has always been peaceful, and now someone wants to break into this cottage.

It also means that someone has already set their sights on their cottage, and I'm afraid there won't be too many children in the future.


Halfway up the mountain, several figures swayed, and the three dark guards went down the mountain one foot deep and one foot shallow.

"My lord, let's just go back like this?!" Yu Er, the secret guard beside Wei Qian, looked at the position on the top of the mountain, quite unconvinced.

A few people who were checking the situation at the walled wall just now were suddenly ejected into the air without knowing what was wrong.

Several people didn't have time to react, and they were smashed to the ground.

Fortunately, it was dirt, so it didn't fall too badly.

Even so, several people narrowly fell out of internal injuries.

Wei Qian, the leader of the dark guard, slapped Yu Er on the top of the head, and he wailed.

"Don't you see that cottage is weird!

?" "There are many people in the cottage, and only a few of us can rescue

the princess?" Then Yu Er knew that his words were inappropriate, and hurriedly confessed: "The villain knows that he is wrong!"

Wei Qian saw Yu Er admit his mistake like this, and also slowed down his tone, and then said softly:

"Looking at the situation of the princess, there will be no worries about her life for a while."

"I'll go back and report to Your Majesty first, inform the princess of the current situation, and let Your Majesty decide!" Then

Yu Er didn't dare to have any objections, and responded directly: "Yes!"

After a few people went down the mountain, they found the horses that had been hidden for a long time, and they ran non-stop in the direction of Chang'an City.


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