As soon as Li Shimin said the word sweet potato, he saw Lin Chen hurriedly take a dish from a plate and put it in Li Shimin's bowl, and said with a smile: "Uncle Yue try this dish, this is with some different seasonings, sweet and sour is delicious, you can taste it!"

Li Shimin looked at the dish that was sandwiched, nodded, swallowed back half of the words he said, picked up the chopsticks and ate it casually.

Although it was delicious, he had almost eaten it, and he was still thinking about sweet potatoes in his heart, so he nodded casually and praised: "Well, this dish is good...... Li

Shimin swallowed this mouthful of food, and then looked up at

Lin Chen and said: "This red ......" Lin Chen observed the words, the corners of his mouth hooked slightly, and enthusiastically brought another dish over, and said with a smile: "Uncle Yue, eat vegetables, eat vegetables!"

Li Shimin: "......"

went back and forth like this, and Lin Chen blocked the vegetables every time Li Shimin was about to speak.

When Li Shimin saw this situation, how could he not know that he was here for sweet potatoes, but this Lin Chen seemed to deliberately avoid answering.

I couldn't help but sigh secretly in my heart:

"It seems that it is not so simple to get this sweet potato......"

Every time Li Shimin's words came to his mouth, he was interrupted by Lin Chen, saying that he couldn't say it, and his face turned even redder when he came and went.

In the end, I couldn't hold it back, put down the chopsticks, and said, "I just want to ask, what is the matter with this sweet potato?"

Lin Chen smiled secretly in his heart:

"This old stubborn, I finally couldn't help but say it."

Lin Chen pretended to be silent for a while in Li Shimin's expectant gaze, and then said: "What ...... about this sweet

potato" As soon as he heard Lin Chen finally mention the sweet potato, Li Shimin's eyes immediately lit up, his ears pricked up, and he listened carefully.

Lin Chen cleared his throat and continued: "This sweet potato does have a yield of 5,000 catties per mu.

Speaking of this, Li Shimin was overjoyed, knowing that this yield was not low, and now this Lin Chen has also admitted it himself.

Although he doesn't look down on this kid, after these two fights, he also knows that this kid never talks big. Naturally, the yield was settled in his heart, but what does this sweet potato look like? How is it planted, and how is it harvested?

Thinking of this, Li Shimin waited for Lin Chen with an expectant face, and continued, but Lin Chen was silent.

Instead, he took the meal seriously, and he didn't want to continue.

Li Shimin was extremely angry for a while, and his heart was as uncomfortable as an ant crawling.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to ask again, he suddenly heard a crisp shout:


I saw a fifteen or six-year-old child running from outside the hall, and Li Shimin fixed his eyes on it, who was this not the little son?

Seeing that the little boy pounced, Li Shimin immediately opened his arms and watched the little boy running over with a smile on his face.

Just as the little son ran closer, he threw himself into Lin Chen's arms, and the soft and glutinous voice sounded again:


The corners of Li Shimin's mouth twitched slightly, with a sour look on his face. Seeing his little padded jacket just throw into Lin Chen's arms, his heart felt uncomfortable.

Lin Chen smiled slightly, raised his hand and rubbed the little son's head, and the little son rubbed in Lin Chen's arms again, and then poked out a small head from his arms.

Blinking his big eyes, he raised his head and smiled at Lin Chen, as if he had caught a glimpse of someone else, so he turned his head to look at Li Shimin.

As soon as he saw his father present, the little son's eyes suddenly lit up, and he exclaimed: "Father, you are also here!" Li

Shimin heard that the little son only discovered his existence at this time, and his heart was tight at this time, and he almost couldn't get up in one breath.

He had been in this hall for so long, only to find out that her father was also there? Is it

still his beloved little son? Do

you remember that there is

a father like him? The little son seemed to have discovered his father's displeasure, and hurriedly stepped forward with a smile and pulled Li Shimin's sleeve and said coquettishly: "Father, the little son misses you so much!" Li Shimin

snorted and said, "If you want to, you will stay here and not go back?"

As soon as the little son heard Li Shimin's tone a little displeased, he shook his sleeves again, and said coquettishly: "Father, the emperor ......"

Although Li Shimin was a little blamed, he still relaxed a little when he heard the little son being coquettish.

Seeing that the little son didn't say a word to Li Shimin, he turned around and said to Lin Chen with a smile: "Brother-in-law, the sweet potato field in the south has been harvested, let's go and take a look!"

When the first sweet potato field was harvested, she happened to be sleeping, and when she woke up, the big guys had already finished harvesting, and she hadn't seen with her own eyes what the sweet potatoes were like.

When I heard that I had gained something again, I immediately ran over and prepared to take my brother-in-law with me.

Lin Chen naturally responded to the little son's needs, and agreed with a smile: "Okay!"

He couldn't help but think in his heart:

"That piece of land in Nanshan can be regarded as the best piece in the neighborhood, and the harvest should be a little higher."

Thinking of this, looking at Li Shimin's expectation, he opened his mouth and invited: "Since my father-in-law also wants to see this sweet potato, it just happened to be harvested, so you might as well go

with you!" Li Shimin was already impatient in his heart, and when he heard this, he was excited, and nodded heavily: "Okay!"

The little boy immediately jumped up excitedly, and said with a smile: "Great! Great! Go and see the sweet potato ......


At this moment, several people were about to get up and prepare to go to the sweet potato field.

But I saw a person limping in.

Li Shimin looked suspicious, looked at the person who came and asked, "This is?"

No wonder this Li Shimin can't recognize it, the person in front of him at this time, his swollen face is blue and purple, and he can only barely distinguish the facial features on his face, where is there a person?

! Li Shimin looked at this person for a long time, and then recognized him from his clothes, isn't this person

the eldest grandson Wuji! Looking at the appearance of the eldest grandson Wuji, Li Shimin couldn't help but shout in surprise: "Auxiliary? What's going on?" The eldest grandson Wuji

was extremely angry at this time, and when he saw Li Shimin here, he raised his hand and pointed at Lin Chen's nose and angrily reprimanded: "You Lin Chen dare to treat the old man like this! It's a bandit act!"

As soon as he finished roaring, he touched the wound on his face again, and hurriedly raised his hand to stroke one side of his cheek, grinning even more painfully.

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows, and said secretly in his heart: "Lao Tzu is originally a bandit, what else do you need?"

But on this face, he looked at the eldest grandson Wuji with a look of surprise and asked: "Ah, I don't know if I don't listen to the voice, it turns out to be Zhao Guogong!"

Then he looked up and down again, quite sympathetic, and said:

"Tut...... How did this Zhao Guogong become like this when he was eating a meal?!".

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