"If the love between the two is long, how can it be in the morning and twilight!

" "There are such poems in the world, it is simply a quatrain

in the world!" "The person who can write such poems must have a world-shattering talent!" "

Such an artistic conception! sincere, delicate, pure, and steadfast love...... It really makes me and others yearn for it!"

In a teahouse in Chang'an City, all the tea drinkers began to discuss a love poem that had recently circulated in Chang'an City.

I saw that the people on the tea table next to me listened to it for a long time, and they were also very surprised by these poems, and hurriedly came over and asked:

"I don't know who this strange poem came

from?" "You don't know

this, is this from the hand of Li Langjun in the south of the city?" "Li Langjun? Which Li Langjun?" "

It's Li Langjun in the west of the city, whose real name is Li Mao." "


In the wing room of the teahouse, the eldest grandson Chong was drinking tea, but he heard the sound of conversation floating outside.

After listening to the conversation between these people, the eldest grandson's eyes lit up, he was worried that the plan in his heart could not be implemented, but he didn't expect that drowsiness would meet the pillow.

It's too much of a coincidence.

Immediately he summoned his men, gave a few commands, and then rejoiced and got up and left.


Li Mao really felt the treatment like the stars holding the moon in the past two days, not only the rent owed before was paid clearly, but even more many people brought him clothes and food, and even more silver.

This kind of treatment that he has never had before made him even more overjoyed.

It all started with a love poem that I picked up on the Begging Festival.

"Morning and .....twilight!" "

Wonderful, wonderful!

Thinking of the artistic conception of such a poem, the level of poetry, it is really rare to see in the world!

Li Mao immediately liked this poem as soon as he saw it, but when he was reciting it, he was heard by passers-by, and after a burst of boasting, he was also a little fluttering.

Thinking that he had studied for many years but had not gained anything, he had hit walls in various mansions one after another, and there was no way to enter the office.

Now this psalm is so revered, and I suddenly have an idea in my heart.

Since he picked up this poem, it proves that he has a fate with him, so he also recited two sentences in the place where the literati gathered, pretending to be unintentional.

But I never thought that the influence of this poem was so great, and in just a few days, it became popular all over Chang'an City.

At first, he was also worried that the original author of the poem would jump out, but after a few days, no one jumped out. And now the entire Chang'an City is singing this poem, and they all know that it was written by him Li Mao.

At this point, even if someone jumps out, no one will believe it.

That's peace of mind.

Thinking of his current status in Chang'an City, the pride in Li Mao's eyes became more and more obvious.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Li Mao was thinking about how he was revered, but was suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door.

Suddenly his face was a little unhappy, he got up and came

to the door, and said coldly: "Who?!"

The figure outside the door arched his hand slightly, and said:

"Li Langjun, my son-in-law has invited Li Langjun to come over the mansion!"

Hearing that it was the person who invited him, Li Mao showed a look of arrogance on his face, stretched out his hand to open the door, and looked at a small guy outside, who was dressed extraordinarily and was afraid that it was not an ordinary mansion.

Then he opened his mouth and asked

: "May I ask which one is your mansion?"

Hearing the inquiry, the little guy said directly

: "Naturally, it is the ...... of the Zhao Guogong Mansion

" As soon as he heard this, Li Mao's heart was suddenly happy, but he pretended to be very indifferent on his face, nodded lightly and said:

"Then lead the way!"

When he followed the family Ding forward, Li Mao's heart was even more excited

, this is the Zhao Guogong Mansion! That is the brother of the current queen mother, and it is the Zhao Guogong who has made countless contributions with His Majesty's southern and northern wars!

Now this Zhao Guogong Mansion actually wants to entertain himself, I am afraid that he has taken a fancy to his talent.

Although Li Mao's face was expressionless, his heart had already turned over the river and the sea, and the Zhao Guogong Mansion was not something that ordinary people could enter.

Now that he is not only able to enter, but also invited to go, I am afraid that all the talents in Chang'an City will be envious in the future.

If he can get involved with the Zhao Guogong Mansion, there will naturally be no obstacle to becoming an official in the future!

Thinking of this, he can't help but be even more excited.

Unconsciously, Li Mao was led into the Zhao Guogong Mansion and came to the side hall.

Along the way, I also knew that it was Zhao Guogong's most valued son who invited me today, the eldest grandson Chong.

As soon as he entered the door, Li Mao saluted the people in the hall and saluted: "Xiao Guogong"

The eldest grandson Chong looked at this person, but his face was elegant and indifferent and there was no flattery, and his gestures were like flowing water.

He was very satisfied, nodded secretly, and hurriedly ordered his subordinates to watch the tea and let Li Mao sit down.

The eldest grandson Chong looked at

Li Mao and took the lead in speaking: "Brother Li has been very famous in Chang'an City recently!"

Li Mao heard this, but there was no expression on his face, and he said very indifferently:

"The world is chasing body and fame, but how do you know that they are all ethereal things. If the contemptible people are not here, what is the world like?" The

eldest grandson Chong heard this Li Mao's different opinions, and suddenly his eyes lit up, this is really the person he is looking for, such a person with such a noble heart, how can he be compared to ordinary ordinary people?

Thinking that he was still a little suspicious of this Li Mao before, he let people investigate, and the news was that this Li Mao's family was poor, and he had a cold window for ten years.

Now looking at this Li Mao's state, I also understand that such a high-minded and clean person, ignoring things outside his body, is no wonder he will live in a humble room.

Thinking of this, Changsun Chong admired this Li Mao even more, and hurriedly praised him: "Brother Li is noble

!" Li Mao waved his hand

and said: "The small country is falsely praised, and the contemptible people dare not be ashamed!"

Such a modest and polite, deep Changsun Chong's joy

, thinking of the purpose of this time, he said directly: "Brother Li, I

can't hide it, I invited Brother Li to come this time, because I want Brother Li to help."

When Li Mao heard this, he was overjoyed, it seems that such an official eunuch family really likes talents, but fortunately he has done some homework in advance.

In the face of Changsun Chong's words, he was also able to respond fluently, and now he took the initiative to help himself, it seems that this line of the Zhao Guogong Mansion is involved.

Then he said very frankly: "Since the contemptible person has won the favor of the small prince, it is also the honor of the contemptible man, but the little prince please command." Immediately

, Changsun Chong explained the matter of Dou Shi on Li Mao's side, and he could hear the matter.

Li Mao also knew that it was just an ordinary wine fighting poetry meeting, so he nodded, and said loudly:

"Xiao Guogong and rest assured, on the day of the banquet, the contemptible people will go

to the banquet!" At this point, this eldest grandson Wuji finally arranged his own side, and immediately sent someone to deliver an invitation to Lin Chen, inviting Lin Chen to the banquet poetry ......

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