Cheers to your heart's content!

Be excited L

Tang Dynasty

It's been suppressed for too long

need a cheer to release s

"Mad! I really envy the big old black L to see such a shocking field and build such an unworldly achievement with the champions,"

While cheering, Cheng Yaojin said enviously.

It's almost like the plasmodesmata are separated 1


Qiu led Yuchigong, Hou Junji Duan Zhixuan, Zhang Liang and others to attack the coalition forces of Turkic and Liang Shidu.

And Li Jing led Qin Qiong Cheng.

Insutana and other generals guard the capital

Therefore, Cheng Yaojin naturally had no chance to see this scene.

Qin Qiongwen Gao, who was beside him, also smiled bitterly, envy tight!

"Your Majesty, the champion is in danger and the battle report L still sent one thing."

"But it's not for His Majesty. It's for Princess Changle."

The soldier in charge of sending the message took out an envelope from his arms and spoke again

When everyone heard the words, they immediately laughed-a smile that all men could understand.

Take care of the hero and be saddened by the beauty pass!

They also heard about Han Mi and Princess Changle.

after all.

When Han Qiu returned from Youzhou for the first time_Princess Changle stared at Han

at this time.

They felt that Han Qiu was like a mortal⊥

There are also seven evils and six desires

prior to.

They felt that Han Qiu was like an electrician.too far from them!

"Haha, since it's for Changle, then go and deliver it to Changle." Li Er smiled.

There was no trace of dissatisfaction on his face, but he was very happy.

He can't wait for Han Qiu to be with Chang Le-

As long as a person like Han Qiu can be jailed, he can only be his eldest princess, and he can only be a flat wife.”


The two of them are in love with each other

I believe Changle will agree.

Li Yingwan, one of the jade generals, heard that Han Qiu had written a letter to Changle, and she suddenly felt infinite bitterness in her heart.

I am afraid!

The marriage contract between myself and him will soon be annulled, right? 1

Thinking of this, her heart suddenly felt like a needle-like tingling.

on this

Is God punishing me?l

Harem, Changle's bedroom.

A noble temperament.. graceful figure.A woman with a beautiful face was standing blankly in front of the window, looking into the distance.

that direction ⊥

It is the direction of Youzhou L

Although her person 5.6 is still _ beautiful and moving, but her figure has lost a circle.

Since Han Qiu left, she has not thought about food for 8 days, worrying about Han Qiu's condition.I miss him day and night

Chang Le's feelings for Han Qiu not only did not fade because of his departure, but became more intense because of his longing!

"Princess! Princess!"

"Champion Hou sent a letter to the

Letter to you from the door! '

Changle's personal maid, Xiao He, held a letter in her hand and shouted to her excitedly

"Quick," get it to me! '

Chang Le, who was still in a daze, was so excited that he couldn't help himself! L couldn't wait to open the envelope.All of a sudden it turned red!

Like a ripe red apple!


where is this letter 21

It's clearly a love letter!

I saw it written on it.

ps: Fourth, ask for flowers.Monthly Pass, Evaluation Ticket, Automatic Subscription L_

Chapter 5 Crazy Ideas!Destroy a country! 【6/[-] for full order and custom】

The beautiful baby has not been seen for a few days, as if every three autumns.

Every day I am here is as hard to sleep as you think. Your figure always comes to my mind.

do you miss me?

Must miss it very much.

Even the tea that I miss, I don't even want to eat.

But no matter how you miss each other, remember to eat well. ,

Don't go to places where flowers are blooming to prevent pollen allergies from causing your air bottom again.

The weather is a little hot, _ remember to cover the quilt at night, so as not to catch a cold.

I hope that when I return triumphantly, I will only see a healthy and beautiful beauty.

It's been a long time since I wrote a poem for you

Jin Wu took this opportunity to write a small poem for you.

The fine cloud is clever, the flying star spreads hatred, and the silver man is dark

When the golden wind and jade dew meet, they become victorious

Countless people.

The tenderness is like water. The good season is like a dream, and I can bear to look after the magpie bridge on the way back.

If the two loves lasted for a long time, how could it be in the tomb of the Chao Dynasty.


Look at Han Qiu's letter.Changle laughed, and the smile was such a happy heart and such a brilliant L,

I feel as if my whole body is floating in the clouds.”

It is so happy!. So warm and loving⊥

"Brother Han Qiu, your missing beauty has been received."

"But Lizhi's thoughts can't be sent to you."

"I only hope that the breeze from the north can blow to you with beautiful thoughts."

"I will definitely eat according to your instructions. On the day of your triumphant return, I will greet you with the most beautiful side!

"Brother Han Qiu, I am waiting for your return in Chang'an!"

Chang Le just held the letter in his hand in front of him, as if it was a rare treasure.

Lingche's eyes were looking at Youzhou, and he muttered to himself, "L, expressing his endless longing for Han Qiu and his lover."

Taitang border.

After receiving the order from Han Mi, Hou Junji quickly led [-] troops to Dingxiang City.

He walked all the way and shocked me all the way

The road is almost made of blood and corpses 1

How many people did the champion beheaded?.L

Wait until he arrives at Dingxiang City.Just saw the empty city gate

Involuntarily swallowed a mouthful of saliva to ease his shock!

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