When the eldest grandson Wuji saw this familiar figure, how could he not recognize it?

Isn't this the Changle princess Li Lizhi who is about to marry into the eldest grandson's mansion!

The eldest grandson Wuji was surprised, and he couldn't help but think in his heart, no wonder he had repeatedly entered the palace to ask His Majesty and the Empress to set a wedding date, but both of them repeatedly refused.

It turned out that this princess Changle was not in the palace at all, but she had come to the cottage of Qingcheng Mountain to become a bandit

! Look at this posture, a group of armor guards, so imposing!

At this moment, when the group of elite armor guards saw Li Lizhi coming over, they shouted in unison: "Madam!" Eldest

Sun Wuji: "......

Madame?" What Madame

?! Why do these bandits call Princess Changle "Madame"?

The eldest grandson Wuji's eyes widened, his face was full of incredulity, he looked at Li Lizhi who was walking slowly, and then looked at Li Shimin beside him.

The eldest grandson Wuji was stunned for a moment, and countless question marks seemed to float above his head

, and just when he was stunned and puzzled, he heard all the guards shouting in unison again: "The owner

of the village


At this time, he looked at the two people in front of him who were behaving intimately, and he was confused again.

This...... Li

Lizhi smiled shyly, came to Li Shimin's approach, bowed down and gave them a blessing, and said softly: "Father, uncle!"

The eldest grandson Wuji finally reacted at this time, looked at Li Lizhen, who had already come closer, and asked puzzledly

: "Princess, is this ......?" Li Lizhi smiled softly, looked at Lin Chen beside him and introduced: "Uncle, Lizhi is married, this is Lizhen's husband, named Lin Chen......"

Boom! Hearing

this introduction, the eldest grandson Wuji heard this introduction, and there was a rumbling sound in his head.

Didn't this Princess Changle already give her marriage to Chong'er

? The family was already preparing supplies for the wedding, and now the princess not only ran to this cottage, but also became a relative to others

? What is going

on with this? Thinking of this, Changsun Wuji couldn't help but look at Li Shimin in confusion and asked, "Your Majesty, what is going on?"

Li Shimin's face was a little embarrassed, he coughed lightly twice and pretended not to hear, but turned his head to Li Lizhi and said: "It's been a long journey, I'm a little hungry at this time......

After speaking, he didn't wait for anyone to lead him, so he took the lead and walked towards the cottage.

Lin Chen and Li Lizhi also followed.

The eldest grandson Wuji looked at the direction in front of Li Shimin in a daze, and walked in directly without anyone's guidance.

The expression in the eyes of the eldest grandson Wuji kept changing, and he said secretly in his heart: "No wonder along the way, I have always felt that Your Majesty has a feeling of familiarity with the road, and now it seems that this is indeed the case." The

guards on the side saw that everyone had already left, and couldn't help but remind the eldest grandson Wuji, who was still standing in place in a daze.

"Zhao Guogong?" The

eldest grandson Wuji reacted at this time, and saw that there was no one around, and then he walked up with a somewhat gloomy face and followed.

Along the way, although Li Shimin had a face upright, his steps were brisk, unlike the last time he came to this cottage, this time he was invited in a dignified manner.

Thinking about the corn I ate last time, and the sweet potatoes that are about to see a high yield, I feel very comfortable.

Li Lizhi looked at her father with a smile on his face, and naturally he was very happy, talking and laughing with Lin Chen along the way, looking so unhappy.

On the contrary, the eldest grandson Wuji, who was following them, looked at the two people laughing in front of him, his face was dark.

This was originally the daughter-in-law of their eldest grandson's family, but now she has become the wife of this thief

! It is simply infuriating!

Although the eldest grandson Wuji is angry, he can't say anything in front of His Majesty, so he can only hold his anger in his heart.

I originally wanted to take advantage of the meal to find an opportunity to ask about this matter again, but I didn't expect that as soon as I walked halfway, I was invited to another place by a few people in the cottage.

Xu San led the eldest grandson Wuji, who had a black face all the way, all the way to the guest room in the backyard.

The eldest grandson Wuji sat at the table with a gloomy face and said nothing.

As soon as he sat down, Xu San immediately arranged for people to serve wine and food.

In a short time, the table in front of him was full.

Xu San said politely: "Zhao Guogong, please use!" The

eldest grandson Wuji recalled everything that had just happened, and thought of the previous times when he went to the palace to ask His Majesty to finalize the marriage date, and His Majesty and Niangniang's prevaricating words.

No wonder it keeps pushing.

Now that I think about it, all of this is connected to Princess Changle, and she is clearly not in the palace.

And he ran to this Qingcheng Mountain, and married a thief!

The eldest grandson Wuji had a black face, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and when he saw that the person in front of him who added wine to himself was also a person in this cottage, he was even more angry.

As soon as he raised his hand, he knocked the wine glass to the ground, and snorted coldly: "You wait for the thief, how can you pour wine with the old man? Let your village master come over!" Xu

San saw that this old horseman's nose was not the arrogant appearance of the nose, and his face was not very good, but this guy was the uncle of the village owner's wife, so naturally he couldn't treat him badly, so he went to find Lin Chen.

Here, Li Lizhen was beckoning someone to prepare to serve the food, and Lin Chen on the side was called away by Xu San.

Hearing that this eldest grandson Wuji picked and chose and named himself to pass, he couldn't help but feel a little funny. Xin said: "Now that Li Lizhi has become his own wife, this Zhao Guogong is naturally resentful. "

For the sake of Zhao Guogong is uncle who is the wife of his family, he is a good hospitality, if Zhao Guogong is so ignorant, then there is no need to be polite to him!

Lin Chen came all the way to the guest room in the backyard.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw this eldest grandson Wuji sitting at the table with a gloomy face.

Lin Chen was the first to speak: "Zhao Guogong, but the wine and food are not appetizing?" The eldest grandson Wuji saw that it was Lin Chen, and he replied angrily: "Naturally, it is not appetizing, how can the food made by people in such a mountainous and wild place be eaten?"

Lin Chen couldn't help but sneer when he heard this eldest grandson Wuji's words, but his face was unusually calm: "It seems that Zhao Guogong's diet is quite exquisite!"

Eldest Sun Wuji sneered and said with disdain: "It's just a group of vulgar people."

Hearing this, Lin Chen's heart suddenly burned with anger, this old boy was obviously looking for trouble! So he made a gesture to a few five big and three rough people behind him.

Several mountain people behind him immediately understood, and without saying a word, they rushed forward and set up the eldest grandson Wuji on the seat.

Seeing this posture, the eldest grandson Wuji immediately said angrily: "Lin Chen, what do you want to do?

!" Lin Chen said quite indifferently: "Since Zhao Guogong's food is not appetizing, then I will open a 'small stove' for you alone!"

The big men dragged the eldest grandson Wuji to leave, but he couldn't break free, and when he saw this situation, the eldest grandson Wuji still didn't understand the meaning of this 'small stove', and hurriedly shouted: "The old man is the dignified Zhao Guogong!

Lin Chen said softly: "How fresh! I, Lin Chen, kidnapped the princess as a lady, tied the emperor into the cottage, and gave you Zhao Guo a 'small stove' publicly?!


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