What's so special about it? .L

However, just when the ministers thought it was over.

Neiwei Director Wang De has opened 0 again!

Everyone's face suddenly lies'

There is still ⊥

What else does he want to do in the championship

This is so crazy, right?

ps: The third update, _ ask for flowers. Tickets.Evaluation ticket, automatic verification" Thank you for your great support 1. (Gong 3 [-]-


Chapter 4 A Love Letter To Princess Changle [6/[-] Please Customize]

As if to confirm the speculation in everyone's heart.

Director Nei Wei continued to speak.

"However, the first champion Hou did not give up!"

"Lead the Beiwei Army, the Tiger and Leopard Riders, the White Pao Army, and the Xuanjia Army to continue their pursuit!"

"Champion Hou led - [-] elite soldiers chased and killed hundreds of miles!"

"Chasing from Youzhou to Dingxiang City, killing countless enemy troops!"

lying trough

Champion Hou, he really went after him 1

Although the ministers already had guesses in their hearts

but L

Guessing is one thing, hearing is another

[-] horses dare to chase after hundreds of thousands of horses?⊥

What kind of raw character is this to do such a thing? L

And they chased for hundreds of miles in a row.

what am i

It's just fucking blown away!

Champion Hou!

The well-deserved Taitang God of War!

Here it is!

It should be over

The nervous and excited hearts of the people in the court were suddenly relieved. "Two thirty zero"

Listening to the battle report about Han Qiu, they felt that their hearts were like riding a roller coaster.

Suddenly up. Suddenly down

ups and downs

Whenever you thought it was impossible, Han Qiu did it!

Whenever you think it's over, it's just the beginning!

If they feel like it's not over, the heart can't take it anymore!


Wang De took another breath and continued to speak!

The courtiers who had been relaxed in their hearts suddenly became nervous again!

I am Nima!

Still there?⊥

It's not over yet?l

Can you take a breather?⊥

What did the champion Hou do again to attack Dingxiang City without the help of siege equipment?⊥

These courtiers no longer dare to think what is impossible⊥

Because there is no impossibility in Han Qiu


also as they thought

Just listen.

"The remnants of the Turkic army fled into the city of Dingxiang..."

"at this time!"

"Champion Hou Yuema held a gun and rushed to the mountain in front of the city gate"

"In the form of an overlord! With a thousand strength! With unparalleled power! Directly - smashed the gate of Dingxiang City with a gun"

The voice of the chief servant suddenly became extremely excited! Extremely excited! Extremely high!

As if reading a miracle one⊥


This is also

is a miracle!

From time immemorial

There has never been an A who can break open the gate of a city with only the ninth of the flesh!

Han Mi directly created a precedent


There will be no L behind


Han Qiu is the heroic soul of Xiang Chen's famous generals such as Huo Qubing, Xiang Qi, Li Cunxiao, Zhao Yun, Yue Fei, etc.

No one will ever surpass him

Only he himself can surpass himself

Hot and boiling!

face red ⊥

Everyone only felt as if their bodies were about to burst with excitement!

I am a turtle⊥

I'm dropping my God!

this is so special 1

this fucking 1

Everyone found that they could no longer find words. To describe? 1

There's no way to describe it in words

One shot smashed open a city gate!

What a spectacular scene?⊥

What kind of divine power is this?"

"Dingxiang City was occupied by the champion Hou. The Turks, Wang Shiluodie, and Xiao Meiniang were all beheaded by the champion Hou in the chaos of the army|"

"Big win!"

With the voice of Wang De, the head of the housekeeper, he fell.

The tense hearts of the ministers slowly loosened⊥

Listening to the battle report of the champion Hou is really testing people's hearts⊥

If you listen too much, you may be scared out of heart disease!

"Oh oh oh! ⊥⊥"

"Champion Hou Shenwei L is really the pillar of my Tang Dynasty"

"It's very, very good! It's like a fairy descended to earth!"

"It's too good to compare the ⊥ [-] coalition forces that they are defeated when they say they are defeated!"

"It's really talking and laughing, the ashes are flying: the smoke is gone!" Yue, the voice almost overturned the top of the Wude Hall.

In this case.Li Er didn't let anyone stop him

Because of this moment.

He is also very excited 1

If not to estimate the majesty of the emperor.He may jump up and jump with excitement just like the Taichen below!

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