At this time, Li Lizhi continued:

"Father, the son and the husband left, and I hope that the father and the emperor will help me in secret." As

soon as he heard this, Li Shimin was naturally willing, this Lin Chen's business now has thirty percent of him, and the more prosperous this store is, the more money he makes.

He agreed without hesitation

: "Don't worry, I will send someone to take care of me secretly

!" Hearing this, Li Lizhen hurriedly saluted and said softly

: "Thank you, father!"

Li Shimin nodded, then looked at Lin Chen and frowned and asked:

" The sweet potatoes were going to be planted near the royal estate, and I heard the news that although this method of planting had already reached the hands of the farmers, it was different from the previous grain planting, and they were a little uncertain.

When Lin Chen heard this, he did not hesitate to open his mouth and promise:

"This is easy to do, when it is time to plant, the son-in-law will send the old farmers in the village to help."

Speaking of this, Lin Chen couldn't help boasting in his heart

: "He Lin Chen is a conscientious businessman, since he is doing business, he has to do a good job in after-sales service for others

!" Li Shimin listened to this assurance, then nodded with satisfaction, and said with a smile

: "You kid still has some conscience!"

Lin Chen grinned and suddenly said:

" Uncle Yue, the son-in-law came today to bring you a lot of parting gifts, and now they are all placed in the carriage at the gate of the palace, and the father-in-law will let people bring it in for a while......

" Hearing this, Li Shimin was stunned for a moment, reacted instantly, shook his head again and again, and refused with righteous words:

"You take it back! I don't want it, I don't want it!"

Now that Lin Chen has sent him something again, he must have some plans!

He has just filled the ...... of the warehouse

No! Lin Chen must not be given a chance to take advantage

of it! Lin Chen's gift from this kid is hot

! You can't ask for it! You can't even ask for it if you kill you!

Lin Chen looked at Li Shimin's expression of refusal, and couldn't help but be a little funny, he really wanted to give a gift and that's it, as for the reaction was so fierce? Seeing Li Shimin open his mouth to refuse, Li

Lizhen also hurriedly said:

" Father, this is a gift carefully prepared by the husband, and it has been brought, so the father might as well take a look first and leave it if he likes it, and bring it back if he doesn't like his son. When

Li Shimin heard the words 'carefully prepared', he didn't even want to look at it, the better this Lin Chen's things were, wouldn't he be going to bled again?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glance at the direction of the treasury, and even refused:

"I am busy with state affairs today, so I won't leave you behind." After

that, he didn't look back and went to the Lizheng Palace, his footsteps were windy, as if someone was chasing after him.

Li Lizhi looked at the back of her father who had fled with a puzzled expression, and muttered suspiciously:

"Father, what's wrong?"

Lin Chen on the side smiled and said nothing.

The two then went to the palace of the eldest grandson to say goodbye, and then took people back to the cottage.


In half a day, the group arrived at Qingcheng Mountain.

As soon as I arrived at the bottom of the mountain, I saw two columns of guards dressed in elite armor, standing on both sides of the mountain road, and when I saw Lin Chen's carriage appear, I immediately said in unison:

"Welcome the owner of the village back to the village!"

This shout resounded throughout the mountain forest, and it was even more powerful.

Xue Rengui, who opened the road in front, couldn't help but be surprised.

He was a martial artist, and it was clear at a glance that all of these armorers were good and well-trained.

"In this mountain forest, there are such

well-trained armor soldiers!" Thinking back to the duel he once had with Lin Chen, Lin Chen's skills are also clear, these well-trained armor soldiers are probably from Lin Chen's hands.

Thinking of this, Xue Rengui couldn't help but look back at the direction of the carriage, and his heart was slightly shaken.

When I came to the door of the cottage, I heard the shouts

of the little son from afar: "Brother-in-law!" "Brother-in-law!" Lin Chen and Li Lizhen looked at each other and smiled, the two got out of the carriage together, and the little son ran from a distance, and immediately threw himself into Lin Chen's arms, and said coquettishly:

"Brother-in-law, the little son misses you


Lin Chen waved his hand and hugged the little son with a smile.

Looking at the little son's slightly rounded cheeks, he said with a smile

: "Hahaha, is

the little son fat?" Hearing this, the little son frowned, puffed up his little face and coaxed:

"Who said that! I didn't!"

With an angry look, Lin Chen and Li Lizhen laughed.

Seeing the two laughing, the little son was even more annoyed and twisted his head directly to the side.

Li Lizhi looked at the little son who was still in Lin Chen's arms and didn't want to come down, shook her head a little helplessly, and pretended to be angry:

"Little son, come down quickly! How old are you and let your brother-in-law hug you!?"

Seeing that his sister was angry, the little son quietly stuck out his tongue and hurriedly left Lin Chen's embrace.

Li Lizhi stepped forward and pulled the little son, and the group walked towards the cottage.

Xue Rengui, who was following behind, focused his attention on the wall.

The high walled wall is smooth and does not fall a single thing.

The wall does not have any focus point, and if outsiders want to climb over this wall, even if they are masters, they may be as difficult as climbing to the sky.

When I came to the inside, I found that this seems to be a tight wall, but there is a hole inside, and there are many lookouts inside, and the angle of the lookout is extremely tricky, so it can't be found from the outside.

This lookout can not only observe the situation of the enemy outside the village, but also be able to fire weapons, this walled wall is simply ingenious!

As you go inside, the rows of houses are built very neatly, and along the way, the mountain people in the stockade salute Lin Chen with a very respectful expression.

Seeing this, Xue Rengui's eyes showed a hint of surprise, and at the same time, he was extremely shocked, he had never seen such a well-designed wall.

When he came back to his senses, he looked at Lin Chen who was strolling in front of him, and wondered a little in his heart:

"What kind of person is this Lin Chen?"


After Lin Chen returned to the cottage, he was ready to build the cottage in a big way, after all, selling sweet potatoes, fine salt, and restaurants, this time he made a lot of money.

Although it is said that it is a glass factory, the cost of this glass is low, and it has not cost much money since the establishment of the factory to the present.

And now this glass is about to be shipped, and it won't be long before it will be profitable.

Now with this money, Lin Chen is really wealthy, and with the copycat map, he locked himself in the study.

Start drawing, the development plan of this cottage is coming!


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