Cool in summer, but a must.

There is a two-story attic in the yard, which is small and exquisite.

Wan Kuan looked at the Wu family sisters with excitement, and could not help but walk behind them.

"There are two bedrooms in this attic, I don't know how we should allocate them"

Wan Kuan asked deliberately.

Wu Shun'er turned back and smiled shyly: "Wan Lang, don't make trouble, it's naturally the slave family and the younger sister."

"Oh! That's not good!"

Wan Kuan pretended to sigh.


"This Qinling Mountain is extremely yin, especially at night, there are some peach spirits and willow monsters.

These.... Dryads are extremely vicious, and they like yin the most.

If two women get together, the yin will attract these.... tree monsters!"

Wan Kuan's voice was low, with a hoarse feeling.

The Wu family sisters had a creepy feeling when they heard Wan Kuan's words.

Wan Kuan was a little scared when he saw the two of them, and he was overjoyed. It seemed that he didn't care...

What a powerful woman, it is inevitable to be afraid when encountering this strange and chaotic thing.

Wan Kuan hit the railroad while it was hot: "Think about it, those... tree monsters are extremely terrifying.

The hands and feet are all branches, and the bark-like face has two eyes.

As soon as the bark splits, it is... a huge mouth of blood."


Wu Shun'er screamed and rushed into Wan Kuan's arms.

Wan Kuan took the opportunity to put his arms around Wu Shun'er's small waist, this little girl, after eating so much at noon, why is her waist still so thin? Could it be that this is when Wan Kuan's naturally good figure is curling up at the corners of Wan Kuan's mouth and is proud of himself, Wu Mei'er suddenly pulled her sister out of Wan Kuan's arms.

Wan Kuan's hands were empty, a little surprised, and immediately.


I saw Wu Meier's nose red and very pitiful.

"Brother-in-law, I'm scared too!"

Wan Kuan snickered in his heart, but said seriously on his face: "You don't have to be afraid, you are still young, those... tree monsters don't like little girls!"

"But I'm still afraid, or I will sleep with my brother-in-law in a room at night, and let my sister sleep in a room alone"

Wu Meier stood with her eyes open and said softly.


Wan Kuan staggered and almost fell.


Wu Meier covered her mouth at this time and laughed.

"Sister, brother-in-law is scaring you! Brother-in-law just... wants to share the bed with you, sister, you can't be fooled by him!"

After listening to her sister's words, Wu Shun'er gave him a scornful look, and his eyes were full of shyness and naivety! "Wanlang, the body of the slave family will be yours sooner or later.

Now the two of us are still, how can we be more polite?"

Wan Kuan immediately heard it.

Hold Wu Shun'er's hand.

"Shun'er, don't worry, this is a great achievement, let your majesty bestow the marriage!"

"Wanlang, you are so kind to the slave family!"


Wu Mei'er looked at her sister and Wan Kuan who were showing affection everywhere, and she almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Wu Mei'er didn't feel that standing here was so superfluous until now, as if a small mushroom had grown between two big trees.

Naturally, the Wu family sisters sleep together at night, and Wan Kuan sleeps in the other room.

Although there is no shared bed, but the rooms are next to each other, it has already broken through the ethics of men and women in the Tang Dynasty.

In the evening, Wan Kuan asked Xiao Laizi to go to the local village to buy some game, boil a pot at that time, and then take out the sweet wine that he brought, and then have a good rest with the beauty.

However, Xiao Laizi was clumsy and he didn't buy it back at the time of Xu, so Wan Kuan had to have a homely meal with the Wu family sisters.

Silent all night, Wan Kuan listened to the movement in the next room.

But the sound insulation of this room is very good, there is no sound at all.

Wan Kuan didn't believe that these two sisters didn't speak for a night, they must be biting their ears together and saying some personal words between the sisters.

It was only then that Wan Kuan for the first time missed the small hotel with poor soundproofing in later generations.

In a daze, when he woke up, the sun shone into the room, and Wan Kuan got up with a rub.

Beside the faucet in the yard, Wan Kuan brushed his teeth with a willow branch dipped in green salt.

And when the door upstairs rang, Wan Kuan immediately.


I saw Wu Shun'er wearing a goose-yellow gauze skirt, standing flutteringly at the railing.

Wan Kuan looked up from the bottom, what a fairy.

It's just that there is a little girl in pink gauze next to this fairy. If Wu Shun'er is a fairy, then Wu Mei'er is... the little girl next to the fairy.

"Brother-in-law, you're foaming at your mouth!"

Wu Meier shouted.

Wan Kuan pouted, and quickly wiped the white foam off his mouth, so as not to affect his image in Wu Shun'er's heart.

Wan Kuan washed his face with the water from the faucet, and as soon as he dried it, he saw the two sisters standing in front of him.

"Brother-in-law, you just looked like those... warriors in the military camp!"

"You little girl, have you ever seen a warrior?"

"No, but I think those... warriors are supposed to be rude."

Wu Shun'er patted her sister's head, and Wu Mei'er stuck out her pink tongue.

"Waking up early to clean your mouth and face is a ritual."

Wan Kuan smiled disdainfully.

Wu Mei'er rolled her eyes: "My sister doesn't have a clean mouth, that's why she doesn't know etiquette!"

"Shun'er is a fairy, a fairy doesn't need to clean her mouth, she has a sweet smell!"

"Ah! Brother-in-law, how do you know that my sister's mouth is sweet?"

Wu Shun'er was embarrassed by her sister's conversation with Wan Kuan, and ran away quickly.

Wan Kuan stared at Wu Mei'er badly: "Little girl, you talk a lot!"

"Brother-in-law, don't be delusional.

Before I get married, I won't let my sister lose her body to you!"

"You little girl, do you know what it means to lose one's body?"

Wan Kuan was shocked.

Wu Mei'er was stunned for a moment, and scratched her little bun: "It's just... men and women sleep together, this is called losing one's body!"

"Ha ha!"

Wan Kuan patted Wu Mei'er's bun: "Little girl, you don't know enough!"

"Brother-in-law, what do you mean by losing one's body?"

A light flashed in Wu Mei'er's eyes.

"I won't tell you, when you are older, you will naturally know!"

Wan Kuan was triumphant and walked directly towards the dining room.

Wu Meier wrinkled her nose: "Wait again, the old lady at home doesn't say anything, is it so mysterious?"

Seeing that her sister and Wan Kuan were already far away, Wu Meier hurried to catch up, so that Wan Kuan and her sister could not finish eating all the delicious food in the dining room.

Chapter 119

"Wan Kuan is there!"

A majestic voice appeared at the gate of Chang'an Wanfu.

The doorman of Wanfu was trembling, looking at a big man in armor and a face full of needles.

"Master, I don't know which official you are"

"I am Lu Guogong, quickly ask Wan Kuan to come out for me, or I will smash his house today!"

Cheng Yaojin shouted at the doorman.

The concierge stammered and said with a bitter face and two wars.

"Master Guo Gong, my master is not in the mansion!"

"not in"

Cheng Yaojin squinted his eyes: "This Wan Kuan was ordered to make armor. He is not in the mansion, and he will no longer be a prisoner. Where else can he go?"

"Master Guo Gong, my master has gone to Qinling, and won't go back to Chang'an these few days!"

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