After seeing Li Shimin's remarks, the eldest grandson Wuji was not angry, but was extremely happy, which couldn't help but be a little strange.

He couldn't help frowning slightly, looked at Li Shimin quite suspiciously, and asked, "Your Majesty! How can this be considered a good thing?"

He thought about it for a long time, and he didn't know what was good about this person who was demagogic to the people and intended to plot chaos.

Hearing this, Li Shimin couldn't help but be stunned, and then he reacted, just now he was thinking about the high yield of sweet potatoes, and he was happy for a while, but he didn't hear clearly what the eldest grandson Wuji just said.

He looked at the eldest grandson Wuji who looked puzzled, and couldn't help coughing lightly twice, and then said with a straight face: "Where did the auxiliary machine just go?"

In other words, he even focused on this demagoguery and rebellion.

After Li Shimin listened, he didn't have any expression, and after a moment of silence, he spoke:

"Auxiliary, I already know about what you said, and I will deal with it."

Although the eldest grandson Wuji was a little surprised by His Majesty's reaction, but when he saw that the matter had been explained, he didn't say anything more, and bowed and left.

At this time, Li Shimin and the eldest grandson Wujian were left in this hall.

As soon as Li Shimin waited for his eldest grandson Wuji to leave, he remembered the high yield of sweet potatoes again, and couldn't help laughing happily again.

Immediately, the smile in his eyes did not stop, and he turned his head to look at the eldest grandson Wujian and couldn't help but sigh:

"Guanyin, I didn't expect that there really is such a magical thing in the world! There is such a high yield! It is really a divine thing in the world!"

I couldn't help but look up at Li Shimin and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, if this kind of artifact is promoted, my people in Datang will be able to worry about it!"

Li Shimin nodded heavily, if this kind of artifact is planted in Datang, just these mu yield is enough to make Datang no longer starving. The people no longer have to worry about their livelihoods! It's just that they don't know what these divine objects look like and how they are planted?

Thinking of this, Li Shimin couldn't help but get excited, and hurriedly got up and said, "No, I want to go and see for myself, what such magical things look like?" He was already a little eager to see such magical things.

As he spoke, he got up and prepared to leave, and at this moment, the eldest grandson Wujian hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, you want to go to the cottage, you might as well take Zhao Guogong there?"

Hearing this, Li Shimin, who had just turned around, was suddenly stunned, turned his head to look at the eldest grandson Wujian, and said with some hesitation: "This ...... Changle ......"

couldn't help but think in his heart:

Now that the news of Li Li's escape has not been leaked, if people are brought directly to the cottage of Qingcheng Mountain, the two sides will ...... meet like this

Eldest Sun Wujian sighed slightly and said: "After all, this matter of Changle can't be wrapped in paper, just now Zhao Guogong also mentioned Qingcheng Mountain, I'm afraid I also noticed here, you might as well bring Zhao Guogong over now, let him see it directly,

it's okay......" Li Shimin pondered for a moment when he heard this, and he also agreed with what Changsun Wujian said, so he also nodded and said:

"Okay! Then let's do it!"

The concubine informed Changle so that she could welcome Your Majesty. "


Originally, I thought that His Majesty would send troops to eliminate the existence of such demagoguery when he learned of the existence of such a demagoguery.

I never thought that His Majesty would go in person, but he didn't send troops to clear it, but he wanted to see it, which is said to be 5,000 catties of grain.

I want to go with myself.

Since they were going together, he wanted to see what the gang of bandits really were.

When he set off, the eldest grandson Wuji was shocked when he saw that Li Shimin only brought five or six of his subordinates, and hurriedly admonished

: "Your Majesty, I heard that there are still a lot of bandits on this Qingcheng Mountain, and these few people are inevitably a little inappropriate...... Li

Shimin raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "It's okay, auxiliary, let's go to see the sweet potato, not a war, this time I went out on patrol, I don't want to alarm others, these few are enough!"

When the eldest grandson Wuji heard this, his eyelids jumped, this is a bandit, if he really wants to fight, how can he do it with just these few people?

Thinking of this, he hurriedly persuaded again: "Your Majesty, do you want to go to the mansion again to bring some family members?"

But he never thought that the eldest grandson Wuji had been chattering in his ear, so he waved his hand a little impatiently and said:

"Auxiliary machine, if you continue to talk like this, I will leave first!"

Hearing this, the eldest grandson Wuji had no choice but to shut up, obediently got into the carriage, and sat in the same carriage with Li Shimin, looking at His Majesty with a happy face, but his heart was extremely worried.

In this way, Li Shimin took his eldest grandson Wuji together, drove lightly, and went all the way to Qingcheng Mountain.

After more than half a day, the group finally came to the foot of Qingcheng Mountain.

The eldest grandson Wuji saw the lush Qingcheng Mountain through the curtain of the carriage, and his heart became more and more uneasy.

I couldn't help but turn my head to look at Li Shimin, who was calm and relaxed, and said, "Your Majesty, why don't you take someone to find out the situation?"

They only brought such a few people, in case something really happened, Li Shimin is the emperor, this is a major event that will shake the country's foundation! Li Shimin

looked at the nervous eldest grandson Wuji and said with a smile: "It's okay!"

Then he turned his head to the coachman and ordered: "Go up the mountain directly!"

The eldest grandson Wuji wanted to persuade again, but seeing that Li Shimin had closed his eyes and rested on the cushion, he obviously didn't want to listen anymore.

Although my heart is anxious, there is nothing I can do.

He lifted the curtain and saw that the carriage had already marched up the mountain, and his heart was even more troubled, and his eyelids were even more jumping, and he always felt that something big had happened.

The carriage swayed all the way, but there was no obstacle along the way, this eldest grandson Wuji became more and more uneasy in his heart, such a place where the bandits were entrenched, there was no one to stop it, I am afraid that it is strange.

While he was thinking about it, suddenly the carriage stopped. He opened the curtain in confusion and glanced at it, but saw thirty or fifty fine armor soldiers, five or five in a row standing in front of him. Suddenly the vigilance was raised.

"Your Majesty, this ......" He had just opened his mouth to ask, but Li Shimin's voice was the first to come:

"Auxiliary, let's get off the carriage with me!" "

How do you feel that Your Majesty is so familiar with the road?"

Hearing this, the eldest grandson Wuji was puzzled, and followed Li Shimin's side closely.

At this time, I saw that the excellent armor soldiers in front of him suddenly changed their formation, and opened a road on both sides of the neatly divided line.

And in front of that road, a beautiful figure stood with a smile.

Seeing this female eldest grandson Wuji, he was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but shout in surprise: "Changle...... Her Royal Highness the Princess?!"

I would like to recommend a book by an author friend: [Datang: I was taken by the eldest grandson queen].

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