After this is paid off, Wankuan is...under one person, and above ten thousand people.

When her sister married him, wouldn't her family just lean against a big tree to enjoy the shade? Wu Shun'er was trembling from the shaking of her sister, but she didn't think so much.

in spite of....

Wu Shun'er didn't care whether Wan Kuan was a high-ranking official or a duke or a commoner.

At this time, Wan Kuan pinched Wu Mei'er's forehead to prevent her from moving.

"Second sister, what are you thinking about?"

"Of course it was planned ahead of time.

Establish a good relationship with the future emperor first, isn't this a good road?"

"The second sister, have you never thought about being the emperor yourself?"

Chapter 117

There was silence in the carriage, and the little sisters of the Wu family looked at Wan Kuan with burning eyes, and for a while, they all panicked.

"Wanlang, what are you talking about, how can you easily say such words:"

That Wu Shun'er's face was pale, and her whole body was tense together.

And that Wu Meier was not afraid of the sky and the earth, and she was also a little nervous at this time: "Brother-in-law, don't talk nonsense, how can I be the emperor as a woman?"

When Wan Kuan'er heard Wu Mei'er's words, her eyes rolled twice.

"Second sister, you really think so"

"Brother-in-law, what's wrong with you today, why are you talking nonsense?"

Wan Kuan curled his lips after hearing this, lay down on the thick mat of the carriage, and drank the wine again.

Although this Wu Mei'er is not timid now, and has a lot of heart, but she is not bold enough to... want to be an emperor.

It seems that the growth of this person takes time.

Just when Wan Kuan'er was at ease, Wu Mei'er suddenly said: "But brother-in-law, this emperor can't be the emperor. As for the queen, I can think about my sister."

Then Wu Shun'er listened to her sister's words and patted her on the shoulder quickly: "Sister, what are you talking about, how can this queen be so easy to be?"

"If you want to be an empress, you have to be a crown princess first, but now the crown princess must be from a noble family.... Let's Wu family..."

"Sister, you don't need to say, with the power of our Wu family, we can't choose the crown princess at all.

But if you can't be a princess, you may not be a queen, just like my brother-in-law said, this prince may not be an emperor either."

That Wu Shun'er was so frightened that she quickly covered her sister's cherry mouth: "Sister, don't talk nonsense, there are only the three of us here to pay it back. If you talk nonsense like this outside, you will cause trouble for our Wu family."

"I want to cause trouble for our Wu family."

When Wu Meier said this, there was a trace of hatred in her eyes.

After Wan Kuan squinted to see it, he knew that the two sisters had a bad life in the Wu family.

Being too young, being bullied by others, and being a woman, what else can I do? Even the future empress can only swallow her anger at this time.

Fortunately, with Wan Kuan, Wan Kuan can pick them up frequently.

This time, the three of them went to Qinling to stay for a few days, and after Wan Kuan made a great contribution, he directly asked Li Shimin to give him a marriage, so as to save so many twists and turns.

The carriage has been heading south along the official road, and the south of the Guanzhong Plain is... the Qinling Mountains.

The official road began to gradually become rough, and the carriage began to bump.

However, although the carriage was constantly swaying up and down from the outside, the inside of the carriage was fairly stable.

"Brother-in-law, why is your carriage not bumping at all?"

"Because of the springs under the carriage."

"What is a spring"

"It's just... a little toy with elasticity.

"What is elasticity"

"Resilience is... bouncing, like a hydrangea."

"Oh! Brother-in-law, you added a lot of hydrangea under the carriage!"

"What a mess! The spring that will serve as a prisoner is made of high-strength steel."

"What is high elastic steel?"

"High elastic steel is...medium carbon steel, the elastic modulus is good!"

"What is elastic modulus?"

"Modulus of elasticity is... good elasticity, like your sister's face.


"Brother-in-law, so you often touch my sister's face!"

Wan Kuan and Wu Mei'er chatted randomly, while Wu Shun'er sat beside and listened quietly, with a peaceful smile on his face.

Only when she was with Wan Kuan, Wu Shun'er felt genuine joy.

And the mansion of Yingguo in the high gate compound in Chang'an City is just a cage.

The carriage went all the way up the official road to the Qinling Mountains and entered the mountains.

At this time, it was noon, and the bumps of the carriage made people hungry. The little sisters of the Wu family ate a lot of fruit, and now they are also hungry.

Wan Kuan took out a small oiled paper bag from the small drawer at the back of the carriage like a magic trick, opened it gently, and smelled of meat.

"Brother-in-law, I want fried chicken!"

Wu Mei'er cheered happily. Usually at home, Wu Mei'er looked like a little adult, only in front of Wan Kuan, she looked like a child.

Wan Kuan squeezed the chicken leg and held it up high, but Wu Mei'er didn't catch it, and she pouted, pretending to cry.

Wan Kuan directly stuffed the fried chicken leg into Wu Mei'er's mouth, Wu Mei'er immediately smiled.

"Sister, eat less to save greasy!"

Wu Shun'er looked at her sister with frowning eyes.

"Shuner, have some roujiamo, hamburgers, and meat patties!"

Wu Shun'er glanced at it and picked out a Roujiamo that looked good.

Wu Shun'er eats more than her sister Sven, after all, she is a big girl.

And Wu Shun'er just took a bite, and immediately.

Eyes widened.

"Wanlang, you meat..."


Wan Kuan raised his finger and showed a mysterious smile.

"Sister, what's wrong?"

Wu Meier is eating fried chicken, and still: coveting her sister's Roujiamo.

Wan Kuan patted Wu Mei'er's hair bun: "This is a beef bun with beef. The cow retreated and cooked overnight, it's very beautiful!"

"Sister, I want to try it!"

Wu Meier started to act like a spoiled child.

Wu Shun'er put Roujiamo into her sister's mouth, Wu Mei'er took a big bite, and immediately smiled.

"This beef is delicious, brother-in-law, do you have any beef at home?"

"Sister, the court strictly forbids the killing of cattle, how can there be so much beef for you to eat?"

Wan Kuan waved his hand: "Although the imperial court strictly forbids the killing of cows, how can no one care about such a delicious food? There are many people who secretly kill cows in this noble family. Have you ever eaten them?"

The little sisters of the Wu family nodded in unison, poor baby! Wan Kuan shook his head: "It seems that your Wu family is really not favored by His Majesty.

Your Majesty's... love generals, eat beef every day, and no one can impeach them.

There is no backing in the imperial court of Yingguo, and even a trivial matter can be downgraded, so be cautious!"

After Wu Mei'er heard this, she gritted her teeth, and there was a hint of determination in her eyes.

You must get out of this prison.

The carriage swayed and entered the Qinling Mountains.

The mountain road is difficult to walk, so slow down.

When the sun was in the west, the carriage stopped in front of a courtyard hidden in the mountains.

"Get off!"

Little Lai shouted.

Wan Kuan took the lead and jumped out of the carriage.

Then he gently helped Wu Shun'er get out of the car.

That Wu Mei'er was still small, and was hugged directly by Wan Kuan, Wu Mei'er blushed once.

Chapter 118

Qingshan courtyard, Wan Kuan built a set in Qinling early in the morning.

The Qinling Mountains are rich in trees, so it is easy to build a yard.

When the Wu family sisters entered the courtyard, they looked back and forth. It was very novel. That Wu Meier was like a little pink butterfly, flying around.

Wan Kuan greeted Xiao Laizi and brought people to move everything in. This small courtyard is not too big, but it is very comfortable.

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