Lin Chen came to the main hall and happened to hear the person who ate the "overlord meal" reporting to his home.

Immediately stunned, this person said that he was

Xue Rengui? This Xue Rengui is very famous!

The information in his mind also quickly emerged, this Xue Rengui is a native of Xiu Village, Longmen County, Jiangzhou, Hedong Province. A famous general in the early years of the Tang Dynasty, the sixth grandson of Xue Andu, the king of Hedong in the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Xue Rengui was born in the ancestral house of the Xue family in Hedong, and joined the army in the last years of Zhenguan, followed the expedition to Goguryeo, and was promoted by Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Since then, he has fought for decades, defeated the nine surnamed Tiele, surrendered Goguryeo, defeated the Turks, and made outstanding achievements.

He left behind countless feats such as "good policy to settle the war", "three arrows to determine the Tianshan Mountain", "brave to collect Liaodong", "benevolent government of Goryeo", "love the people of Xiangzhou City", "take off the hat and retreat from ten thousand enemies" and so on.

Thinking of the brave Xue Rengui on the information, he looked at the person in front of him again, and couldn't help but be a little suspicious.

The iron pillar on the side, as soon as he came to the hall, immediately pointed at the person who was shouting, and said with a trace of anger on his face:

"The owner of the village, that person is the one who makes trouble!"

Lin Chen looked at the person who claimed to be Xue Rengui, and nodded after hearing the introduction of the iron pillar.

Walking up to the man, he asked with some doubts

: "You said you are

Xue Rengui? Where did you come from?" Xue Rengui looked at a handsome man who suddenly stepped forward to ask himself, looked at it, and replied quite vigilantly:

"If you don't change your name or change your surname, I am Xue Rengui, but I am from Longmen County."

As soon as he heard Xue Rengui's words, Lin Chen's eyes lit up instantly, and he was surprised in his heart, and he couldn't help but secretly say: "That's

right! It's him! He is the Xue Rengui in history

!" "This is an invincible commander!"

This is really a sleepy pillow, it's not too cool.

Thinking that this Xue Rengui is a general, if he is brought under his command......

Lin Chen thought about it, and the light in his eyes was even worse, staring straight at Xue Rengui in front of him, as if he had seen a treasure.

Xue Rengui looked at the person in front of him and looked at him directly, his eyes were not quite right, he frowned slightly

, and asked, "Who are you?"

Lin Chen grinned and said, "The person who accepted you." And

the little guy on the side hurriedly stepped forward and said

, "This is my shopkeeper!" Xue

Rengui's face darkened, he squinted his eyes and looked at Lin Chen again, looking at this person's talent, with a righteous face on his face, but he never thought that he would actually run this kind of black shop!

Hearing this, Lin Chen raised his eyebrows slightly.

Lin Chen smiled on his face, raised his hand and pointed to the door of the Drunken Immortal Residence and said

, "If it is outside the black shop, how can so many people line up to eat?"

Xue Rengui grew up in Longmen County since he was a child, where has he seen these foods, but for a person who practices martial arts, as long as he has food, it doesn't matter what is made of it, how delicious it will be.

He used to be in Longmen's hometown, and he also went to the restaurant all day long, and it was naturally common to drink wine and eat meat.

Now that I came to this Chang'an City, I just walked to the place to eat here and came in and ordered a few dishes. Who would have thought that someone would ask for a price.

Thinking of this, he pointed to the food he had eaten with great annoyance, and said unhappily:

"A meal of meat at my house is only ten yuan, and you actually cost a thousand yuan for this plate, aren't you a black shop?!"

And he ordered six dishes and some drinks, which added up to a lot.

All of these are about to cost tens of thousands of dollars.

Thinking that he came here unfamiliarly, could it be that these people saw that he was a foreigner, and he deliberately wanted to kill a wave!

The more Xue Rengui thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible, and his face became even darker.

Lin Chen heard this Xue Rengui's price comparison, shook his finger with a smile and said

, "This restaurant, the price is clearly marked, Tong Suo is not bullied!"

As he spoke, he pointed directly to the menu on the side, and on the wooden signs hanging in the hall, the dishes and prices were clearly written.

Xue Rengui stared at the direction of the menu, and then remembered that he had just passed by here, and he was indeed very hungry at that time, so he entered this restaurant without thinking too much.

I want to be able to eat a beautiful meal to quench my fatigue and hunger.

So he went directly into the store and sat down, and the little guy in the store immediately came over with the menu, and reminded him that the price of the dishes was slightly expensive, and asked him to look at the price carefully.

But when he smelled the smell of rice here, he couldn't help it for a long time, and hurriedly urged the little guy to serve the food.

I didn't look at the prices on the menu carefully, but I just thought that these dishes, no matter how expensive they were, how expensive could they be? Now that

I think about it, people told me in advance, and I did have some reasons.

But on second thought, even so, the price of this dish is too expensive......

Xue Rengui was a little weak and didn't say a word, and his face was even more tangled.

Lin Chen also understood when he saw this posture, this kid was afraid that he didn't have enough money.

After looking down and thinking about it, he thought about it from his heart, and said directly:

"If you sue the official, you will probably be arrested."

"I'll give you a chance now. "

Beat me, you can leave without paying.

"If you lose, the money for this meal will buy you for about three years. How?"

Xue Rengui lowered his head and thought about it, he originally came to Chang'an City to join the army, and he really betrayed his reason today, if he was sent to see the official, I am afraid that there would not be much hope for joining the army.

He has always sat upright, and since he has eaten others, he must have some expressions. Since this shopkeeper is so bold, he is not a person who twists, and his own strength is not weak

! Thinking of this, he looked at Lin Chen and said directly:


At this time, Xue Rengui opened a posture, and the two looked at each other squarely.

Although Lin Chen knew his ability, he didn't dare to take such a fierce general lightly.

The two arched their hands at each other, and the duel began directly.

I saw Xue Rengui stretch out a punch quite confidently, quickly came to Lin Chen's face, and came directly at Lin Chen's abdomen.

Not to be outdone, Lin Chen immediately dodged, and then immediately turned around with a heavy punch, smashing straight into Xue Rengui's back.

This Xue Rengui was also very good, feeling the direction of Lin Chen's fist, he immediately lowered his waist and dodged.

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, and then punched again the moment he lowered his waist, and came towards Xue Rengui's side waist.

I saw that Xue Rengui reacted sensitively, and he turned sideways in the air, and dodged Lin Chen's punch again.

Lin Chen's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but secretly praise himself in his heart:

"What a brave Xue Rengui!"


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