The eldest grandson sent someone to send the invitation out, but there was no bottom in his heart, and he didn't know if Lin Chen would come to participate in this poetry meeting.

This ring has been set up, and the protagonist will not be able to appear on the stage.

But if this Lin Chen really didn't accept his invitation, he really didn't have a clue.

Thinking of this, he fell into deep thought again......


Chang'an City Drunken Immortal Residence

"Husband...... It's all to blame Liqing, I shouldn't have worn that dress yesterday, and I lost the poem written by my husband if I didn't pay attention, I'm really stupid!" Li Lizhi

frowned at this time, with a dull look on her face.

After the two came back yesterday, they rolled over on the bed for a while, and then she was too tired, so she fell asleep directly.

As soon as she woke up today, she wanted to see the poems Lin Chen wrote for her again, but she couldn't find them in the house when she looked through them. Guess it must have fallen somewhere.

I suddenly felt distressed in my heart.

Lin Chen looked at Li Lizhen's self-reproachful look, couldn't help but reach out and pinch her delicate face, and said with a smile:

"Don't blame yourself, lady, you see that these eyebrows are going to be connected, this is a one-eyebrow

Taoist!" Li Lizhi heard Lin Chen say something about Yimei Taoist, so she naturally understood it, and when she heard him say this, she immediately laughed angrily.

"Hmph! The husband is laughing at the slave family again!Ignore you!" Seeing

Li Lizhi pouting angrily, very cute, he couldn't help laughing, and said softly:

"It's good if the lady laughs!

Lin Chen saw that Li Lizhi was very concerned about this matter, so he said: "Isn't it just a poem, wait! Husband will write you another one

!" Hearing this, Li Lizhen's eyes lit up instantly, the haze on her face was swept away, and she said aloud with a smile:

"The slave family prepares pen, ink, paper, and inkstone for husband!"

Lin Chen raised his pen, and after a burst of dragon flying and phoenix dancing on the paved rice paper, a poem jumped on the paper.

Li Lizhi immediately picked up the poem, gently blew the ink on it that had not yet dried, lightly pursed her red lips, and said softly:

"Sauvignon Blanc, Sauvignon Blanc." If you ask how long it is lovesick, unless you meet. Sauvignon Blanc, Sauvignon Blanc. If you want to say who the lovesickness looks like, the shallow lover doesn't know.


this time, Li Lizhi had a sweet look on her face, looking at the affection in the poem, she looked at Lin Chen with tenderness, and said with a slightly red cheek

: "Husband, the slave family is ......

happy" Lin Chen was full of smiles, looking at Li Lizhi's happy face, and couldn't help but say in his heart: "This ancient people's flirting methods are really superb, and the effect can be achieved in a few words."

He looked at Li Liqing, who was full of tenderness

, and said with a smile: "If the lady looks at it like this, I'm afraid that the husband is really going to fight until dark!"

Hearing that Lin Chen was so unorthodox, Li Lizhen's face turned red, raised her small fist, gently hammered Lin Chen's solid chest, and said with slight disgust:

"The husband is looking for happiness in the slave house again......

". Seeing that his wife blushed so easily, he couldn't help but reach out and take Li Lizhi into his arms, and laughed loudly.

Today's restaurant is about to get on the right track, and after simply dealing with some affairs, I am planning to take a look around the restaurant to see if there are any improvements.

As soon as I arrived in the hall, I heard all the diners talking:

"I've heard about it recently! A love poem has become popular all over Chang'an City!"

"How can I not hear about it?" Now even three-year-old children and women in the boudoir are singing. This is a work that has never been done before, and such an artistic conception is really fascinating!"

"No, especially these two sentences, if the two feelings are long, how can they be in the morning and twilight...... This is simply amazing!"


" Lin Chen was overjoyed when he heard the poems that the diners were talking about, and he couldn't help but think:

"This Queqiao Immortal is written by Qin Guan, a master of Northern Song Dynasty literature. This is a representative poem of the Qixi Festival, which has been sung by countless people for thousands of years, and it is natural that three or two lines of the poem are so respected in Chang'an City!"

Thinking of this, Lin Chen's expression was also quite proud.

At this time, someone said:

"The person who can write such poems must be another rookie in the literary world! I really want to pay a

visit!" "Haha, you also have to be on the top of the line! Now Li Langjun has no time

!" "That is, there are so many people in Chang'an City who want to visit Li Langjun, I heard that the Zhao Guogong Mansion also invited Li Langjun! I must value Li Langjun's talent very much!"

If Li Langjun becomes a staff member of the Zhao State Mansion, I am afraid that he will be prosperous in the future!"

"That is, Li Langjun can write such a poem, when he is a talented person, it is not a problem to be an official

......" "......"

Hearing this, Lin Chen was instantly stunned, what

? This poem is obviously a poem by Qin Guan written by himself, how did it become a poem written by Li Langjun?

Thinking of this

, Lin Chen looked at the people who had just discussed in disbelief, and asked, "May I ask who Li Langjun you are talking about?" I saw that the people who were talking about it just now looked at Lin Chen with a look of surprise, and couldn't help muttering in their hearts

: "This person actually doesn't know Li Langjun's name?!"

Seeing the strange looks on everyone's faces, Lin Chen hurriedly explained:


Oh, that's the case, I just came here, and I don't know much about it......

" Hearing Lin Chen's explanation, everyone looked clear, and then opened their mouths to explain:

"It's Li Mao Li Langjun, that is, the person who wrote this masterpiece!"

After listening to everyone's explanation, Lin Chen said thank you with a hint of contemplation on his face, and immediately arranged for people to investigate Li Mao.

It didn't take long for the news to come back.

This Li Mao is now a celebrity in Chang'an City, no one does not know him, so it is naturally convenient to investigate.

At this time, Lin Chen was holding Li Mao's information in his hand, looking at this person who tried to enter the various mansions several times but failed to pass the assessment, this person did not have a master or anything like that, and it was impossible for Qin Guan of Queqiao Immortal to have anything to do with it.

Seeing this, Lin Chen thought of the loss of the lyrics, and instantly understood.

frowned, patted his thigh and said, "Okay, I was actually faked by this kid!"


Just when Lin Chen was thinking about how to clean up the Li cat, he suddenly received an invitation from the eldest grandson Chong, looking at the text fighting book on the invitation, he couldn't help but secretly said:

"I'm afraid that this kid was slapped stupidly by himself, and he still wants to take revenge on himself?"

Lin Chen smiled and threw the invitation on the table, sneering, but he was a clown, and he really thought he was a root vegetable?!

At this time, his eyes swept away, but he suddenly noticed the helper on the invitation, and was stunned for a moment

: "Li Mao?"

"It's actually him?!"

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't help but secretly say in his heart:

"Interesting...... No wonder this kid is so confident, it turns out that he has found such

a helper!" "It's just that this helper ......

" Thinking of this, Lin Chen's expression couldn't help but become strange, and then he slapped the table and said with a smile:

"The two jumping clowns just cleaned up together!"

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