Li Lizhi had already promised Lin Chen to make roasted corn for her at night, and she was waiting for night to fall.

As soon as the sky was dark, he looked at Lin Chen expectantly.

Seeing that Lin Chen was a little inexplicable, but since he had promised Li Liqing, he also began to prepare.

He began to pick back and forth among the piles of corn.

Li Lizhi looked at Lin Chen's picking, but he hadn't found a suitable one yet, so he couldn't help asking

: "Is this roasted corn still exquisite?" Lin Chen smiled indifferently:

"Of course, this roasted corn has to choose when the corn is about to ripen, and when it is semi-tender, the roasted corn at this time has a strong grainy texture and is the most sweet!"

Now the corn we have harvested is already ripe, and this kind of corn can't be bitten even if it is roasted, so we can only choose the one that is not so hard!"

Li Lizhi looked suddenly enlightened, and hurriedly squatted down to help find it, with Lin Chen's introduction, her goal was much clearer.

In terms of choosing things, women's talent is still relatively advantageous.

In the blink of an eye, the right corn has been found.

"Look! I'll find it!" Lin

Chen turned around and saw Li Lizhi holding a corn and looking at him with a smile.

The pretty face was almost dazzled under the lights, and the pair of eyes looking forward to the galaxy under the stunning appearance made Lin Chen stunned for a while.

Li Lizhi looked at Lin Chen staring at him, his pretty face couldn't help but turn red, and he couldn't help but bow his head and murmur in a low voice:

"Is this the case......"

Lin Chen reacted at this time, took the corn in Li Liqin's hand with a smile, and began to prepare for the fire.

Li Lizhi sat quietly on the side, watching Lin Chen elegantly put the peeled corn on the fire rack and roast it.

Such a set of movements is like flowing water, which is pleasing to the eye.

It didn't take long for the aromatic smell to come out, and Li Li's small nose couldn't help but take a deep sniff of the fragrant taste.

"Wow! it's so fragrant

!" Lin Chen looked at Li Lizhi who couldn't bear it anymore, smiled softly, and said in a low voice

, "It'll be fine soon!" In

less than a cup of tea, the fragrant roasted corn was freshly baked.

Li Lizhi couldn't wait to take it.

"Hey, be careful of burning!"

It's a pity that Lin Chen said a little slowly, Li Lizhi just got it in his hand, and a pair of small hands were burned red.


Li Li looked at such a gentle and handsome man in front of her, and she was stunned.

Except for her own mother, she has never been so close to people, and she is even more gentle with others!

It seems that all the unhappiness before is insignificant at this time.

After Lin Chen blew for a while, he found that Li Lizhi was silent, and raised his head to meet Li Liqin's eyes.

The two seemed to be faintly seeing each other's shadows in their eyes, and gradually the two involuntarily got closer, so close that they could feel each other's breathing. A worm chirped, breaking the heartwarming scene.

Lin Chen coughed lightly and handed over the corn in his hand.

"It's not hot now, let's eat it quickly!" Looking

at Li Li's delicate face, he almost couldn't help but go up just now.

Hey, no wonder the ancients always said that they were all about red faces and bad water, with this red face, who can bear this?

Li Li's cheeks turned red again, and she couldn't help but secretly scold herself for not being angry, and even thought that it would be nice if she could get closer to Lin Chen just now.

She couldn't help but shake her head, what was she thinking!

Quickly took the corn and took a bite, and the instant deliciousness directly penetrated her taste buds.

I can't help but see if

this is roasted corn? Why is it so delicious?

Unlike polenta, there is a different sweetness in this roasted corn, and it has a kind of fragrance.

After roasting, the corn just wraps up the flavor one by one, and it is full of aroma as soon as you enter it.

Li Lizhi quickly wiped out a piece of corn, wiped the corners of her mouth with some unfinished feelings, and couldn't help but praise

: "It's delicious!" Lin Chen said with a smile: "It's delicious

, and you can't eat more at night, otherwise you won't be able to sleep."

Li Lizhi was a little disappointed when she heard that she couldn't eat tonight, but she was also excited when she thought of being able to eat again tomorrow.

The night had already darkened, Li Li looked at the stars in the sky, and muttered with a little sadness in her eyes:

"I don't know what happened at home?"

Although she escaped from marriage, this is the first time she has left the palace for so long.

Lin Chen said disapprerovingly: "What's so difficult about this? In a few days, after the crops are planted, I will take you back to have a look."

Hearing Lin Chen say this, Li Lizhen's eyes lit up suddenly, and she said in disbelief

: "Really, are you willing to take me out?"

She was taken captive to the mountain to be his wife, didn't she not let herself leave?

Lin Chen said with a smile:

"Since you and I have become relatives, we naturally want to visit my father-in-law and mother-in-law."

Li Liqing's eyes were full of gratitude, she had already understood the man in front of her in the past few days of observation, although he was a thief, but his character and talent were all of the highest quality.

If you want to marry someone in this life, then this person can only be Lin Chen.

At the same time, she also wanted to take Lin Chen to meet her father and mother, and see what kind of powerful husband she had found!

That being the case, she should follow her heart, and after figuring this out, she was instantly relieved.

Since she has become a relative to Lin Chen, Lin Chen is her husband Li Lizhen.

When he finds a suitable opportunity, he will give Lin Chen a showdown and tell him his true identity.

Li Lizhi secretly made a decision.

When going to bed at night, according to weekdays, Li Lizhi still sleeps on the inside, and usually leans on the inside for fear that the two of them will be next to each other.

But today is a little different.

Lin Chen looked at Li Lizhi who was approaching him again

, the warm fragrant nephrite was on the side, and a sweet smell wafted over from time to time, Lin Chen couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

looked at Li Liqing, who was still moving to find a position, and said helplessly:

"If the lady doesn't sleep anymore, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to fall asleep with your father-in-law!"

Li Lizhi heard the voice and poked her head out of the quilt. A little aggrieved:

"I'm a little cold......"

Lin Chen stroked his forehead, this is really a grinding little goblin.

raised his hand and covered his quilt on Li Lizhi's body.

But as soon as she closed her eyes, Li Lizhi in the quilt began to move again.

As soon as Lin Chen opened his eyes, he saw half of Li Li's head poking out, and said even more aggrievedly: "

The quilt is too thick, and I can't breathe......


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