"Second sister, otherwise you shouldn't go.

Brother-in-law... Ben, take a good look at it, it will be good for you in the future!"

"Brother-in-law, don't be delusional.

I must be with my sister.

"Shun'er is older than you, what's there to accompany?"

"Brother-in-law, your heart for my sister is Sima Zhao's heart - everyone knows it.

Some words, I don't need my sister to point out!"

"You are a big kid, be careful you will be bitten by a snake in the mountains later!"

"Brother-in-law, I'm not afraid, I brought a brimstone bag!"

"Little girl, you know a lot!"

"Thank you brother-in-law for the compliment!"

Wan Kuan pouted, put the cloth bag on his back and set off.

The Wu family sisters walked behind, while Xiao Laizi stayed at home.

Originally, Wan Kuan meant the two-person world between himself and Wu Shun'er, and by the way, he would pull the little hand or something.

As a result, Wu Meier couldn't get rid of the oil bottle, so it would be very easy to take her with her and avoid the eyes of this little girl when there were so many hills in the mountains.

"One, two, three, four, five,,, go up the mountain to fight tigers.

The tiger didn't hit, it hit a little mouse."

Wan Kuan stepped forward shouting slogans, and the Wu family sisters supported each other and followed.

The road between the mountains is not easy to walk, but fortunately, the three of them are wearing riding boots! After walking through a dense forest, Wan Kuan stopped, took off his water bottle, and spit.

Although it is midsummer, Qinling is still very cool.

There is a lot of wild interest in the mountains, and there are no snakes, insects, rats, ants,,,,,,.

"I'm so thirsty! Brother-in-law, I want some water!"

Wan Kuan threw a bamboo tube into Wu Mei'er's hand, Wu Mei'er took off the stopper and took a sip.

"It's honey water! It's so sweet!"

Wu Meier's eyes were curved.

Wan Kuan wiped his sweat at this time: "I really want to drink a beer!"

"What is beer?"

Wu Meier asked.

"A summer drink, very refreshing after drinking!"

"Really brother-in-law, where can I sell it"

"There's no place to buy it! When my brother-in-law returns to Chang'an, I'll brew a bucket for you!"

"It's so hype, it turns out it's nothing!"

Wan Kuan ignored Wu Mei'er's gossip and walked straight forward.

Go around a hillside, immediately.

Saw a babbling creek.

"The Master said: It's cool!"

Wan Kuan shouted directly, took off his shoes, and went directly into the stream.

And Wu Shun'er carefully squatted by the stream, dipped her handkerchief in the cool stream, and wiped her sweat.

"Mei'er, come, my sister will wipe the sweat for you!"

Wu Mei'er looked at Wan Kuan who was having fun in the water, and felt a little moved in her heart.

I saw Wu Meier sitting on the stone by the stream, then took off her little riding boots, and then took off her socks, revealing two tender white feet.

"Sister, what are you doing, put your shoes on!"

When Wan Kuan heard Wu Shun'er's cry, he turned around and saw Wu Mei'er jumping into the stream with her bare feet.

"Wow! It's so cool!"

Wu Mei'er smiled, leaving Wu Shun'er alone there anxiously.

"Sister, come up quickly, how can you show your feet casually?"

Wu Meier was a little unconvinced after listening to her sister's words.

"Sister, why can't I have slippers?"

"Wanlang is a man!"

"Why is it okay for men, but not for women? Are women's feet not hot?"

"This... woman, showing her own feet would be a disgrace!"

"What kind of woman, the virtues, are all deceitful, it's all those...men who manipulate us women.

If this woman is stronger than the man, then these breaking five rules will be long gone."

Wan Kuan turned to look at the Wu family sisters, this Wu Shun'er would never be able to speak of his own sister.

But what Wu Meier said is also right, think about the women of the later generations, that... It's not that they walk barefoot in the public, but Wu Meier's feet are so white and tender, it is estimated that in later generations, it will arouse the love of many people with special hobbies. !

Chapter 122

Wan Kuan sat on the big rock by the stream, soaked his feet in the water, and blew the mountain breeze leisurely.

And that Wu Meier was also sitting beside Wan Kuan, urging her sister to take off her shoes and socks too.

Wu Shun'er shook her head. She was obedient since she was a child, and she has never been as rebellious as her younger sister.

The last time I showed my calf in front of Wan Kuan was the limit.

"Sister, take it off.

Anyway... your heels and legs brother-in-law has also seen it, what's there to be shy about"

Wu Mei'er's words made her sister very embarrassed, while Wan Kuan smiled slightly.

"Shun'er, come down and cool down together, there is no fourth person here.

Anyway...you will also be my wife in the future, it is not rude to show your feet in front of your husband!"

Wan Kuan's words made Wu Shun'er a little moved, but Wu Mei'er gently pulled her sister onto the rock.

Wu Shun'er lowered her head, shyly, and carefully took off her shoes and socks.

Gently putting her white and tender feet into the water, Wu Shun'er's brows immediately stretched out.

The three people sat side by side by the creek, just like three people who traveled wildly.

"Wan Lang, didn't you come to Qinling this time to make that paper armor? Why are you always traveling in the mountains and water?"

"Shun'er, don't worry, everything is under control!"

Wu Shun'er was still a little worried, but Wu Mei'er said carelessly: "Sister, don't worry about this.

Brother-in-law knows a lot more than you, and he doesn't worry about it, so what have you to worry about?"

Wan Kuan gave a thumbs up and gave a like! "Sister, you are just too restrained.

I was bullied by those two bad guys at home with my mother, if you hadn't stopped me, I would have to make them pay the price!"

Wu Mei'er's little face was bulging with anger, and Wan Kuan's eyes suddenly sharpened.

"Mei'er, the two brothers of the Wu family bullied you!"

"Yeah! Brother-in-law, those two bad guys are always bullying our mother and daughter."

"Mei'er, stop talking!"

Wu Shun'er bit her lip, a little anxious.

"Sister, what are you afraid of? Now that my brother-in-law is here, what are you afraid of?"

At this time, Wan Kuan comforted Wu Shun'er and asked Wu Mei'er, "What are those two bad guys doing?"

"They withhold our money, and we can't even use the charcoal pots in winter.

And they also removed the handymen from our yard, and my mother had to do the laundry by herself."

Wu Shun'er's face was in a panic, and she didn't want her sister to say more, but Wu Mei'er kept talking and babbling.

"They also deliberately prevented the kitchen from bringing us meat dishes, and my father was lying in his hospital bed all day, not knowing anything.

And they also said that they will take my sister..."

"Mei'er, stop talking!"

Wu Shun'er suddenly interrupted her sister's words.

Wan Kuan's eyes turned cold, immediately.

Take Wu in your arms and prevent her from thinking about Wu Meier's words.

"Wanlang, you..."

"Second sister, you go on to say, me!"

Wan Kuan's tone was stern, and Wu Shun'er was extremely anxious.

Since ancient times, the ugliness of the family must not be made public. Anyway, she is going to marry soon, so why bother? That Wu Meier received Wan Kuan's instructions and immediately.

Said: "Brother-in-law, those two villains are going to marry my sister to a noble concubine, saying that they will marry immediately after my father dies!"

Wan Kuan heard this, his face was like frost.

That Wu Shun'er looked at her sister and could only helplessly shook her head.

"Wanlang, don't worry about this.

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