Xue Rengui beautifully dodged Lin Chen's two quick punches, quickly supported the ground with his hands, and stabilized his body, so he dodged Lin Chen's attack beautifully.

Immediately, I saw him flip, so he straightened up and stared at Lin Chen, who looked very indifferent.

couldn't help frowning slightly, followed by a flick leg, about to kick towards Lin Chen.

Lin Chen looked at Xue Rengui who was attacking, the corners of his mouth hooked, and he didn't dodge, but instead bent his arms in front of him, and went straight to Xue Rengui's leg.


A sound came, and I saw that after Lin Chen was kicked by Xue Rengui, he stood still in place, but Xue Rengui was bounced back by the mutual force of that moment.

After taking a few steps back, his eyes widened at this time, and he looked at Lin Chen incredulously.

He was even more shocked in his heart, he had practiced martial arts for many years, and no one could be his opponent so far.

Not to mention being able to block his kick.

What is the origin of this person?

Although his mind was full of thoughts, the movements on his body did not stop, and if he missed the blow, Xue Rengui's second blow came in an instant.

At this time, Lin Chen smiled at the corner of his mouth, raised his arm, made a false move, and came directly towards Xue Rengui's front door.

That Xue Rengui had just reacted at this time, and immediately turned back, but Lin Chen's quick punch had already come to Xue Rengui's eyes.

At this time, there is no way to avoid it!

Lin Chen's punch stopped at the tip

of Xue Rengui's nose, and the corners of his mouth hooked and laughed: "You lost

!" At this time, Xue Rengui's face was straight, his hands were clenched into fists, he bowed and bowed, and said with confidence:

"Subordinates, but sent by adults!"

Lin Chen grinned, looking at Xue Rengui's respectful and surrendering appearance, his heart was so refreshed.

Now the cottage finally has a leader!


Today's state affairs are a bit cumbersome, and the early dynasty was delayed for nearly half an hour.

By the time the eldest grandson Wuji returned to the mansion, it was almost noon.

As soon as the eldest grandson Wuji entered the mansion gate, he saw the housekeeper waiting anxiously at the door.

As soon as the housekeeper saw the eldest grandson Wuji appear, he immediately stepped forward and said eagerly:

"Master, you are back!" The

eldest grandson Wuji frowned slightly, looking at the housekeeper, the last time the housekeeper was so nervous was when his Chong'er had an accident.

Now the housekeeper was anxious again, and when he thought that today was the day when the eldest grandson Chong and that Lin Chen were fighting poems, a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

Hurriedly asked

, "What happened?"

I saw the housekeeper speak

: "Master, the young master was beaten and is still unconscious, and the doctors of the Tai Hospital are treating

him!" Hearing this, the eldest grandson Wuji couldn't help but exclaim:

"What?!" Then he didn't dare to stay longer, and immediately ran towards the courtyard of the eldest grandson Chong.

As soon as Changsun Wuji ran to the door of Changsun Chong, he saw Doctor Zhang from Tai Hospital treating Changsun Chong at the bedside, and there were Ah Da and others with blue noses and swollen faces standing next to him.

Immediately came to the side of the bed in three steps and two steps, looked at the bruise on the face of the eldest grandson, closed his eyes tightly, as if he had no breath.

Immediately nervously asked

, "Doctor Zhang, what is the child...... How's it going?"

Doctor Zhang sighed heavily when he heard this, and shook his head lightly, with a helpless expression.

Seeing that Eldest Sun Chong's face was getting more and more ugly, Eldest Sun Wuji couldn't care so much, and immediately pulled Doctor Zhang and begged:

"Please Doctor Zhang must save my son!" "

Xia Guan will definitely do his best, but whether your son can survive this encounter depends on his own creation." As he spoke, Doctor Zhang continued to administer the needle.

At this time, the eldest grandson Wuji seemed to have been suddenly drained of his strength, and retreated back again and again.

This doctor's words have already issued a critical illness notice.

In his heart, he was even more annoyed, this is his most beloved son, and he is also the person who will inherit the title in the future, and he has become like this today!

Thinking of this, he immediately came to the front of Ah Da and asked in a deep voice

, "What is going on?"

Then Ah Da did not dare to hide it, and immediately opened his mouth to tell today's events one by one.

Hearing this, the eldest grandson Wuji gritted his teeth and made a "gege" sound, his eyes flashed with an uncontrollable anger, his gray beard trembled, and his whole body trembled.

Raising his arm, he slapped Ah Da in the face, and shouted angrily:

"Let you protect the young master, the young master was beaten like this, you are fine!"

At the mention of this Lin Chen, the eldest grandson Wuji was even more angry in his heart.

His own son has become like

this, this Lin Chen is too ruthless! Although his own son is also at fault, but it is not so wrong

! Is it tolerable or unbearable!

Thinking of this, he immediately raised his feet and prepared to go out to find Lin Chen to seek justice.

But as soon as he arrived at the door, he suddenly thought of the secret guard near the Drunken Immortal Residence, this was the master beside His Majesty, and when he thought that His Majesty was very fond of Lin Chen, he finally sighed.


of this, he did not dare to stay long, and immediately went to the palace.

In the palace, Li Shimin had just finished correcting the excerpts when he heard the arrival of Sun Wuji, the chief of the inner chamberlain.

Li Shimin's eyebrows were slightly cold

, and he waved his hand and said, "Let him come in

!" After a while, I saw the eldest grandson Wuji come to the hall, and after bowing his hand, he also said directly:

"Your Majesty! The dog is fighting with that Lin Chen today, but he never thought that this Lin Chen would beat the dog indiscriminately, and now the dog is already unconscious, and the doctor of the hospital said that the dog is afraid of his life!"

Weichen, I implore Your Majesty to severely punish the murderer and seek justice for the minister!"

He sobbed even more as he spoke, and the look of grievance on his face was even worse, and the listener was even more sad, and the listener was sad.

When Li Shimin heard this, his eyes narrowed, and he was not moved at all, but said with an expressionless face:

"I already know about this matter

, this is the eldest grandson's own fault, and it has nothing to do with others!" Hearing this, the expression on the eldest grandson Wuji's face froze, and the tears in the corners of his eyes were too late to wipe away, and he looked up at Li Shimin incredulously, facing this verdict, how could the eldest grandson Wuji be convinced? This Lin Chen beat his son like this, but now there is nothing to do?

How can this be done?

Then he hurriedly opened his mouth to defend:

"Your Majesty, although the dog is at fault first, but it is not so sinful

!" "This Lin Chen shouldn't have done it so hard, this is simply asking for the dog's life

!" "Please Your Majesty Mingjian!"


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