As soon as he heard Li Shimin's words, Lin Chen shook his head again and again, waved his hand and said

, "No, no, Uncle Yue doesn't have to be so polite." "

What is this glass, he Lin Chen couldn't be clearer, it's worthless, there are too many in the cottage, and there is almost no place to put it.

After the store is renovated in the past two days, the glass will naturally sell well, and it will definitely become popular at that time.

Now I have given some to Li Shimin, which makes him happy and happy, and he is a son-in-law after all, so he still has to be generous here.

Originally, he was not prepared to ask for anything in return, but now Li Shimin wanted to let himself enter his treasury to choose.

This Lin Chen naturally refused, and couldn't help but think about it, what is there to see in this royal treasury, it is better to go back and sleep comfortably with his daughter-in-law in his arms.

When I mentioned sleeping, I remembered that I stayed up all night yesterday to sort out the process of opening and selling glass shops. I woke up early in the morning today, and I haven't slept much, and now I'm really a little sleepy.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said

: "This is not worth much, my father-in-law just takes it!" Li

Shimin looked at Lin Chen and refused, and couldn't help but nod and praise secretly:

"It's worthless?! He remembered the glass at the auction before, but it was sold for a sky-high price! Lin Chen, this kid, is really humble, he thought that this person was a person who was careful and greedy for small profits, but now it seems that he misunderstood him before.

"There are a lot of treasures in my treasury, and every time I give them to others, they are all joyful thanks.

"And Lin Chen was able to keep his heart in the face of these treasures, and he was not moved at all, he was really a person of good character!"

But when he thought about it, he suddenly felt even more embarrassed, he Li Shimin was useless, if he really accepted it for no reason, wouldn't he become a person who greedy for small profits

? No, since he was planning to give it to Lin Chen, he naturally wanted to give it away! Otherwise, wouldn't it be very faceless?

Thinking of this, Li Shimin's eyes widened, looked at Lin Chen, and deliberately pretended to be angry and said:

"What do you say! If you want to see it, you can see it, why are you still twisting and pinching! If you have a fancy to it, just take it! Can't the treasure in my private library still enter your eyes?!"

That posture, that posture, that generous expression ......

Lin Chen couldn't excuse himself at this time, and thought

, "Okay, since his father-in-law is so generous, then he will symbolically take a little." After

thinking about it, he sighed and said helplessly

: "Since it is given by the elders, it is impossible to resign, and the little son-in-law will be disrespectful

!" Seeing that Lin Chen agreed, Li Shimin's face showed a smile, patted Lin Chen's shoulder quite happily, and said with great satisfaction:

"That's right!"

And he waved his big hand and said very broadly

: "Let's go, go to the treasury with me!" Seeing

Li Shimin take the lead in front of him with great boldness, Lin Chen was slightly stunned:

"Is this the confidence of a rich man?"

and then followed.

The two of them headed towards the palace.

Riding in a carriage, I came to the inner palace in a short time.

Next to the Lizheng Hall of the Inner Palace, Li Shimin specially built a warehouse to store his private collections.

Lin Chen, under the leadership of Li Shimin, came all the way to the door of the treasury next to the Lizheng Palace.

There were two teams of forbidden soldiers guarding the door of the

treasury, and as soon as they saw Li Shimin, they immediately saluted and said loudly: "Your Majesty!"

Li Shimin nodded, signaling them to be exempt, and he turned his head to look at Lin Chen, and said proudly:

"This is my treasury, let's go, go in and have a look."

A group of Praetorian Guards secretly glanced at Lin Chen beside Li Shimin, and hurriedly took their gaze back.

But in their hearts, they were extremely curious, who was this person

, and how could His Majesty personally lead him here?

Everyone did not know their identities for a while, and they did not dare to salute indiscriminately, but they only stood there with their eyes and noses.

And Lin Chen followed Li Shimin all the way into the warehouse.

Li Shimin looked at his treasury and said proudly:

"I have been fighting in all directions for so many years, and when I ascended the throne, I also obtained a lot of strange treasures. As

he spoke, he pointed to the Forbidden Army Armor at the door.

Lin Chen nodded, and then walked in.

As the chamberlain lit the candle inside, the light immediately illuminated the entire storeroom, and the various treasures inside also came into view.

Lin Chen saw that in this large warehouse, all kinds of priceless, colorful and dazzling jewelry ornaments looked shining under the candlelight.

There are also some famous calligraphy paintings, and there are even many weapons that reflect the cold light, etc., all kinds of treasures.

Lin Chen couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise as he looked at the various treasures in this warehouse.

This is clearly a big fucking museum!

Li Shimin couldn't help but squint his eyes when he saw Lin Chen's surprise like this, and a smile appeared on his face.

This kid ......

Hey, hey,

I finally had a chance to stop him.

Seeing Lin Chen's expression, Li Shimin was proud, this is all the treasures he has collected from all kinds of little by little, how can he compare the beauty of that glass! You Lin Chen

has a lot of good things in your hands, and there are also a lot of things in my private vault!

Thinking of this, Li Shimin couldn't help but tilt his head higher, he waved his big hand, and said confidently:

"You kid, just take a look!"

After speaking, he led Lin Chen and introduced them one by one from the door.

"Look! This is the glazed bottle I got in the 11th year of the Great Cause, in the battle of Yanmen Pass

...... "And this, this is the sword ...... obtained from Xue Ju in the Battle of Shallow Water Plain" "And this

! This is amazing! This is the calligraphy and painting that I recovered and lost from the hands of Song King Kong and Liu Wuzhou, and there is Zhang Zhi's calligraphy of the Han and Wei dynasties, "August Post"! This is the only one in the world!".


Lin Chen looked at Li Shimin with a smug expression, and his eyebrows fluttered to introduce him to the name and origin of the treasure in this warehouse, and with Li Shimin's introduction, he was even more stunned.

Xin said:

"This Li Shimin has become the docent of the museum."

"But there are a lot of good things here!" Lin

Chen followed behind Li Shimin, listening to the introduction, he looked at the various treasures one by one

In the end, Lin Chen's eyes froze on a spear not far away......

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