Three days later

, the auction was held as scheduled, and on this day, the dignitaries and nobles of Chang'an City came to cheer one after another.

Now in this Chang'an City, being able to come to this drunken immortal residence for a meal is already a symbol of status.

After all, the dishes here are not cheap! and the dishes in this Drunken Immortal Residence are even more rare, not to mention the unforgettable taste.

And this Lin Chen is the shopkeeper of the Drunken Immortal Residence, or the person who invented all kinds of dishes, and more importantly, this is the most popular in Chang'an City today;

There are many "fans" of such characters in Chang'an City. The big guy had already arrived at the door of this drunken immortal residence early in the morning, and there was a long queue.

At first, everyone was not familiar with this auction, but after three days of understanding, they all knew what this auction was about.

So today, I want to see what Lin Chen will come up with at the auction.

The auction has viewing seats and bidding areas, and in order to make the advertising effect of this auction better, Lin Chen deliberately divided the audience into internal and external seats.

The so-called inner seat is the wing room on the second floor of this drunken immortal residence.

And this outside seat is the people on the long street, Lin Chen deliberately opened all the doors and windows of this drunken immortal residence, so that the people on the long street can witness today's auction with their own eyes.

After all, after the large-scale production of these glass products in the future, it will definitely enter the homes of ordinary people, and now this name is also beaten out, and it will naturally be much more convenient to sell it at that time.

When the time came, Lin Chen walked out of the backstage and stood on the auction table that had been prepared for a long time.

Someone in the audience immediately began to wave their hands and cheered

: "It's Shopkeeper Lin!" "Lin Langjun, Lin Langjun!"

Lin Chen nodded with a light smile, and then said loudly:

"Thank you for coming here today to participate in my Lin someone's

auction." I announce that today's auction has officially begun!" As

Lin Chen finished speaking, the audience immediately burst into cheers and applause.

In the blink of an eye, a man walked out with a tray covered with a red cloth.

Everyone immediately turned their eyes to the red cloth, with a look of curiosity.

The man came to the stage and began to introduce

, "Hello everyone! I am the presiding officer of today's auction, Feng Zhuang. First, let's auction the first item. As

he spoke, he lifted the red cloth from the tray.


Oh my God

! What is

this!? It's so crystal clear!?

And Li Shimin and the eldest grandson Wujian in the private room on the second floor were also shocked, looking at the object in the tray below, it was extremely translucent, and the shape was exquisite, although it was far away, but this thing looked transparent and crystal clear at a glance.

It's like raindrops, it's like dewdrops, it doesn't have any color, but it's lovely.

The host looked at everyone's reactions, and said with a smile

: "This is the first item of the day, it is a glass double delphinium, and the starting price is

10,000 yuan!" As soon as the quotation was offered, someone immediately followed:

"20,000 yuan!" "50,000 yuan!" "55,000 yuan!" and "100,000


". As the price of the lot got higher and higher, Li Shimin on the second floor was about to suffocate with excitement.

secretly said in his heart:

"This fucking has his own thirty percent!"

Seeing that the treasure on the tray was so exquisite, he couldn't wait to bid for it.

And the eldest grandson Wujian on the side widened his beautiful eyes, and exclaimed again and again:

"The price is already so high?!"

The auction in the hall is continuing.

"200,000 yuan

", "......",

"250,000 yuan!" After the host Feng Zhuang saw that the price of 250,000 yuan was quoted, no one quoted again, so he said:

"250,000 yuan once!" "250,000 yuan twice!" "250,000 yuan three




Li Shimin and the eldest grandson Wujian in the wing room glanced at each other, and their eyes were full of incredulity.

In such a short period of time, 250,000 yuan has already been credited to the account, which is simply a huge profit!

Especially Li Shimin, there is a surprise in his eyes.

I've heard Lin Chen say before that he plans to open a shop again, but now it seems that I'm afraid this glass is it.

Seeing such a glass and such a popular one, his heart was even more excited, after all, he had a thirty percent bonus

! If he opened a glass shop, at such a rate, this would be a lot of money!

But when he thought that this glass was indeed a treasure, as an emperor, he had never seen such a transparent and impurity-free thing.

If you don't sit in this box, you really want to go down and take a picture, and you must get one back to have a good time.

As the first wave of lots ended, most of the people warmed up, and then the second one was also brought out, a set of glass teacups.

After the same initial quotation, everyone began to bid frantically, and they were bound to get their hands on this set of glass teacups.

In the end, it was sold for 800,000 dollars.


In this auction, a total of 10 pieces of glass products were auctioned, and each one was sold at a sky-high price.

And this glass can be regarded as "becoming famous in a fight", and it has completely made a name for itself in Chang'an City.

When the auction ended, when Li Shimin and the eldest grandson Wujian walked out of the Drunken Immortal Residence, the shock on their faces was still not reduced in the slightest.

After returning to the palace, the scenes of the auction still came to mind.

Especially the crystal clear glass, the more I think about it, the more itchy it becomes.

couldn't help but take an attendant in the afternoon, secretly ran out of the palace, came to the Drunken Immortal Residence, and when he saw Lin Chen, he immediately asked happily

: "Is there any more glass baby?"

Lin Chen nodded without thinking

: "And!"

As soon as Li Shimin heard this, his face was overjoyed, and he said with some confusion:

"That...... Can you give me one?"

Hearing this, Lin Chen looked at Li Shimin's expectant look, and remembered that the glass in his cottage was nowhere to be stacked, and it was not worth much anyway, so he nodded and said

, "Of course you can!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and the person behind him immediately took the order, and after a while, he brought a few glass ornaments and handed them to Li Shimin.

Li Shimin immediately took it, took it in his hand in surprise, and exclaimed again and again:

"It's just ingenious

!" "I'm afraid this kind of treasure is not easy to come by!"

Thinking of today's auction, this glass product was auctioned at a sky-high price, and he didn't dare to ask Lin Chen just now, originally thinking that such a beautiful treasure, Lin Chen could give him a rare one.

What he didn't expect was that this Lin Chen actually took out four or five pieces for him! This is worth a lot of money!

Thinking of this, he felt a little unhappy in his heart.

After accepting these glass ornaments, Li Shimin waved his hand and said quite arrogantly:

"There are a lot of treasures in my warehouse, you can go and pick a few things you like, and if you like them, take them directly!"

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