At this time, Changsun Chong was beaten by his father with a blindfolded face, I don't know why?

He rubbed his head and asked in astonishment:

"Why is my father angry?"

Now this Lin Chen is the boss of the Drunken Immortal Residence, His Majesty takes a fancy to him, and now he even lets the secret guards around him accompany him to protect him in Chang'an City! You dare to move him at this time?!" Changsun

Chong suddenly realized when he heard his father's explanation, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, and couldn't help patting his chest and secretly rejoicing:

"I didn't expect this Lin Chen to be so popular in front of Your Majesty now, this is fortunate that my father stopped me, otherwise, I would really annoy Your Majesty!"

But when he thought of the blow he had received on the cottage, he felt aggrieved.

turned to look at his father, his expression was still unwilling, and he opened his mouth and asked:

"Father, is this matter settled?"

Hearing the eldest grandson Chong's unwillingness, the eldest grandson Wuji was stunned for a moment.

recalled that day when Changsun Chong was carried back, his cheeks were swollen, he was unconscious, and several teeth were lost, and he was inexplicably unhappy in his heart.

Then he thought that his most proud son was first robbed of his fiancée by Lin Chen inexplicably, and then beaten by Lin Chen.

But such a retaliation method as Changsun Chong is the way down, this is simply a way to die, and it must not feasible

After thinking carefully for a while, the eldest grandson Wuji calmly turned around and left with his hands behind his back, and left a sentence before leaving: "Do what you have to use your brains more, and you must learn to hit its shortcomings

with a long one, so that can win" At this time, the eldest grandson Chong looked at the back of the eldest grandson Wuji leaving, recalled what his father had just said, and muttered in his mouth:

"Only by hitting its short with a long shot can you win......"

After talking

for a long time about hitting its short ...... with a long ......

" and ".......",

Changsun Chong suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and he had a feeling, his eyes were very bright, and he patted his thigh and said with a smile:

"This Lin Chen is a bandit, I'm afraid he has no culture, what poetry and songs, four books and five classics and the like, he will definitely not, since this is the case, then there will be a literary fight!"

Thinking of this, Eldest Sun Chong's face suddenly became much more relaxed, and he began to secretly think about it again, how to find an opportunity in this matter?


Today is the seventh day of the seventh month of July, and it is the Qiqiao Festival, which is the most lively festival in Datang.

Somewhat similar to the modern Qixi Festival, on this day men and women express their hearts to each other, and their daughters pray for the marriage of the Wishful Husband.

Early in the morning, the government began to dress up the begging festival Rob on the middle street of Chang'an City, and the red and white Rob intertwined, symbolizing the Tianhe.

Lin Chen and the others recently came to Chang'an City in order to be busy with the restaurant, just in time for the Qiqiao Festival, and Li Liqian, who was getting more and more playful, had already wanted to go and play.

When it was approaching night, Li Lizhi immediately happily pulled Lin Chen and ran out, excited like a child.

Seeing this, Lin Chen also shook his head again and again and smiled.

As soon as you enter the street, long Rob floats overhead, and the rows of lanterns below glow yellowish. The whole street was crowded with people, so it was not lively.

Li Lizhi was naturally very familiar with this Chang'an City, and after a while, she pulled Lin Chen to a riverside, pointed to the moon above her head and said happily:

"Husband, look at it! What a beautiful moon!"

Lin Chen looked at Li Lizhen's repeated actions suspiciously, and said a little puzzled:

"What is the lady doing?"

I saw that Li Lizhen did not answer, but held her breath, and carefully pierced the thread in her hand into the eye of the needle by the moonlight.

Li Lizhi was suddenly overjoyed at this time, and immediately hugged Lin Chen beside him

, and said with a smile: "Great, great, husband, I have threaded this thread!"

Lin Chen looked at Li Lizhen's expression, with a smile in his eyes, and reached out and nodded her delicate nose.

Li Lizhi seemed to react, and her husband was afraid that he didn't know about his daughter's family, so he hurriedly said:

"My husband doesn't know, this woman will wear needles under the moon every year on the Qiqiao Festival. If you wear it once, it will be a clever person, and you will naturally be blessed!

" Hearing this, Lin Chen smiled faintly and praised proudly

: "The lady is naturally a clever person

!" Hearing this, Li Lizhi's cheeks couldn't help but turn red, and she said quite shyly and coquettishly:

"Husband is making fun of Liqin again!"

Lin Chen looked at Li Liqin's delicate color, and immediately laughed.

At this time, many men and women gathered on the riverbank, each holding a river lantern in their hands, placing them in the river one by one, and wishing blessings to each other.

In an instant, the lights in the river were lit up, like a galaxy.

For a moment, Li Lizhi was a little stunned.

At this time, Lin Chen quietly retreated to the lantern on the side, borrowed pen, ink and paper, and picked up the pen to write.

In a few moments, a love poem leaped onto the page.

Li Lizhi looked back, and found that Lin Chen was missing, and suddenly panicked in his eyes, and when he was about to look around, he saw Lin Chen suddenly jump to Li Lizhen's side, and said softly:

"Lady, give a small gift to your husband on this begging festival, and I hope that the lady will not be surprised!"

Li Lizhi took it with a slight surprise, and after opening it carefully, she read it softly:

Xianyun is clever, the flying star spreads hatred, and the silver man travels all the way to the dark.

As soon as the golden wind and jade dew meet, they will win countless in the world.

Tenderness is like water, the best period is like a dream, endure the return of Queqiao

! If the two love for a long time, how can it be in the twilight of the dynasty

! (quoted by Song Queqiao Xian)

After reading such affectionate poems, Li Lizhen's eyes widened, and she was extremely surprised and happy: "The husband can still compose poems!

?" Lin Chen smiled and asked, "Do you like the lady?"

At this time, Li Lizhi looked at it several times, with tears of excitement in her eyes, she was extremely moved, raised her head and looked at Lin Chen with affection, and shouted softly:

"Husband, gentleman......"

The two looked at each other and stood up, and when the tenderness continued, they were all unable to hold themselves, and they couldn't wait to discuss the mystery of life on the spot immediately.

Thanks to the last trace of reason, the two didn't want to delay more at this time, and went back to exchange directly.

But I didn't want Li Li's love poems to fall out inadvertently with the swing of the sleeves.

On the long street, a scholar came over drunk, and his feet were weak and he tripped directly to the ground.

I kicked my legs and was about to stand up, but suddenly saw a piece of rice paper full of handwriting in front of me fall to the ground.

He rubbed his confused eyes and muttered,

"What is this?"

and picked up the rice paper ......

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