Li Shimin was in front, introducing the treasures in his vault with great interest, as if he felt that Lin Chen had not followed, and hurriedly turned around.

But seeing Lin Chen's gaze staring at one place tightly, following Lin Chen's gaze, he saw that it was a golden spear, so he smiled and introduced:

"This thing is the overlord spear, the thing of Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu.

"This gun is made of stainless steel and gold, and the end is shining with gold and domineering. The gun is three feet and seven inches long, weighs nine hundred and eighty-one pounds, the gun is sharp, and it will die when it is pointed, and the gun body is huge, and it will die when it is swept away. "

Legend has it that when Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, was young, he couldn't learn books, and he couldn't learn swords, but when Xiang Liang was angry, Xiang Yu said: Books are enough to remember names and surnames. The sword is one enemy, not enough to learn, and to learn ten thousand enemies. So Xiang Liang taught the art of war, and because of his divine power, he made this overlord gun. "

I also got it by chance back then, and I wanted to use it in my hands, but I really have the strength to ......"

Before he finished speaking, he saw Lin Chen step forward quickly, stretched out his hand and grabbed the overlord spear in his hand.

The corners of Li Shimin's mouth twitched, his eyes widened in shock, and the words 'lack of strength' on the side of his mouth were swallowed back again.

I was even more surprised:

"This kid ...... How can he have such a lot of strength?!"

"Although I knew that Lin Chen's strength was not weak, I didn't expect it to be so strong. "

This overlord spear, the fierce generals in the three armies are quite rusty, and it is very difficult to carry it, but Lin Chen actually lifted it easily.

Li Shimin was shocked in his heart, this kid's strength is really great!

Lin Chen took the overlord spear and shook it in his hand, and the spear immediately made a whirring sound, bringing out bursts of cold wind.

With a smile on his face, he praised with satisfaction:

"Your Majesty, this thing is good." As

he spoke, he carefully looked at the overlord spear in his hand, remembering that he had awakened the courage of the overlord at the beginning.

Now with this overlord spear, it is really a perfect match! In this way, this force will definitely not be inferior to Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu back then!

He was reluctant to put it down when he held it in his hand, and his face was even more joyful.

Li Shimin saw that Lin Chen liked this overlord spear very much, but he also nodded, and said:

"As the saying goes, a BMW is worthy of a hero, and this thing is also worthy of you Lin Chen! Since you like it, then take it!" Lin Chen

nodded, and held the overlord spear tightly in his hand.

Li Shimin looked at himself and introduced a lot, and Lin Chen also had a general understanding of this treasure house, and he also took a fancy to the Overlord Spear.

Then he looked at Lin Chen and asked

, "Is the selection finished?" "

If the selection is finished, let's go."

Only then did Lin Chen withdraw his gaze from the overlord's spear, looked up at the treasures around

him, and then turned his head and asked, "Your Majesty said before, I can choose at will in this library, and take what I like?"

When Li Shimin heard this, an ominous premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

But he still nodded and said

, "Yes, my words are naturally true!"

Hearing Li Shimin's assurance, the corners of Lin Chen's mouth hooked, and he turned around and continued to look at it with the overlord spear.

Picking up the ornaments, I looked at the jewelry on the side and some famous paintings.

As if he hadn't finished choosing, he didn't forget to sigh while looking at his mouth:

"Your Majesty, there are really a lot of good things in this treasure house, what a lot!"

Looking at all kinds of rare treasures, I can't help but sigh:

"I haven't seen so many treasures since I was a child!" The only thing I've seen is in the museum, but those unearthed cultural relics have been oxidized, and some of them are very old, and they have long lost their luster. I can't see anything dazzling and colorful.

"Now these historical treasures are placed in front of me one by one, and it is still extremely shocking to see it with your own eyes!"

"The good things in this are dazzling, I didn't want to come before, but now after I come...... Well, it's so fragrant!

" "......"

Lin Chen didn't need Li Shimin's guidance at this time, he walked back and forth in the warehouse, looking at the treasures everywhere, and picked up the ......

again and again"Little boy likes these calligraphy, bring some

back!" "The lady likes these paintings, take everything she can back!"

"And what are these...... Ornaments or utensils? I can't tell it! Take it away, take it all away!"


Lin Chen looked at the various treasures in the warehouse, but he took them unceremoniously to himself, completely leaving Li Shimin aside.

At this time, Li Shimin looked at Lin Chen holding the overlord spear in his hand, holding various calligraphy, paintings and rare treasures in the other, although his palm was wide, but his hand was already full, and there were a lot of them in his arms.

The corners of his mouth twitched, his face sank, and he watched the treasures fall into Lin Chen's hands, and his heart was even more uncomfortable like dripping blood.

Suddenly, I felt like I was luring a wolf into the room.

He secretly said in his heart:

"What did you say just now, and let this kid take what he likes?!" Now this kid is sweeping his treasure warehouse like crazy...... At this

time, Lin Chen's arms were already full of treasures, and he had no hands to take it anymore, so he stopped.

Li Shimin saw that Lin Chen stopped, he couldn't help wiping his cold sweat, and exhaled softly:

"Fortunately, this kid can't hold it, fortunately, it's ......" However, I thought that this kid couldn't hold it

anymore, so I just stopped it. Unexpectedly, this was not over, and Lin Chen's next operation made him almost suffocate.

Because he saw Lin Chen beckoning to the armorers outside and said, "Come on, help me!"

Hearing this, the Praetorian Guard armorers looked hesitant one by one, hesitating and not knowing whether to step forward or not.

At this time, Lin Chen saw that these armor soldiers were all standing in place, and then he said:

"Your Majesty has promised before, if I can't hold it, I can let you help me, do you still want to resist the decree?!"

As soon as these Janissary soldiers heard this, they ran fast one by one, and in a blink of an eye, they came to Lin Chen's front and hurriedly took over the things in Lin Chen's hand, except for the overlord spear.

Li Shimin stared at the team of armor soldiers entering the treasury, and after taking the treasure in Lin Chen's hand, he was even more angry, trembling all over......

He watched his treasury being swept away, and his heart was dripping blood

! These are all treasures that he had obtained with great difficulty!

Li Shimin saw that Lin Chen, this kid, had his hands freed, and he was about to change rooms to sweep it.

He finally couldn't help but open his mouth and said

, "Lin Chen, it's getting late, I still have important things to do, why don't you come back later?" Lin Chen

waved his hand, bared his teeth at him and smiled:

"It's okay, Your Majesty, you can do your business, I'll choose slowly in the treasury first."

As he spoke, he picked slowly, raised his hand and pointed to an area, and directly instructed the Praetorian Guard sergeant on the side:

"I want all of these!"

Li Shimin stumbled and almost fell.

I couldn't help but curse in my heart:

"Lin Chen, this guy is shameless!".

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