The eldest grandson was stunned, looking at the strange scene in the restaurant with an incredible face.

At this time, there happened to be a drunken immortal house next to him, and when the little guy heard that Changsun Chong was so puzzled, he grinned and said

: "Grandpa Xiaoguo, you missed a big show when you weren't in the restaurant just now!"

Hearing this, Changsun Chong couldn't help but roll his eyes, and couldn't help but secretly say in his heart: "Isn't

this nonsense!"

If it weren't for your shopkeeper indiscriminately throwing me out, would I have missed it?"

I heard the little guy continue at this time:

"You didn't see it just now, our shopkeeper made a poem in seven steps, that kind of style, that kind of momentum, it really deserves to be our shopkeeper! Although the little one doesn't understand the verses, but the poems of my shopkeeper have made everyone present applaud, and some people have appreciated it word by word for a long time, and my shopkeeper is really unusual!".

"This Li Mao, also said that everyone in the literary world, it is simply ridiculous, just after the beginning of the poem, he directly knelt down for our shopkeeper, saying that the poems made on the begging festival were pretended to be by the shopkeeper of my family!

After hearing the reason for the incident, Changsun Chong's eyes widened, and he muttered with disbelief

on his face: "How is this possible?!How is this possible?

!" Unexpectedly, this little guy added another sentence at this time:

"Such a pretending person, I didn't expect that he would dare to fight with my shopkeeper, isn't this looking for abuse!"

Hearing this, Changsun Chong's face was shocked, and his heart was even more confused.

How could this be?

This Li Mao, whom he invited, has made a masterpiece that has been sung by men, women, and children all over Chang'an City!

How did the owner of

this poem become Lin Chen in an instant?! This poem was written

by Lin Chen?! Thinking of this, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Chen, who looked at him with such a proud face, and saw that everyone respected him so much, and at this time he only felt that his heart was swollen violently.

And at this time, the little guy in the restaurant next to him didn't forget to say sarcastically:

"The good helper that the grandfather of the small country is looking for, this helper actually brought the poems of my shopkeeper to find abuse, I'm afraid that he has a brain disease, right?!"

At this time, Changsun Chong also understood why this Lin Chen would accept the invitation ...... so confidently

He already knew who this Li Mao was

from the beginning? He had long known that this Li Mao was pretending to be his poem!

Deliberately withholding it was just for today? Thinking

of the strategy he used, he could make this Lin Chen lose face in front of everyone, but he didn't expect that he would be tricked by Lin Chen. He also took the initiative to send this impostor to the door.

Recalling what he had done, Changsun Chong finally couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of old blood, his head tilted, and he lost his breath.

"Young master, young master!" The

family on the side immediately panicked and hurriedly carried the person back.

Lin Chen caught a glimpse of the eldest grandson Chong being carried out again, and he didn't care too much.

As for Li Mao, who kept begging for mercy on the side, he didn't even look at it, and directly ordered the little servant:

"Throw this person into the Guozijian and be disposed of by the Guozijian."

Hearing this, Li Mao's brain boomed, and he immediately collapsed to the ground. As if he had been drained of his soul, he even said in his mouth:

"It's over...... Finished...... It's all over......"

His behavior was recorded by the Guozijian, I am afraid that there will be no hope for the imperial examination in the future, let alone any entry.

Lin Chen sneered and said, "Take the blame!"


In the meantime, Lin Chen brushed his clothes away, leaving a back for the diners present.

At this time, no one thinks he is arrogant, but thinks that this is the image that a master should have.

The men submitted greetings to the restaurant one after another, wanting to get to know Lin Chen.

The woman had bright eyes and a shallow smile with longing in her eyes, and they all wanted to marry Lin Chen.

No matter what, after seeing Lin Chen's seven-step poems today, they are all immersed in the poems, and they are even more adored by Lin Chen, who can make such poems.

After I went back, I couldn't forget what I saw today, and I sang the poems written by Lin Chen today.

Under their propaganda, Lin Chen is famous.

Nowadays, in Chang'an City, everyone knows that there is such a talented poet in the drunken immortal residence.

The teahouse tells the story, about how Lin Chen's poetry will shine and how to make the imposter take the initiative to be honest.

The red-sleeved dancer played the piano and whispered, thinking about Lin Chen's talent and ease.


Drunken Immortal Ju

Lin Chen was dealing with the affairs of the restaurant in the room, when Li Lizhi walked in.

"Husband!" Lin

Chen smiled and beckoned, letting Li Lizhi walk in.

As soon as Li Lizhi entered the door, she said with a smile:

"Husband, I went around the street just now, and found that now the streets and alleys are singing her husband's "Yongmei".

Hearing this, Lin Chen was slightly stunned, what does this mean? He is on fire?

In modern times, he is a little transparent, except for his relatives and a few friends, no one else really knows him.

I never thought that I would come to Datang and be so sought after ......

This time he was a little surprised.

It turns out that the ancients also chased stars!

At this time, Li Li continued sourly:

"My husband is now the person that the young ladies in Chang'an City miss in their hearts, and even those sisters who don't sell their bodies in the market have let out the words, if my husband comes in person, they are willing to sell their art and sell their bodies for their husbands."

Looking at her sour appearance, Lin Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, and joked

with a smile: "Lady, this vinegar jar has been overturned?"

Li Lijiao snorted, blinked her eyes, and continued:

"What vinegar jar, why not, what if they miss my husband? They can't get it, but I get it, hum!"

said with a proud face, full of pride.

Seeing her like this, Lin Chen couldn't help but laugh.

Li Lizhi looked at Lin Chen and laughed, then pouted and said

, "Thanks to you, there are more and more people who come to our Drunken Immortal Residence now, and the business is becoming more and more prosperous.

Hearing this, Lin Chen chuckled and said,

"This is the celebrity

effect!" "What celebrity effect?!" Li Lizhi asked with some confusion.

This Lin Chen can pop up some words that Li Lizhen has never heard of every time, but every time Lin Chen will have an explanation, she is almost familiar with it, but she has never heard of this.

Curious, she tilted her head sideways and was puzzled, waiting for Lin Chen to answer him.

Lin Chen shook his head with a smile and didn't answer this question.

On the contrary, he slapped his hand and said directly:

"Open a store, let's find another street, a prosperous place, and open another drunken immortal residence, taking advantage of the heat, it is not too cool to open a branch."

As soon as Li Lizhen heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she hurriedly ran out, leaving a sentence with a smile:

"Husband, I'll go and see where the store is appropriate?"

and Lin Chen couldn't help but smile when he looked at Li Liqin's back as he left in a hurry.

I couldn't help but secretly say in my heart:

"This lady of her own family seems to be very concerned about these business things, and she is a little rich slave!" "

Now I have found fun, and it's good."

Thinking of this, Lin Chen couldn't help but smile and shook his head, lowered his head and began to look through the accounts.

This is the account book of various expenses for the recent construction of the cottage, at this time, Lin Chen looked at the expenditure on the construction of the cottage on the account, frowned slightly, and began to think.

Now that the elite team protecting the village in this cottage has expanded, the leader Li Laosi is also a little powerless......

Lin Chen picked up the map on the table again and looked at it carefully, the defensive topographic map of this cottage was very large.

Now they have reclaimed some more land, and they have expanded the defensive area of the cottage a little.

Lin Chen looked at the map of the cottage and said to himself:

"The guards in these cottages are all dirt buns, and they were able to win Cheng Yanjin and Li Shimin before, all by surprise, and with the help of the cottage.

"But if it is really overwhelmed by the army, people who know the art of war, after discovering it clearly, the cottage will definitely be breached, and it is okay for these mountain people to guard the cottage, but it is still a lot worse for them to really defend and fight."

Thinking of this, Lin Chen scratched his head and sighed:

"I still have to find a good general

...... "......

At this moment, a hurried shout suddenly came from

outside the door: "Village master!" Hearing the iron pillar's eager voice, Lin Chen couldn't help frowning, and said

: "What's the matter?"

At this time, I only heard the iron pillar outside the door reply hurriedly:

"Village master

, someone is unwilling to pay for food! And this person is extremely powerful, and the three or five of us can't get close to him for half a minute." Hearing

this, Lin Chen frowned and said, "Eat the overlord meal?!"

As he said that, he waved his hand and said loudly:

"Let's go!

At this time, I only heard him shouting:

"Wu Xue Rengui, I never thought that I had just entered Chang'an City, and I encountered a black shop!"


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