Now the fortifications in the cottage still need to be built and improved.

Although the wall of this cottage has been perfected, and the defense organs rewarded by the system are also within the scope of protection

, the cottage must develop and grow, especially since the farmers in the vicinity have also come to defect, the development of this cottage cannot be delayed.

Now on top of the drawings drawn by Lin Chen, the entire cottage has expanded five miles outward, and the original walled wall has become an inner wall.

Outside, a longer fortification was to be erected, and all kinds of hidden arrows were laid inside and outside these fortifications.

There are some newly opened factories and the like in the fortifications, after all, the fine salt business is getting bigger and bigger, and a fine salt factory has long been a little tight, and it has long planned to open a few more, and now it is time to do these together.

In addition, he deliberately separated the factory from his residence.

Four areas have been formed, including the activity and leisure area, the work area, the residential rest area, and the office assembly area.

In these areas, build a variety of houses and supporting things.

After the preliminary drawing of the development plan was completed, Lin Chen looked at the drawings he drew with great satisfaction, and couldn't help but sigh:

"Although our painting level is not very good, but this design is very good!"

After the ink dried, Lin Chen immediately ordered people to go down and start the division of labor to build the cottage.

This is a big project, and even if the mountain people in the village go into battle, it will take several months to complete.


After sending the drawings down, Lin Chen walked all the way to the front of the glass factory.

This glass factory was built at his orders when he was in Chang'an City.

Thanks to Xu San's stomach, there was some ink in his stomach, and after he sent the detailed drawings back, Xu San built them little by little according to them.

Although the first few glass firings were not successful, they were all defective products, or they were not formed, after a little experiment in proportion, practice makes perfect, and finally it was on the road.

Nowadays, the glass products are also extremely beautifully made.

"The owner of the village!" Xu

San was watching the workers ship in front of the glass factory, and when he saw Lin Chen coming, he hurriedly saluted.

Lin Chen nodded lightly and said

, "Have you made the mirror done before?"

Xu San hurriedly replied with a happy look on his face:

"Back to the village master, it's already done!

"The mirror is here

!" Lin Chen took the mirror, looked at it, nodded with satisfaction and praised

, "Very good! You have done a very good job!" Xu

San and the others couldn't help grinning when they heard Lin Chen's praise, with a simple and honest face, being able to hear their village master's praise was much happier than eating honey.

"That's better than the village master's teaching!" Lin

Chen laughed, and then returned to his residence with the mirror.


As soon as he walked to the door of the room, he heard a silver bell-like shout

: "Brother-in-law!" In a blink of an eye, the little son came to Lin Chen, looked at the thing he was holding with a curious face, and at a glance caught a glimpse of the payment on the back, and asked suspiciously:

"Brother-in-law, is this glass?"

She has seen this glass, and the things that come out of the glass factory are all exquisite, and every glass object that comes out of the glass factory will have a payment.

And the inscription on this thing is from the glass factory, but looking at this blue-black thing, it is still so big, not at all like those glass objects before.

For a while, I was interested.

Lin Chen smiled and

said, "It doesn't count, it's made of glass

called a mirror!" The little son looked at this thing and muttered

, "Mirror?"

Lin Chen directly brought the mirror to the house, and said to the little son behind,

"Come in and take a look!"

Li Lizhi in the house had just finished packing up the things she had brought back from Chang'an City when she saw Lin Chen walking in with a very large object.

His eyes widened in surprise and asked,

"Husband, what is this, why is it so big?"

Lin Chen smiled and did not answer, but began to look for a suitable place in the room, and saw at a glance that the position next to the wardrobe was just right, so he placed the object next to the cabinet.

The little boy who jumped in hurriedly explained to his sister

: "Sister, this is the mirror!" Li Lizhi was stunned for a moment

: "Mirror?!"

Lin Chen had already placed the mirror properly between words, and at this time Lin Chen turned around and beckoned to Li Liqing:

"Lady, come and see how this fitting mirror is?"

Only then did Li Lizhi react, when she was in Chang'an City before, Lin Chen once gave her a mirror, which was used for dressing, and the mirror was not small.

Puzzled, she stepped up to the front and looked at a slender figure in the mirror, clearly appearing in front of her.

The man had red lips and white teeth, bright eyes and a nose, and a delicate face.

Isn't this person herself?

The mirror not only clearly reflected her face, but also her clothes and shoes were clearly illuminated!

At this time, she turned her head to look at Lin Chen excitedly and said

, "Husband, this can actually take a clear picture of the clothes on her body

!" Looking at Li Liqing, who was delighted, Lin Chen replied with a smile:

"How else can I say that this is a fitting mirror!" This is what is used for dressing and comparison!" Li

Lizhi nodded again and again, and turned around twice in front of the mirror, watching the clothes on her body flutter with the swing.

I couldn't help but chuckle.

Lin Chen smiled and said nothing, it is true that since ancient times, the nature of women has not changed!

The little son on the side watched his sister spinning in front of the mirror like this, and couldn't help but lean forward and said:

"Let me see too, let me see too!"

I saw that the little son immediately squeezed in front of Li Lizhen.

When she saw the figure in the mirror, she couldn't help but open her mouth wide

!, "Who is this person!?"

As she spoke, she saw that the figure in the mirror also opened her mouth.

As soon as the man spoke, the little son was immediately annoyed, stared at the man and raised his hand to point, and said crisply:

"How do you learn me to speak?!"

Then she was surprised to see that the man also raised his hand and pointed at her.

Li Lizhen and Lin Chen looked at the little son's actions quite amusedly, and the two looked at each other, but they were quite consistent and did not open their mouths to explain.

I saw that after the little son tried a few more movements, he stepped forward angrily to have a discussion with the man, but he didn't expect that as soon as he got closer, her head touched something.



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