And just when Wan Kuan's eyes brightened, suddenly another small embroidered shoe appeared in Wan Kuan's line of sight, and Wan Kuan's interest suddenly fell to the bottom.

Inside the huge carriage, Wu Mei'er and Wu Shun'er were sitting together, talking and laughing, very happy.

And Wan Kuan's face seemed to be frozen by ice, and there was no smile at all.

"Wanlang, are you not happy?"

Wu Shun'er asked softly.

"Sister, don't worry about my brother-in-law, he is not happy when he sees my sister!"

Wan Kuan's mouth moved: "Second sister really has self-knowledge!"

"Brother-in-law, you don't know what's wrong!"

Wu Mei'er's small mouth curled up: "If it wasn't for me, my sister wouldn't be able to get out!"

Wu Shun'er nodded: "This time I really relied on Mei'er. If it wasn't for Mei'er's design, the slave family wouldn't be able to come out for several days!"

Wan Kuan squinted his eyes: "According to this, I have to thank the second sister!"

Wu Mei'er waved her hand generously: "Brother-in-law, you're welcome, in the future, brother-in-law will give my sister some pocket money!"

"Ha ha!"

Wan Kuan squeezed out two laughs.

This little queen still hits snakes with a stick, and she is not polite at all.

Seeing that the beauty that was supposed to belong to him was occupied by the little queen, Wan Kuan felt... a burst of anger.

Now Wan Kuan just wants to shout: I hate sister-in-law!

Chapter 116

The carriage hurriedly except... the south gate of Chang'an, along the official road of the south gate, rushing directly towards the Qinling Mountains.

Wu Meier pinched a grape, carefully placed it in her mouth, and then licked her tongue beautifully.

Wan Kuan held a glass of iced wine and squinted as he sipped it.




Wu Mei'er called Wan Kuan three times, but Wan Kuan just... can't look up.


"Shuner, what's the matter"

As soon as Wu Shun'er called Wan Kuan, Wan Kuan immediately leaned in front of Wu Shun'er, so angry that Wu Mei'er was a little furious.

"Brother-in-law, I heard that you boasted in front of Your Majesty that you will use paper to make armor"

"Little girl, it's not bragging, it's the truth!"

Wu Mei'er blinked, looking like a curious baby.

"Brother-in-law, what do you think, do you think it's not good to live?"

"Sister, what are you talking about?"

Wu Shun'er pinched her sister's cheek.

Wan Kuan pouted: "Summer bugs can't be... Yu Bing, Yan Que knows the ambition of Honghu! Talk to you... ignorant people. ,What's the point"

"Brother-in-law, don't you just want to make armor out of paper?"


At this time, Wu Shun'er was a little worried: "Wanlang, this matter is difficult."

"No difficulty, it's easy!"

Wu Meier wrinkled her cute little nose: "Sister, don't listen to brother-in-law's nonsense, brother-in-law is just trying to get angry with the prince."

"How do you know everything, little girl?"

Wan Kuan was shocked.

"It has been spread all over the city of Chang'an, saying that Wan Kuan issued a military order in front of His Majesty and the Crown Prince, using paper as armor.

And the prince gave Wan Kuan a one-month deadline, but Wan Kuan said that it would only take ten days!"

Wan Kuan pouted after hearing this, this Li Chengqian is really a chicken intestine.

Because of what happened last time, I have been holding grudges until now.

The rumor this time is definitely not from Changsun Wuji, Changsun Wuji suffered a loss last time, and this time it will definitely be remembered.

That... Li Chengqian is young and his mind is quite heavy, he really has no pattern.

On the other hand, Wu Shun'er looked worried: "Wan Lang, you have offended the Crown Prince, you have to be careful in the future."

"No problem!"

Wu Meier was a little unhappy when she saw Wan Kuan's indifferent attitude: "Brother-in-law, that's the crown prince, the emperor in the future, don't you hurry up and fawn on it now?"

"What is it that Li Chengqian should be flattering!"

Wan Kuan's words made the little sisters of the Wu family unable to sit still.

The dried fruit in Wu Shun'er's hand fell off, and the grapes in Wu's mouth could not be swallowed.

Wan Kuan looked at these two Qizi and couldn't help shaking his palms in front of them both.

Why are they all turned into puppets? "Brother-in-law, are you joking?"

Wu Meier swallowed.

"No, I never joke!"

"Brother-in-law, are you trying to bring down the prince, brother-in-law, who is behind you, is it King Wei?"

Wan Kuan frowned: "Little girl, don't think about it!"

After finishing speaking, Wan Kuan still imitated Wu Shun'er and pinched the little queen's face.

Baby fat is really comfortable to squeeze.

And Wu Mei'er didn't notice Wan Kuan's movements at all, she just kept asking, "Brother-in-law, which prince's person are you now?"

"Nonsense, brother-in-law, I am not a prince now!"


Wu Mei'er was startled: "Brother-in-law, you don't want to..."

Wan Kuan slapped Wu Meier's forehead at once.

"Little girl, what are you thinking about at such a young age?"

Wu Meier covered her forehead and pouted, "Brother-in-law, why are you hitting me?"

"Brother-in-law beat you up to save you from daydreaming all day!"

Wan Kuan looked at Wu Mei'er, although she was not big now, she already had a concept for the throne.

Wan Kuan's words just now, she actually heard the meaning, it seems that this little girl has the blood of rebellion and emperor in her bones.

Wu Mei'er pouted and hid in her sister's arms.

And Wu Shun'er also calmed down at this time, and asked: "Wan Lang, what do you mean by this? Why do you say that the current prince can't be the emperor?"

Wan Kuan chuckled: "The current crown prince is too small-minded and has no tolerance for others.

I don't think His Majesty will pass the throne to him."

"Wanlang, we can't talk too much about this royal thing!"

"Don't worry, I'm just telling you two.

Anyway...I mean...don't be afraid of that...Li Chengqian, he thought he couldn't be emperor!"

At this time, Wu Mei'er's eyes lit up: "Brother-in-law, then do you think that prince has a chance to ascend to the throne?"

"Why do you have an idea"

Wan Kuan asked with slanted eyes.


Wu Meier shook her head like a rattle: "Sister, I just ask casually."

"Then who do you think is possible?"

Wan Kuan asked back with a smile.

Wu Mei'er tapped her lips and said thoughtfully, "If you want me to say, this throne will definitely be chosen among the sons of Your Majesty and the Empress."

"Then Concubine Yang is the princess of the previous dynasty, his son has no chance at all, Concubine Yin's father has dug your majesty's ancestral grave, so he has no chance.

The other concubines have no status, so they must be the sons of the empress."

Wan Kuan nodded, this little queen's brain is really good.

At a young age, I can already see through these... Twists and turns.

That Wu Mei'er continued at this time, "I want to talk about the sons of Your Majesty and the Empress, the Crown Prince, the King of Wei and the King of Jin.

The King of Jin is too young, except...the prince is...the King of Wei."

Speaking of which, Wu Meier glanced at Wan Kuan.

"Brother-in-law, you are so brilliant! Befriend King Wei earlier, and when the crown prince is deposed and King Wei ascends the throne, then brother-in-law is... a great hero!"

Speaking of which, Wu Meier's eyes are brighter than the sun.

"Brother-in-law, now that King Wei is coming to you every three days, it shows that he has quite a lot of trust in his brother-in-law.

In the future, if King Wei really ascends the throne, brother-in-law, you will be the head of the civil service!"

Wu Mei'er was shaking her sister's body at this time, looking extremely excited.

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