When the eldest grandson Wuji heard this, Lin Chen was even more angry when he asked for some reason, and gritted his back molars and said hatefully: "Why is the old man like this, how can you Lin Chen not count in your heart?!" When Lin Chen heard

this, his eyes immediately widened, and his face was even more puzzled, and he turned his head to look at the several mountain people who followed the eldest grandson Wuji and asked,

"What happened to this Zhao Guogong?"

The mountain people hurriedly replied in unison:

" Back to the village master, this Zhao Guogong was too happy to eat, and when he came, he accidentally fell a few times when the mountain was uneven.

Lin Chen had a sudden realization on his face

, and nodded and said, "I see, ......" As soon as he heard this, the eldest grandson Wuji's heart suddenly surged with blood, and his whole body trembled, and he barely suppressed a fishy sweet taste in his mouth, raised his arm, and pointed at Lin Chen angrily and scolded:

"Don't pretend to be confused with understanding! It's you Lin Chen who let a few of his subordinates beat the old man into this appearance, and now you still want to quibble?!".

Lin Chen listened to the rebuttal of the eldest grandson Wuji, his face turned cold, and he was also dissatisfied: "Zhao Guogong, since you went to the cottage, I, Lin Chen, are waiting for you with delicious food and drink, but I didn't expect you to forget it if you don't have a thank you, and you still spew blood like this, filthy and innocent!"

He didn't expect Lin Chen to be able to shout to catch a thief like this, so quibbling.

He was even more annoyed, pointed at him tremblingly, and said, "The old man has become like this, who are you if it's

not you?!" Lin Chen met the angry gaze of the eldest grandson Wuji, but he was not afraid at all, and continued: "Okay! Since you said that you said that I sent someone to beat you, well, who saw it? Do you have any witnesses?"

Hearing this, the eldest grandson Wuji turned his head and looked around, only to find that none of his people came to the cottage with him.

And when eating, there were still Lin Chen's subordinates around him.

These people are all in the same group as Lin Chen, where did he come to find someone to prove it to him?!Thinking

of this, he immediately scolded angrily:

"This is simply arrogant and unreasonable!"

The eldest grandson Wuji's nose was crooked, and he really couldn't find ...... this person certificate

Lin Chen looked at the eldest grandson Wuji with an annoyed face, but there was no way, and said with a smile: "Zhao Guogong can't find it?!" The eldest grandson Wuji

was extremely angry for a while, but there was no way, he snorted coldly, and finally did not answer.

At this time, Lin Chen continued: "Although you Zhao Guogong can't prove that I Lin Chen beat you, but I, Lin Chen, can prove that I didn't beat you!"

As soon as Lin Chen's voice fell, he saw several people behind the eldest grandson Wuji immediately stand up and said: "We can prove that Zhao Guogong is not the main player of our village, but he accidentally fell by himself." Eldest

Sun Wuji's eyes widened, pointed to a few people behind him, opened his mouth, and was speechless with anger.

At this time, the eldest grandson Wuji also jumped out, and said with a serious face: "Uncle has wronged a good person, brother-in-law will not beat people, it must be that the uncle himself accidentally fell!" At this time

, the eldest grandson Wuji's brain was chaotic, his anger trembled, his breathing was even more unsteady, and he reluctantly opened his mouth

and said: "You ......

" Lin Chen didn't pay attention to it, and directly pulled the little son and said, "Let's go!"

The little son smiled and said loudly: "Let's go, let's see the sweet potatoes go......" The

eldest grandson Wuji stood in place angrily, but he couldn't find the words to refute.

Seeing Li Shimin here in an instant, he hurriedly stepped forward and exclaimed bitterly:

"Your Majesty! I still hope that Your Majesty will be the master of the old minister!"

Li Shimin is a smart man, how can he not see that the eldest grandson Wuji has been beaten.

I recalled the sound from the backyard when I had just eaten, and at the same time understood the meaning of this small stove.


remembered that Lin Chen said the dish with a strange face, 'fist stewed pork', which turned out to ......be what it meant

At that time, he was still thinking about eating, Li Shimin looked up at the eldest grandson Wuji's face was bruised and swollen, and he didn't speak like Dorisso.

After eating this "dish" so miserable, Li Shimin couldn't help but secretly shook his head and said

, "I won't eat this dish!"

looked at the aggrieved appearance of the eldest grandson Wuji, although he knew in his heart that the eldest grandson Wuji was beaten by Lin Chen.

But what Lin Chen said just now is also right, there is no evidence to prove

it! What's more, now they are still in other people's cottages, and they are still the masters of a fart!

Thinking of this, Li Shimin's face twitched, and he secretly thought in his heart:

"Lin Chen's kid has even tied me, and there is such a thing as sweet potatoes, so he can wait for the news."

"I came all the way to this cottage, just to see this high-yield sweet potato, and I will be able to see such a divine object immediately." If he annoyed Lin Chen at this time, wouldn't it

be a failure? "No!

This is a matter of all the people, how can you be so willful?"

Thinking of this, Li Shimin sighed and slowly walked to the side of the eldest grandson Wuji.

Stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder

, and said seriously: "Auxiliary, the mountains are uneven, walk carefully in the future......"

Li Shimin said, and walked past the eldest grandson Wuji, and followed Lin Chen to see the sweet potato harvest.

Hearing this, the eldest grandson Wuji was stunned and stunned on the spot.

At this time, only the eldest grandson Wuji was left in the hall, messy in the wind.


Under the leadership of Lin Chen, the group came directly to the sweet potato field that was being harvested.

When he got closer, Li Shimin watched the mountain people working in the fields in full swing, and all of them had smiles on their faces.

As soon as those mountain people saw Lin Chen's arrival, they immediately saluted respectfully and shouted in unison: "Village master!"

Li Shimin looked at everyone's expressions in surprise, as the emperor, how could he not know the respect in the looks of these mountain people.

These mountain people respected Lin Chen from the bottom of their hearts, and their hearts couldn't help but be shocked, this Lin Chen was able to make these people respect so much!?

Lin Chen casually pointed to the things in the field, and introduced: "Uncle Yue, please look, this is the sweet potato!" Looking in

the direction that Lin Chen pointed, one by one the purple-red fruits were dug out of the field by the mountain people.

As described by the eldest grandson Wujian before, there are more than a dozen large and small fruits under the branches and leaves of this sweet potato tree, among which there are eight or nine palm-sized fruits.

Recall that the eldest grandson Wujian said that one of these fruits can make a person full. Wouldn't the fruit under this tree be able to feed a dozen people at the same time?

Li Shimin's eyes immediately lit up when he thought of this, and he immediately ran to the field regardless of it, and took the sweet potatoes cut out by a farmer and exclaimed again and again:

"There is such a magical grain in the world, good

......! ,It's very good-looking.,Interested readers can take a look~

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